Strongest Abandoned Son

Vol 5 Chapter 597: Narrow road

"咔嚓" came, and Ye Mo couldn’t help but swear, "I rely on..."

Ye Mo, who fell heavily on the gravel, not only had his left leg broken, but his chest was also hit by a slap, and now it hurts. In fact, these are secondary, mainly because he can't raise the infuriating.

Ye Moxin sinks in his heart, fearing ghosts and ghosts, and his own Dantian is really a problem. Just now he was trying to get rid of the horrible suction. His first body to face the instinct was his dantian.

Fortunately, there are still a lot of ‘Liansheng Dan’ on his body. Ye Mo’s subconsciously took out ‘Lian Sheng Dan’ from the storage ring. But he immediately came out with a cold sweat, and his gods could not move at all.

Hematemesis and broken bones, this is a small problem for Ye Mo, the only big problem is Dantian damage. But compared to his knowledge, it is not a problem at all.

Now his gods can't be mobilized. Isn't that any difference from asking for his life? All his things are in the ring. Unable to mobilize God, he can't get anything at all.

When Ye Mo learned that his situation was so bad that he was in such a situation, he was worried. Here he also saw a black bear, and if he ran a beast, his state can only wait for death.

Fortunately, he is a self-cultivator and nervous. I quickly saw the facts and thought that his current situation was the best compared to being sucked into dried meat.

He also looked at Wei Yonggan, who had become a dried meat in the distance. Ye Mo was very suspicious. Did he use internal gas to test it, which was sucked into dried meat? Or is the old Dao Gu find him, deliberately let him be sucked into meat, and then you can enter the battle?

If this is the case, there are people everywhere nearby. Why do you need to find this Wei Yonggan?

Suddenly Ye Mo thought of one thing, when he asked his sister Bei Wei. It was learned from Bei Wei’s mouth that the old Dao seemed to be hurt. And the injury is still very serious.

Isn’t that old road aunt knowing the danger of this day’s pivot? Then she tried it with her internal gas, and she was injured like herself. Then she found a way to enter the formation, let Wei Yongqian to feed this sucking, so that can enter?

If this is the case, although it can be explained, she can't explain it if she finds Wei Yonggan.

Ye Mo once again thought that she had to practice her five-layer mid-term. According to Luo Xiao, her uncle was only half-step. Why is it so serious that I can get to the salty mountain?

Is that the aunt is not congenital? This is absolutely impossible. If that aunt is innate, then you will not know. Or because the sorrow is sucked, is she better off than she is? Ye Mo couldn't find the reason for a moment, he could only think so.

Another possibility is that the aunt is not injured in this formation, she is also being beaten by others. But this possibility, Ye Mo himself is not optimistic. Because there are people who can hurt half-step old people here, there is really no. Unless that Ren Pingchuan. But the guy has been killed by him.

Rest for a long time. Ye Mo recovered some strength, but his infuriating still could not be transferred.

He struggled to climb up, jumped to the side, and folded a slightly thicker branch to use as a walking stick.

Ye Mo was very uncomfortable when he thought of making himself a seven-star array. But this formation is so powerful that he has not seen any problems until now.

Moving slowly over this huge stone, Ye Mo carefully looked at it for a long time. Still do not see the problem. He sighed, even when he had a **** before, he did not see it. Now that he has been injured, the gods are still not available, and he will definitely not see it.

Ye Mo went to Wei Yongqian again and carefully examined the things on Wei Yongqian. He took out a few hundred dollars in his pocket.

However, he did not find a mobile phone. Ye Mo originally thought that if he could find a mobile phone, he could call a light snow or Beiwei. As long as they both know that they are here, they can come over. They all have the knowledge of God and can take out the things inside their rings.

Ye Mo feels that he is so embarrassed for the first time. Even when he met Ren Pingchuan last time, it was not as difficult today.

Fortunately, here is the inaccessible mountain. Ye Mo easily found several herbs. He bound the broken bones and applied herbs, which made him relieved.

Even if there is no way to take out the things in the ring, as long as he restores the strength of ordinary people, he can return to the place where Ninghai Beiwei lives.

However, Ye Mogang just walked to the first-line exit of the canyon, and when he was ready to go out, his face became extremely difficult to look.

A blue-clothed aunt walked in with a small bag, and the aunt saw the Ye Mo staring at her.

The two had been watching for a long time and did not speak.

However, Ye Mo’s reaction was still quick. He looked at the old Taoist with a look of surprise: “Master, I and several companions explored in the sea of ​​clouds, I did not expect to meet the bear scorpion, I was chased here by Xiong Zizi. Come, how did you find it?"

When Ye Mo looked at the aunt, she immediately knew that she was probably the old woman who wanted to kill her in Beiweikou, that is, the uncle who was lonely. I did not expect that she did not go away, still here. Ye Moxin was dark and sullen. If he came for three hours late, then this aunt was a plate meal. Only now, he became the dish of this Tao.

Now he and Daogu face to face, and also know that the gold page is on the Tao, but there is no way. To be exact, now he should not consider the gold page, but whether the priest in front of him will kill him, knowing that he does not have the slightest resistance.

Daogu had already reacted at this time. She listened to Ye Mo’s words and her heart was loose. No matter what the young man is saying is true or false, listening to his tone should be known only to him. If there are too many people to know, it will be difficult.

Although there is indeed a **** bear here, she has not met once, but she is somewhat skeptical about Ye Mo. Because Ye Mo’s escape is too clever, he can find this place.

"Oh, I am saying it in Huiyan Town. Because I have to collect some uncommon herbs, I found it here. I didn't expect it to meet people. I was a little surprised. Did you see the black bear? It’s really dangerous.” The aunt reacted, seemingly worried.

Ye Mo looked carefully at the aunt in front of her eyes. It looked like she was only forty or fifty years old, and her skin was very white. Or in the words of Bei Wei, her face is a little pale, but her eyebrows are somewhat delicate. If it weren't for her wrinkles on her forehead and corner of her eye, I really couldn't see it. This is an old aunt.

Although there is no knowledge, Ye Mo just looked at the Taoist a little, and she knew that she must be like her own, and she was seriously injured. It’s just that Ye Mo thinks that she doesn’t have to think about it. Her situation is definitely better than herself.

If you turn your face, Ye Mo believes that he can't support a move in front of this aunt.

"Where is the black bear in the position, will it be met again now?" After the aunt said a word, the sorrow on his face became more and more intense.

Ye Mo’s face was ugly and said: “In fact, I don’t want to go out now, but I just found it very strange. I saw a mountain foot inside, a dead man sleeping on the stone. I dare not stay alone. Here, compared with the dead, I would rather face the black bear."

Looking at Ye Moxin’s face, I found that Ye Mo’s sentence was more real than that.

"Right, Master, what is your name? It is very dangerous for a person to pick herbs here. I think you are still going out, just as we have a companion." Ye Moyi asked for the look of the former aunt. There are even some tensions in my eyes.

The aunt heard the last sentence of Ye Mo, and his eyes flashed a little cold. However, she saw the tension in Ye Mo's eyes and smiled. "It doesn't matter. We all say that people inside will have some simple martial arts, and it is still possible to deal with the general danger."

I already knew that you were powerful, Ye Mo thought in his heart, but his eyes suddenly saw the cold eyes of Dao Gu, and his heart was tight. Does the heart say that it is not possible to show flaws? He was very careful when he spoke just now.

Ye Moxin thought about a turn, the contradiction between the words and the demeanor of this aunt, and the obvious expression of her expression just now, it has become irrelevant. This shows that this aunt changed his strategy to him, and Ye Mo immediately knew where his flaws were.

He immediately looked up and said a surprise. "This Master, do you really have martial arts? Can I learn from you? I heard that many high-ranking people are living in the mountains. You are also reclusive." Is it in the mountains?"

Ye Mo finished this sentence and immediately looked forward to seeing this aunt, but he obviously noticed that this aunt's eyes were somewhat Sure enough, she was testing herself, generally in this place in China, Supreme is still there. Many people hope that they will suddenly meet a high-ranking person who can teach themselves the skills they usually can't think of.

At this time, Ye Mo vaguely understood how Wei Yongqian would be with this Taoist aunt. He probably wanted to learn the same thing. The result was that he fell down on the pomegranate robe of this aunt.

"I have a lot of words. If you must be a teacher, I can also give you a recommendation. But we are very strict with the disciples..." The gentleman smiled and nodded.

"Yesy Master, I am willing to accept rigorous tests, as long as I can learn Wu..." The eagerness of Ye Mo’s eyes is undoubted, but his heart is secretly despising himself. Maybe he can now take the Oscar.

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