
Chapter 80 - New Awakening.

Shinno: "What....the? How did this happen?! Where is that man?!"

Shinno was shouting in fury at the high ranking shinobi's that were defeated at the entrance of the Ancor Vantian. They had been thoroughly defeated by Tendo's illusions and their minds just couldn't take any more. Most of them had been turned into blubbering fools that were spitting incoherent sentences while the few that were a bit saner developed a deep fear of Tendo, not daring to answer Shinno just in case that mysterious man came back.

Shinno could see how sunken their eyes were, how even more sweat appeared on their faces just by mentioning Tendo and most of all, how they had resigned themselves to fear as he knew that they had no intention of answering his questions. Shinno stomped his foot down in anger and flickered away, moving as fast as possible towards the sealing chamber, in hopes that the mysterious young man from the Akatsuki didn't find the room yet. As for the poor excuses for Shinobi that he left at the entrance, he decided that he would deal with them later.

A few minutes later, when Shinno arrived at the sealing chamber, he saw nothing but a large empty room waiting for him. The Zero Tails was nowhere to be found neither was Tendo. Shinno's mouth started to tremble as he fell to the ground on all fours in complete and utter despair. Everything he had worked for all these years, his life goal, all the blood, sweat, and tears he put into building up the land of the sky again, only for everything to be snatched from under him made the old man resign himself to doing the only thing he could. Cry. Even as a man who had seen the world for what it was, a man who had gone through countless battles, a man who had killed countless people with no regrets at all for his goal, this same man knew that there was nothing compared to the feeling of losing everything one had built their who life upon, the thing one built their entire existence around.

Shinno just stayed there crying in frustration and despair, resolving to not move from that position until he died as then he would at least die in his homeland. That's when he felt a sudden tap on his shoulder. Without even looking up, he decided to give his men, at least that's who he thought it was, his last speech.

Shinno: "Men...don't disturb me now. This...everything is over. I will not allow you to he enslaved by that man so you can leave before he finds all of you. I'm...sorry for-"

Tendo: "Shinno, look up."

Shinno looked up and saw the young man who stole everything from him standing right there with a small smile on his face. While he wanted to get up and punch the smile off of Tendo's face, he decided that it would be best to not do anything as that would just be asking for an early death. He was surprised that the Zero-Tails didn't take over Tendo but since the latter was in the Akatsuki, it was only natural that he would exhibit a will strong enough to suppress that evil spirit.

Shinno: "So, what do you plan to do with us? You've gotten everything you wanted right? Just...please, if you plan to enslave or kill me, just leave my men alone."

Tendo's face didn't show any change in expression at Shinno's words as he crouched down so that he could be face to face with the old man. Looking into Shinno's eyes, Tendo put his hands on the man's face and said in a low tone:

"Kill you? Why would I do that? I did say that you would serve me while alive right?"

Shinno felt a sliver of hope rekindle itself in his soul as he heard Tendo's words. But he wasn't a man that would believe the words of a criminal so easily, he had to know that Tendo was being genuine in this situation.

Shinno: "Why are you being so merciful-"

Using the hand that was on Shinno's face, Tendo just applied a little force to it and in doing so, completely twisted the neck of the old man around 360°, ending the man's life instantly. Tendo absorbed his memories and then used his Phantasmal Demonic Technique to bring the old man back to 'life', even making the old man look many years younger in the process. As the new Shinno got up, he looked at Tendo with nothing but veneration in his eyes and bowed down respectfully, greeting his new master.

Tendo: "I did say that you were going to serve me while 'alive'. I already turned the men outside while you were rushing to the chambers before so there's no need to worry about them. Do what you see fit with that Amaru girl, just don't let her get in my way. Now, you and your men bring the people from the surrounding villages onto the Ancor. We can't call ourselves a country if we don't have any population right? Tell them they will be taken care of quite well. Most of them are poor so they will happily take the chance if it means a better life. I'm also sure you know how to convince them with your medical skills too. Is everything understood?"

Shinno: "Understood, Lord Tendo. Everything will be done according to your plans."

Shinno immediately left Tendo in the massive room to attend to his task. Tendo was happy with how everything was turning out according to plan with every endeavor and couldn't be more satisfied. Now that this was done, there was only one thing Tendo had on his mind until the world started to change once more, and that was training. He had gained way too many abilities in this long stretch of time and most of them were left unrefined, causing him to have a slight sense of unease whenever he fought.

The first thing he tackled was one of the first set of powerful techniques he ever learned, the eight gates. After that, he planned to fully activate the Way Of Heaven and find the technique known as the seven heavenly breaths. Going through Shinno's memories, he finally found the technique he was looking for to use these skills without any drawbacks. It was called the Body Revival Technique.

The principle of this technique is to take advantage of the muscles' ability to grow stronger after repairing itself from damage. Understanding this theory, the Body Revival Technique can repair the user's body and increase its strength by manipulating the "Destruction and Rebirth" cycle of the muscles. This technique allows the user to survive any otherwise normally fatal damage and instantly heal from the damage. A unique trait of this technique is that it can momentarily give the user the appearance of death, fooling even the most talented medical-nins.

When combined with Dark Chakra, this technique can also be used to physically enhance the person's speed, strength, and healing capabilities to superhuman levels. It also alters the person's physical appearance drastically, making them younger and more fit in looks, greatly bulking their muscular physique. Going by Shinno's memories, this form allows one to perform techniques that are normally taxing for the body, including open all Eight Gates, without any drawbacks.

That was exactly what Tendo was currently doing. He already took off his Akatsuki uniform so he was shirtless with some long black pants extending to his ankles while also being bȧrėfoot. He circulated his dark chakra in accordance with the technique and soon enough his body started to change drastically. Although he was 13 years old, Tendo looked more like 16 instead with how much transformations his body had gone through. His muscles started to bulk up considerably and his hair extended down a bit, giving him an even more mȧturė appearance. Tendo could feel the amount of power coursing through his body and he couldn't help but squeeze his fists in anticipation for the upcoming fights against the Tailed Beasts.

Tendo didn't stop there though, he immediately activated the inner gates, starting from the third. The entire room started to shake with the massive amount of power that his body exuded. He then opened the fourth, then the fifth, then the sixth, then the seventh, and by this time, the entire forest felt Tendo's sinister chakra flowing through it. The Ancor was shaking rapidly and it was crumbling apart but the Shinobi on board didn't even try to run away as they knew that it was their master gaining even more power.

Finally, Tendo stuck two fingers through his heart to activate the eight gate, causing his long hair to turn completely red for a short while, returning to its original dark color soon enough. The Ancor was severely damaged by the time Tendo finished activating all of the gates. He didn't even know the current status of his power as he was sure that he had probably surpassed most things in the Shinobi world. He still had a ways to go before achieving the peak of power but, he felt newly awakened after achieving this form.

His body had eventually stopped the destruction cycle of his muscles and was now on the restoration cycle, causing his body to calm down its functions for a bit as it adjusted to its new way of life. To test his physical strength, Tendo pulled back one finger and flicked it forward, causing a small shockwave of air to quickly come out of it from the immense force, making a massive crater in the wall.

Tendo was impressed with his strength but unbeknownst to him even at this time, this was just the tip of the iceberg. Immediately, he summoned 100 clones and ordered them to practice every single technique that he ever accumulated to its absolute zenith, not wasting any time himself as he still had work to do.

[Almost two years later]


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