
Chapter 84 - Land Of Heaven.(2)

Tsunade: "Anko...i don't think talking to him will work anymore."

Anko: "But Lady Tsu-"

Tsunade walked up to Anko and put her hands on her shoulders as she looked the distraught woman in her eyes. Tsunade knew how it felt to have someone she was close to walk down a path of darkness and how helpless it feels when nothing you do can change them. She wanted to help Anko so she wouldn't do something that might most likely lead to her death.

Tsunade: "Anko, listen to me. Even if you spoke to him, what would you say? Would you try to convince him to come back to the village? That wouldn't work because as we just heard, he has multiple villages of his own. Would you ask him to ally with us in hopes of reigning him back in slowly? Judging from his past actions, he's smart enough to not fall for that. Do you understand what I'm saying? Ank-"

Anko: "Sigh, yes Lady Tsunade I do. It's just..."

Tears of pain and regret started flowing from her eyes as she continued:

"Why did...he leave me like this? I..*sobs*..thought we had a connection and maybe I could be the mother he was yearning for in his life and..*sobs*...i don't know what to do anymore Lady Tsunade..."

Tsunade hugged her warmly to let her cry on her shoulders as Anko was keeping everything mostly to her self for all these years.

Tsunade: "Anko, cry as long as you want now, because when the time comes and we meet Tendo on the battlefield, there will be no room for mercy. Alri-"

Suddenly, Lady Shizune pushed open the door and ran into the room with visible panic on her face.

Shizune: "Lady Tsunade! Two unidentified people have shown up at our gates!"

Tsunade: "Why is there a need to inform me? Question or capture them, we have enough Shinobi."

Shizune: "No, Lady Tsunade, although we're not sure because it's been quite a while since we saw him, one of them matches the description of Tendo. The other is a woman with red hair and purple eyes."

Tsunade: "D-did you just say Tendo is HERE?! In our village?! Let's go and surround him immediately! Try to get all of the civilians in a shelter! Damn! Naruto and Jiraiya just came back too!"

Shizune: "Understood, Lady Tsunade."

Shizune immediately left to relay her orders to the rest of the shinobi and Tsunade turned back to Anko, looking her in the eyes.

Tsunade: "Anko..."

Anko: "I...understand Lady Tsunade. I will not hesitate to finish him when the time comes."

Tsunade: "Good, now let's go!"

[At a certain tea shop in the Senju Clan]

The normally quiet Senju Clan was especially lively today as they had received news that their real clan head had returned and was in the local tea shop having a drink so many that were affiliated with the inner clan went to greet him. Tendo was currently sitting at a table with a cup of tea and Kaguya sat at the opposite end of him, drinking her own cup.

Kaguya: "So this was the village you were born in Tendo? I like it but it seems...dull compared to the places you've shown me before. Also, those people that are standing outside of the tea shop are really excited to meet you. Those are the clan members you told me you were coming to retrieve right?"

Kaguya: "If I kill them..."

Tendo: "You are allowed to. That would be the quickest way to dispose of them."

Kaguya: "...I'll have to reclaim my chakra from them before they die."

Tendo: "Sigh, do what you will."

Tendo didn't even bother to say anything to her when she spoke about reclaiming her chakra as he knew that he couldn't talk her out of it no matter how much he tried. As the two were still conversing, Yaoru, the maid that saw him off from the clan the last time had now become the manager at the shop and was tending to the duo's every need. She personally was serving them tea as she was waiting for Tendo to come back to the clan for a long time so her excitement was at an all-time high.

Yaoru: "Lord Tendo! You're finished drinking again? Would you like some more? How about your companion? Would you like some more too?"

The duo agreed and waited for the tea patiently, with Tendo biding his time as he knew Konoha would come down upon him soon. Suddenly the crowd that was being held at the front of the shop was parted at the middle and many Shinobi flickered into the shop, surrounding Tendo's table with their weapons drawn. They were Chunin, Jounin, and even many Anbu black ops, all watching Tendo's every move. Arriving last but not least was Tsunade, Anko, and Shizune, all of them walking towards Tendo's table in large strides.

When the trio arrived, Tsunade looked at Tendo who didn't even bother looking at her, and then she looked at Kaguya, wondering what kind of power the woman had to be walking side by side with a monster like Tendo. Anko couldn't take her eyes off of Tendo and Shizune was also looking at the young man, imprinting in her mind the image of him as she never intended to forget.

The atmosphere was tense and not a sound was made as Tsunade continued waiting for Tendo or the woman next to him to make the first move. Those experienced in the art of battle couldn't help but sweat nervously as they could feel the volatility of the situation. Kakashi was there, Asuma was there and even Kurenai was there, waiting for the battle to begin at any time. Everyone one of them had something against Tendo, especially Kakashi since Tendo potentially influenced sasuke to leave the village, put him under a genjutsu that bedded him for many days on end the last time they met and almost crippled Guy. He was prepared to give his all if they fought, even if it meant death.

The young voice of Yaoru broke the tense silence, causing everyone to look in her direction. She had just ran out of the tea room and the situation hadn't registered in her head until she saw Tsunade standing there, staring at her with a face full of confusion.

Tsunade: "Yaoru? Did you just call this scoundrel 'Lord Tendo'? Have you gone mad?! I'm the clan head here! Turn around and go back into the tea room, it's not safe out here!"

Tendo: "Yaoru, come."

The young woman heard Tendo speak and immediately ignored Tsunade's words as she pushed herself through the crowd to get to Tendo's table. When she finally got there, Tsunade stepped in front of her looking visibly angry as she didn't know why the girl who was usually obedient suddenly started acting so of character.

Tsunade: "Yaoru! Didn't you hear me?! Return-"

Yaoru: "You don't have the authority to make me go when the clan head ordered me to be here, Lady Tsunade."

Tsunade: "Clan Head?! I am the one chosen by lineage to be-"

Tendo: "You are nothing. Kneel."

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