
Chapter 82 - New Leaders.(2)

The once peaceful village known as Yukigakure was now in the middle of a severe crisis. Something had crashed down upon them, causing a large explosion that injured and killed several civilians. Lady Koyuki, the leader of Yukigakure, was on her way to the location of the incident at the center of the village. When she saw her people running away from the fire that was spreading, she couldn't help but feel heartbroken and extremely frustrated that they had to go through such a disaster. Some were carrying the injured bodies of their family, friends, and such but the majority weren't so...fortunate as the destruction was too widespread.

The cries of grief and sorrow could be heard clearly from the middle of the city as Koyuki got closer to it, causing her to become even more heartbroken. She ordered the shinobi around her to help whoever they can and rushed even faster towards the site of the incident.

When she got there, she saw a black-clothed young man walking slowly out of a giant crater in the ground. Just from his attire and how nonchalant he was about the destruction around him, she could tell that he was probably the one responsible for the entire catastrophe. Immediately, she alerted the jounin around her to surround him and make sure that he doesn't move an inch from the spot. Tendo saw them surround him with their kunai's pointed at his neck but he kept his sights focused on Koyuki as he knew she was the leader. When one of her jounin gave her a signal, she stepped forward and stood face to face with Tendo, her expression filled with anger.

Koyuki: "Which village are you from and which terrorist organization do you belong to? Your answer will dictate whether you live or die. Your choice."

Tendo: "I'm here to create the Land Of Heaven and this village will be its starting point. You've seen the destruction I've caused so let's not waste each other's time. Just surrender peacefully and all of this destruction can be easily reversed."

Koyuki stomped her foot down in anger at Tendo's words and responded:

"You have the AUDACITY to terrorize my village, kill my people, tell us that you're establishing some kind of new land, and then you want us to surrender without fighting back?! How useless do you think we are?!"

Tendo: "Not bad, you have some fight in you. But I've already asked you to surrender once, so I won't ask again."

Koyuki: "Kill him. I've already spoken to this arrogant foolish man long enough."

The kunai were already pressed on Tendo's neck before and the jounin around him were sure that he would die as all they needed to do was give the kunai a slight push. As soon as they did, all of their necks burst open at each individual spot where they all put their kunai's. If one looked closely, they would see that the kunai actually went through Tendo's neck as if he was intangible. Koyuki saw her jounin protectors fall down in pools of their own blood and stood there in shock, wondering what could've happened for them to die so quickly.

Looking back at Tendo who was still standing there, she noticed the tomoe that were ever-present in his eyes before had changed into an intricate design of an hourglass that was filled at the bottom but empty at the top. The design was like that for his left eye but in his right, it was, in fact, the inverse, with the hourglass being filled at the top and empty at the bottom. This signified the difference in the abilities of both eyes but he didn't show the ability in his right eye yet as it would disintegrate the entire village if he did.

Koyuki: "Y-you, who are you?! Why do you want to destroy the peace our village has built over the years so badly?!"

She wanted Tendo to answer the question but unfortunately for her, he had already said he was done negotiating. Looking at Koyuki, Tendo put her into a suggestive state and started to manipulate her memories. In the past, her father was killed by her uncle so that he could rule the land of snow and she had to escape from the place. She had returned years later with Team 7 and they managed to reclaim the land, naming her daimyo/leader right after. Now, Tendo replaced Team 7 with himself, becoming the 'hero' that saved the land in her eyes and was a childhood friend that had escaped the clutches of her uncle together. He even added the fact that he helped rebuild the land in the past few years and that he was the one her father wanted to be the leader. He took an extra step and made that her father's dying wish.

But, Tendo didn't stop there. Every one of the Land Of Snow his eyes could see had their memories manipulated as he didn't even have to look into the eyes of his victims. His visual prowess had become so formidable that all it took was one look at someone and they would already be affected, no matter the distance or obstruction. All of this only took about twenty seconds in real-time. When he was done, he watched calmly as Koyuki ran towards him and held his shoulders in complete joy as if he was her long lost brother.

Koyuki: "Tendo! You're here, wh-..wait, you already took care of the terrorists who infiltrated us? How did you figure out which ones were disguised as our men and which ones weren't?"

Tendo: "It's only natural that such weak disguises wouldn't fool me."

Koyuki: "Tendo, hehe~, you were always so full of yourself since we were children. Alright since the problem has been solved, let's repair the village."

Tendo: "Hold on, Koyuki. There may be some stragglers left so I have to make sure everyone is taken care of. Comfort the villagers while I'm gone."

Koyuki nodded in approval and left Tendo where he stood to go around the village in hopes of rescuing everyone she could. Tendo suddenly vanished from where he was in the village and in a few seconds, reappeared next to Kaguya who was still standing on the mountain peak as still as a statue, looking out at the horizon.

Kaguya: "Are you done already? That was I hope you di-"

Tendo: "Relax. Your shop is safe. They 'surrendered'."

Kaguya: "Hm, as expected of one who is like me. So, what are you going to do now?"

Tendo: "Return this place to its former glory. Sage Art: Ice God's Kingdom." {P.S, this is a self-created fuinjutsu.}


Tendo's Mangekyo Sharingan Abilities:

Ōhoyamatsumi (The Left Eye) - Generally regarded as the power of healing and reviving. Wielders of Eternal Life are not often fit for combat but as support and healer. However, those who can push this power to the utmost limit can become near-invincible in combat by possessing an all-powerful regenerating body and terrifying powers to behold. While Eternal Life can stimulate great recovery thereby leading to near-death revival, it cannot be used to revive long-dead or severely mutilated subjects. This power also allows one to turn intangible, in which any attack that passes through Tendo is reflected 100% on the user of said attack. It also allows Tendo to trap one in an illusion that forces them to see the 'truth' that Tendo wants them to see. It is impossible to escape unless one eventually believes that truth and conforms to Tendo's ideals. There is also an ability that allows him to trap numerous opponents in one area and inflict all of the attacks upon them that they themselves have inflicted upon others.

Omoikane(The Right Eye) - is a power that suppresses everything around the user, restraining and draining the vitality of living things, accompanied by the withering of all color, hence it's name. In essence the  Omoikane is a stasis field which slows down and even completely stops any and all movement in its area of effect. Its strength is based on the power of the user. As Tendo stands above most normal shinobi in terms of power he can deal with lesser threats by simply releasing his aura.. Even the withering of colours within its area is an effect of altering the motion of light particles.

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