
Chapter 71 - Tsunade's Revenge.

Gamaken could feel the cold grasp of death coming towards him when he felt Tendo standing atop his head. He was still angry about Gamariki's death and he wanted to take revenge for her, but he realized that any movements he made right now would only quicken his death.

Jiraiya was frustrated that Tendo ignored them and went towards the toads but he too knew that not moving rashly was the best idea. That sense of rationality went out of the window immediately when he saw Tendo raise his sword once again over Gamaken's head though. Almost as if she had read his emotions, Tsunade and Katsuyu rushed towards Tendo, with the former flickering off of Katsuyu with incredible speed, arriving in front of Tendo with her fists folded tightly:

"As of today, you are no longer apart of the Senju Clan and this punch will be your farewell gift you damn disgrace!"

Tsunade was extremely angry as she used most of her strength to deliver a powerful punch to Tendo's face, causing a large explosion to occur on impact. A massive crater was formed in the ground after the attack but she didn't stop there. Gamaken, although slightly affected by the explosion, didn't waste any time as he got away from their battle. Tsunade didn't stop there with her punches and neither did Jiraiya sit still. He started attacking from a range with Fire Style: Big Flame Bullet, using it in intervals when Tendo and Tsunade would split up. Gamabunta then used the Toad Oil Bullet Jutsu in conjunction with Jiraiya to increase the potency of the flame, causing its explosive force to skyrocket.

Tsunade already had the first level of her yin seal active as she felt that there was just something wrong when her hands touched Tendo's body every time she punched him. She was getting exasperated too because since Tendo got off of the toad, he hadn't taken one single step in that giant crater. He was just getting punched by her and pelted with Jiraiya's jutsu at the same time but he still managed to be nonchalant in this situation.

Jiraiya: "Tsunade! Get back!"

Jiraiya decided to up the ante of attacks as he started jumping off of Gamabunta with his good hand extended forward. Suddenly a gigantic ball of chakra formed in Jiraiya's hand and he pushed it towards Tendo in hopes of finishing him off. Seeing this, Tsunade jumped back even more as she didn't want to get caught in the explosion that was about to happen. Tendo who was just allowing them to do what they wanted just to test the durability of his new body was in his own thoughts when they were attacking him.

Tendo: 'I wonder if my body can shake off tailed beast bombs at this level. Heh, that would be quite the spectacle. Well, I'll have the chance to test it when I join the Akatsuki as Zetsu should be watching this battle carefully. I should be expecting them to allow me to join the main group very soon. Oh? Is that a Giant Rasengan or whatever they call it? Sigh, I've done enough testing for now. Sage Art: White Rage Technique.'

Tendo quickly flickered out of the crater and appeared in the air behind Jiraiya. He then opened his mouth and expelled a dragon-like entity out of it that carried an orb in it's left front claw. The dragon then started tightly coiling itself around the orb and released a blinding light and a deafening sound that almost rang across the entire mountain. Within the time the two sannin and their summonings were incapacitated, Tendo sliced off Jiraiya's arm that was holding the Rasengan. The pain was so sudden that Jiraiya didn't even have time to scream in pain before he noticed that his good arm disappeared. He thought he could've sensed Tendo using his sage mode but it was like he wasn't there at all as his senses weren't picking up anything. Using the flat side of the sword, Tendo delivered a powerful hit to Jiraiya's face, knocking the legendary sannin out immediately. He then flickered to Gamabunta and with one quick slash, the most powerful toad's head was rolling on the ground. Shima and Fukasaku screamed for Jiraiya to wake up but in the next moment, the two of them were lying motionless on the ground.

Tendo was slightly annoyed that he had to 'spare' Jiraiya and Tsunade just so that Naruto could grow as this went against his way of doing things but he knew that in the end, everything would be worth it. Especially since Tendo wanted to finish the two sannin off himself. But even though he spared them, he had to take something from them as payment for being so magnanimous.

Almost as if he was flying, Tendo moved quickly towards Tsunade while using natural energy to keep himself midair by shaping the energy under his feet. It was like he was stepping on the air itself. Tendo arrived in front of Tsunade and used his chains to impale each of her limbs multiple times. This was done telepathically as the sword gave Tendo complete control over it's every movement. Numerous wounds were being made on each limb as she screamed in pain from all the attacks hitting her at once. Demonic energy was inside of these chains so healing even one of those wounds would take a significant amount of chakra.

Mustering up as much will as possible, Tsunade managed to move her hands to form the hand sign to fully manifest her Yin Seal but Tendo grabbed her by her hands and sliced them off at her wrists, causing the Legendary Slug Princess's screams to be amplified even more than the last time.

Tendo: "You don't have the authority nor the strength to kick me out of the clan, you joke of a Senju. Don't even think about raising your voice at me again, you're a thousand years too early to even qualify to be my maid."

Tendo threw her hands in a random direction and turned to Katsuyu as a small smirk formed across his face. He wasn't planning on finding such a prize here but since the opportunity was available, he wouldn't let Katsuyu go. Katsuyu was already sending her slugs to heal Tsunade as the main body stood there still slightly incapacitated. That's when she suddenly felt like death itself was calling her as her body started disappearing into the void as if it was being swallowed by it. She didn't even know what was devouring her but one thing was for sure. Escape was impossible. Her body wasn't listening to her at all when she tried to resist. The slug could only hope that all her parts wouldn't be devoured as then she could go back to Shikkotsu Forest and reform herself.


[Host's body strengthened drastically. Host has gained the ability to liquefy, spit acid, split your body and your regenerative abilities have increased significantly.]

A few moments later, Tendo could be seen walking out of a ripple in the air with a satisfied smile on his face. He then turned his attention to the other remaining toads who just recovered from the White Rage Technique. He was going to finish them as well as the Great Toad Sage didn't bother to come out yet. The toads noticed this and even as their entire being was telling them to run away, they stayed to fight against Tendo as they would never betray the sage like that. The latter was impressed by their determination but death was the only thing that awaited them.

As Tendo was going to attack, an old voice suddenly sounded out above him and a large explosion happened as if something had landed.

Gamamaru: "P-please, creature. Stop...this madness. I know that you are even as old as I am, I cannot sense you. I'm looking at you but it's like you're not even there. But, the only reason I noticed you almost killing the entirety of my children that were fighting for me is that you devoured the same light you created to blind us when you were devouring that slug. It is sad..don't you think?"

Tendo: "You're finally out huh? We could've avoided this slaughter if you just came out in the first place. And everything you said, is indeed true. What is sad? What are you really trying to say?"

Gamamaru: "That you will doom the world with your power, including everyone you hold dear. In all of my years, I've never seen or felt something so sinister. Even the light itself cannot escape. You are cursed to never be loved, to never be happy, and for your hunger to never be satiated. Even in death, your soul will be plagued by the same curse. That is the price you paid to attain this abominable power."

Tendo: "Happiness? I'm already happy that I'm about to devour you. Love? Not important at this time. But you are right about one thing..."

The sky started to darken once again as Tendo's arm started to change into the mouth of a giant pitch-black snake. It was like the snake was made out of some kind of mist. He then continued as Gamamaru started to tremble at the sight of his form:

"My hunger will never be satiated."

And with that, Tendo devoured the Great Toad Sage, changing the course of the future forever.

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