
Chapter 81 - New Leaders.(1)

On a high mountainous snowy peak located in the Land Of Snow, now known as the Land Of Spring two people could be seen standing there between the clouds, staring out to the horizon. The sun was out and the day was beautiful but atop the mountain gave a kind of bleak atmosphere. In the entire landscape, this was the only mountain that had even a sliver of snow on it because of high it was. The first person was a slightly muscular teenage girl that was about fifteen years old. Her features were defined by long, waist-length red, deep dark purple eyes, slightly pale skin, and a long white robe that was tied up around the waist with a red sash. There were black lines all around her body that gave off the impression that they were...sentient but it seemed like the one in control of the lines obeyed her every command happily.

Standing next to her was a young man about the same age that had his hands crossed staring intently towards a certain village. He had long black hair that stopped at his back, a muscular figure that only belonged to someone who trained in the martial arts for decades, black eyes with six white tomoe that resembled the well-known sharingan but seemed to be a stronger variation of it, pale skin that almost matched the snow he was standing on and he was wearing a black armless Gi with some black bandage-like armor under it that looked like it was made out of steel. The bandage was wrapped around everything from his neck, down to his ankles except for his arms. It didn't even look like armor with the way he had it placed. The armor was actually an item from Gosu called the River Dragon Armor that had many powerful abilities. {A/N:}

The two people in question were Tendo and Kaguya, who was currently controlling Shion's body through the use of Black Zetsu. The latter was also the reason those black lines were around Shion's body as that was the only way Kaguya could control it and he would be able to stay with his mother at all times. Of course, he didn't leave the Akatsuki as Tendo had asked him not to, with the help of Kaguya, because he didn't want to raise suspicion. Tendo still wanted to see a few canon events happen so Black Zetsu just left a clone with his white counterpart at the base of the Akatsuki.

Kaguya: "So, is this the Land Of Sn- wait, Spring? It's...beautiful. The duality between the snow and the spring gives it quite a melancholic atmosphere. I wonder what the people of this land are like? Hmmm..."

Kaguya, as old and knowledgeable as she was didn't have any information or experience in the current ninja world before she agreed to join Tendo about a year ago. When she got sealed the world was drastically different so this time, since she wasn't crazed by the chakra fruit and super powerful, she had no choice but to take the world in around her, enjoying it for what it was. She still made ownership references to any chakra a ninja would use, calling it "hers." That was actually one of the reasons she decided to join Tendo in the first place as she claimed that his chakra didn't feel like something she had possessed before so since he had his own type of chakra, she thought that she could relate to him as another "progenitor" of sorts. But her main reason was that she saw Tendo's rate of growth and if he had enough time, he would for sure be able to defeat the Otsutsuki who would come after her. She wanted to use him at first but over time, she started to enjoy his company as she never had someone to talk to who didn't want to kill her in a very long time and the places they visited would always create new memories for her.

Tendo: "Indeed. Now, let's stop enjoying the scenery and go to Yukigakure. When we're done taking over the place, then you can stare into the sunset for as long as you want."

Kaguya: "Why do you have to be so aggressive Tendo? Try peacefully approaching them, maybe just by a slight display of power will cause them to submit to you. If they still decide to fight, maybe kill a few of them, and that way, they will fear your power creating peace all around the land."

Tendo: "Kaguya, you know how I do things. I only ask for surrender once or at maximum twice before I do what is needed. I'm not aggressive, woman, I am simply efficient."

Kaguya: "Tch, damn warmonger. Alright, I'll stay here and enjoy the sunset a bit more before joining you at the village. Please, don't destroy the shops, I really would like to visit them."

Tendo: "Suit yourself then."

With one swift, unnoticeable movement, Tendo disappeared from the mountain, heading down to Yukigakure at full speed by kicking the void behind him as he moved. Kaguya was looking at him go and she couldn't help but wonder why Tendo acted as he did. His temperament reminded her of herself when she just became the ruler of the shinobi world. Tendo was ruthless, merciless, unpredictable, and cunning. At first, he kind of reminded her of the man that started the war with her village the first time. But Kaguya could feel that there was something different about Tendo, she just couldn't put her finger on what it was yet.

Kaguya: "Tch, he's always so difficult to talk to or convince to do anything. Well, I'll join him when I'm done. This Land still has places that I've never seen. Son, keep watch just in case anyone tries to surprise us."

Currently, Tendo was still falling towards the village like a meteor. In the past two years, he had mastered every ability he possessed to its absolute zenith, making them almost second nature to use. Every elemental nature release was put under the control of 'Heaven and Earth' that the lightning god's dragon sword granted him so he didn't even need to use a jutsu when he wanted to access one of them. He mastered, even made multiple new sage arts, fuinjutsu, and just normal ninjutsu with every single release in his possession. Tendo couldn't wait to battle his first tailed beast as they would have the durability to take some of his more powerful jutsu.

In an office located in the center of the bustling technologically advanced village of Yukigakure (they still had kept the name although they weren't the Land Of Snow anymore) a woman with long black hair and purple robes could be seen sitting down, writing up several papers frantically in frustration. This woman was the leader of Yukigakure, Koyuki Kazahana. She had taken over leadership from her evil uncle with the help of multiple leaf shinobi in the past and had started working to reform the village into an actual functioning one where they could have trade with other nations, maybe even possibly being recognized as one of the stronger villages in the future. She was just about to call in her advisor for help when she heard a sudden 'BOOM' that shook the entire village, causing her to fall to her feet in shock.

She was not a fighter so the impact affected her even more as she was left with a mouthful of blood from some of her organs being injured just from the shockwave of whatever caused that explosion. Her guards and advisors ran into the room frantically, picking her up slowly to make sure she didn't get injured even more.

Koyuki: "W-what happened? What was that loud explosion?"

Bodyguard: "Lady Koyuki, we don't know what happened yet. But pl-"

Koyuki: "L-let's go to it. We need to see what happened and rescue any civilians that may be caught under the rubble."

Bodyguard: "But-"

Koyuki: "No buts! I have a feeling that the cause of this disaster is not natural. Whatever or whoever caused this will be dealt with, accordingly. Call every jounin and chunin we have under our command, we have quite the task on our hands."


Name: Tendo Senju (Hyuga)(Mōryō)(Zero-Tails)

Race: Void Serpent (Parasitic Body)

Age: 15(Will stop aging as soon as he becomes an ȧduŀt)

Chakra Affiliations: Wind, Water, Earth, Fire, Lightning, Yin, Yang

Kekkei Genkai: Shikotsumyaku, Byakugan, Ice Release, Magnet Release, Dark Release, Power Release, Wood Release, Mangekyo Sharingan

Chakra Level/Reserve: Limitless

Overall Power: Demi-God( His power has drastically increased in this spectrum so don't think he hasn't improved much. He will become a God when he gets six paths powers.)

SP: 30,000 (He purchased a few things so you'll know about that later.)

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