
Chapter 83 - Land Of Heaven. (1)

Around Tendo's body appeared a transparent Buddhist statue made out of ice sitting in a lotus position with its eyes closed. Suddenly, it opened its eyes and clasped its hands together, flying into the air high over the land of snow. It stopped in the center of it and surrounded itself in an icy sphere, already causing the temperature to drop considerably on the island. The statue then released the sphere from around itself, spreading it all over the island causing every place the sphere touch to become extremely cold.

The weather suddenly changed and slowly but surely, snow started falling. The statue's power didn't freeze anything organic but it just made it slightly colder as Tendo didn't want to just kill everyone so the people were still alive to see this phenomenon. Everyone could see the giant statue but suddenly it disappeared into the snowy atmosphere, causing the people to be even more astonished. As Kaguya watched this happen in awe, she couldn't help but ask Tendo about it as she knew that this couldn't be the only purpose of the jutsu. She knew that he was always plotting something.

Kaguya: "Tendo, what is the real purpose that jutsu? You said you would cast a sealing jutsu over this land but what is being sealed?"

Tendo: "Hm, it's simple really. The purpose of the statue is to monitor every single thing whether it be living or non-living, that enters and leaves this island. No matter if an intruder tries to hide their chakra signature, heat signature, or even the presence of their souls, the statue will spot them and show them to me. Even the ones that are already living on this land are already being monitored as we speak. Anyone that I would like to dispose of can be frozen down to their souls with a single thought as the statue is linked to my mind. So in essence, this entire land is just a massive death seal for anyone that feels like coming for a 'visit'."

Kaguya: "I see. Well, Tendo, the change in scenery is quite...different. It feels like something I could spend a long time in. Why don't we take a wa-"

Tendo: "It's alright, Kaguya. I'll stay here and relax a bit. You can go and explore the village."

Kaguya: " know, one day you'll have to op-...well, never mind. I will find you when I'm done exploring."

Kaguya then left slowly as she used natural energy to float through the sky towards Yukigakure. She wanted Tendo to follow her into the village as she enjoyed his company and he did make her feel safe but she knew that he wasn't the type to be so close to people. She figured that he had to be hurt severely at some point in his life to be the way he is but finding that out was something she wanted to do. After all, she was not a stranger to being hurt herself as she experienced it from her weak-willed first love.

On the peak of the mountain, Tendo stood there and watched Kaguya leave while letting out a deep sigh.

Tendo: 'Why does that woman insist on being so close to me? She gives me a...strange feeling when she's around but other than that, there's nothing about her that I'm in the dark about. So why does she give me this feeling? Sigh, it doesn't matter. Whatever it is, it'll go away soon. Now, what do I do next? I have to officially announce that this land is under the jurisdiction of the Land Of Heaven. That will surely rattle some of the Kage's that have been trying to monitor me in the recently. At the same time, I'll announce the same for the Land Of Sky, Demons, Swamps, and Rivers. Just the sheer number of lands under the control of one force would cause the shinobi world to stir in interesting ways. And finally, I have to go collect my clan members, the Senju. I've had them waiting for far too long.'

After Tendo came out of his monologue, his eyes formed into the shape of a three-pronged spiral which was Shin's, well, now Tendo's Mangekyo ability. A black and white portal formed around him as he transported himself towards the place the crystal was located that turned the Land of Snow into the Land of Spring. As long as Tendo could see or think of a place, he would be able to transport himself and whoever he could fit inside of the portal/barrier there instantly as the size was completely dependent on how much chakra the user put into it.

As Tendo arrived at the generator that held the crystal, he could see the generator starting to overheat as it couldn't fight back against the powerful sealing jutsu. Multiple shinobi workers were there trying to unravel the mysteries behind what was happening to the machine as it never acted like this before. When they saw Tendo appear, no one questioned it and they all looked at him with reverence in their eyes as he was a great leader to them. One of the men slowly walked up to him and said hopefully:

"Lord Tendo, please can you help us with the generator? We don't know what-"

Tendo: "That's why I'm here. Calm yourself."

The man nodded gladly and stepped back, waiting for Tendo to work his magic. With a thought, Tendo commanded the statue to freeze the generator and in less than a second, the steel contraption was already completely frozen. Tendo just blew on it easily and the machine was shattered, causing the shinobi to be extremely surprised. That was when the realization hit them that Tendo was the cause of the sudden change in weather. They wanted to know why he would do this but none of them dared to question his methods as the respect and trust they had for him were too great.

Tendo: "Any problems men?"

They all shook their heads and Tendo left immediately, appearing in his office which was the ex-office of Koyuki. He sat down and leaned himself over the desk, contemplating everything there was to come while he was on this journey. As excited as he was, he couldn't help but feel slightly bored of staying in this world and that's when going to another world came to his thoughts. He already came up with a theory on how it could be done but he would need the Rinne-Sharingan to accomplish it. Tendo just decided to take it slow for a while until he got to that point because thinking about it now would be pointless as it was time to finally establish the Land Of Heaven.

[Two days later, at Konoha]

Tsunade: "For almost two years he was quiet but now he establishes some Land Of Heaven? And on top of it with so many lands under his influence? Tch, this boy is pushing the world towards another war and he doesn't even know. We need to somehow stop him, he is the leaf's responsibility."

???: "Well, why don't you let me convince him? I was the person closest to him in the village before he left. Lady Tsunade....please....I can't handle seeing him destroy himself out there anymore.

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