
Chapter 72 - What The Future Entails.


[Frog Kumite gained, Future Prediction gained, host's soul strengthened drastically]

Along with everything Tendo just gained, he also gained multiple centuries worth of memories. He was expecting it that least cause some pain as he received them but him not being bound by human limitations anymore made the process almost instant. Sometimes Tendo couldn't help but sigh in wonder at how far he's managed to come in such a hostile world. If it wasn't for the knowledge he had of the world before, he wondered if he would even make it this far.

Chuckling to himself, even shook off those thoughts and started to leave instead. As soon as he took his first step, a bright light flashed in front of his eyes and suddenly the scenery in front of him changed. He was no longer standing in the shinobi world, instead, he was floating in the middle of a universe or something that looked like one. He saw multiple planets, stars, galaxies, all of them shining vibrantly in the distance. Tendo was wondering what he was doing here when suddenly, a familiar sound reached his ears. It sounded like the demon wails that came out when he used wraith execution but the scale of it was completely different. Just the sound of it shook planets and ruptured stars.

Looking towards the sound, Tendo saw a dark figure consuming the entire universe at an astonishing rate. The creature itself was made of darkness but inside of it, other universes could be seen scattered all across its body. Its wings were as black as the void itself and its body drew one into the depths of oblivion just by looking at it. Its massive size alone dwarfed the universe it was consuming.

As fearless as he was, even Tendo slightly shook at the sight of this creature. But the feelings that trumped that fear were pure excitement and anticipation as Tendo was he was completely positive that what he was looking at was...his future self. This had to be one of the predictions of the Great Toad Sage. Almost immediately, Tendo was suddenly drawn back towards where he was before, standing in the same spot at Mount Myoboku.

Tendo had sweat all over his face from the sight he had just seen. He became even more motivated to gain strength as he replayed those images in his head. He knew that whatever journey he took to get there wasn't short at all, but he still couldn't wait to experience it. With a large smile on his face, Tendo began walking down Mount Myoboku, still thinking about what he had just seen.

Suddenly, a numerous amount of toads appeared out of the forests and the higher parts of the mountain, blocking his path. All of them had teary eyes filled with malice and unwillingness as they stared at Tendo. Gamakichi, the son of the now headless Gamabunta, stepped in front of the army carrying his father's giant sword.

Gamakichi: "Y-you...*sob*...give us back our Sage and give me my father's life back!...*sob*...What did we ever do to you?! My father didn't deserve such a gruesome death! The Sage didn't deserve such a humiliating death either! What the hell did we ever do to deserve this?!"

Tendo: "What they did to me? Nothing."

Gamakichi: "Then...why?!"

Tendo: "It's simple really. They just existed and I needed them to further my own existence. For that purpose, their lives were put to greater use than whatever they were doing here."

Gamakichi: "....just for that?"

Tendo: "Just for that. But no worries, I have a proposition for you. Why don't you try to attack me so I can grant you the gift of seeing your father once again? I guarantee you that this time, you will be together eternally."

Gamakichi: "....damn demon! I don't want anything from you! Why couldn't you just leave us alone?!"

Tendo: "If you're not going to attack then get out my way before the long history and lineage of Mount Myoboku ends here today. I guarantee you that if I draw this sword, not one of you will be left alive."

As Gamakichi almost lost his rationality and his life by drawing his father's sword to attack Tendo, Lord Yama suddenly appeared in front of the toad. He put his hands on Gamakichi's body and spoke to him, telling him to calm down as if he did this he would sacrifice the lives of the toads as a whole. Gamakichi hesitantly released his blade and told the army to stand to the side so Tendo could pass. Lord Yama then turned towards Tendo and said:

"Lord Tendo, you can pass. We will not stop you. Please, don't destroy Mount Myoboku anymore, they've suffered enough."

Tendo: "Alright, since it's you, I'll have to oblige. Keep up the good work."

Lord Yama bowed as Tendo started to walk between the army of toads, all of whom were still staring at him with their faces contorted in anger. Suddenly, a voice filled with determination sounded out behind him, causing Tendo to sigh and shake his head as this was just another naive avenger coming to 'reap his life' when he gets stronger.

Gamakichi: "Don't think you'll ever get away with this! When I get stronger, I'll find you and kill you myself! You will pay for all the lives you destroyed!"

Tendo: "You can challenge me today, tomorrow, next year, or even in the next thousand years but the only thing you will be doing is leading yourself to death. But, it's no matter, I can lead you to the afterlife whenever you want."

And with that, Tendo disappeared into the void, heading towards the Land Of Demons. On his way there, he once again felt himself being pulled into another space/dimension, this time with the scenery being completely different. This time, he had company. He was standing on the moon and as he looked at the white giant who was inspecting him, he couldn't help but smile in anticipation.

Tendo: "Princess Kaguya."

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