Strongest Abandoned Son

Vol 5 Chapter 598: Mutual advantage

() Ye Mo saw her smile but had a very uncomfortable feeling. The feeling could not be said, as if staring at a hungry wolf. m However, since this aunt said so, it shows that she has not yet killed her own thoughts. Although I don't know what she wants to do, she can definitely drag it.

Ye Mo remembered the quiet aunt who he met at the beginning. Compared to this pale-faced aunt, Ye Mo felt that if he could, he would rather face the rest.

Don't say anything else, at least that rest is more beautiful than this one, and still young. There is also the cost of resting your chest, which is much more eye-catching than the airport in front of you.

As soon as she thought of rest, Ye Mo thought of her red apron. That woman is really a woman with more Qian, but she is too sinister. She thought that she and Luo Ying were brothers and sisters, and they also ignited them.

Thinking of this, Ye Mo shook his head and sighed in his heart. The woman was thrown off a cliff by him. Even if it was awesome, it would be dead.

If it weren't for that woman, he wouldn't be separated from Luo Ying, and she couldn't find her until now. He knows that Luo Ying definitely wants him very much, otherwise he will not go to the desert to move the stone pool alone. It’s just in Luo Ying’s heart, that ethical virtue, she has no way to go beyond.

Ye Mo is not sure that Luo Ying will move the stone pool. Some points are because of the thoughts of Qin Qian, and some points are the thoughts of Ai Qian.

This aunt did not pay attention to what Ye Mo was thinking. She gave a milky white stone and said to Ye Mo, "You grab the stone hard and then tell your feelings."

Seeing this stone, Ye Mo is screaming in the heart, is this not a spiritual stone? Where did the old aunt get the Lingshi? What Laozi could not find everywhere, this old aunt took it out casually, which made Ye Mo depressed to vomit blood.

If it wasn't for many years of comprehension, and I saw the spiritual stone on earth not long ago, Ye Mo could not protect himself from calling out.

A place where you can't cultivate, you often see a spiritual stone, which is too shocking.

Although there is no way to absorb the aura, but Ye Moyi caught the Lingshi, the feeling of pleasure and refreshment came. But without waiting for him to react, the Lingshi in his hand was taken away again by the old aunt.

Ye Mo looked at the Lingshi in the hands of Aunt Gu, and wanted to immediately rush to grab it, and then said to her: "You are holding a mouse to eat barley, spoil the grain, or give it to me." But Ye Mozhi knows, as long as If he does not want to die, it is best not to move.

“Do you feel very refreshed and an unspeakable pleasure?” Although this aunt said this, the surprise in her eyes has already indicated that it is clear that she has already seen Ye Mo’s watch Qian and she I am very satisfied with Ye Mo.

Ye Moxin moved, knowing that his watch Qian had been seen by this old Taoist, and had to say: "Yes, I just had this feeling, what is going on? What kind of stone is this? Master, Master, you Can you tell me where the stone was found, and I want to find it."

"This stone is hard to find. Since you have this feeling, you have some qualifications to practice martial arts. If so, you should go in with me. You don't have to worry, I am not here twice, even if it is When I meet the black bear, I can also take you away." They all nodded with satisfaction and said no, they didn't continue to pretend to worry.

Ye Mo feels that breathing is a bit difficult. Do you say so much? Do you still have to bring yourself to kill and kill? Do you want to escape? However, Ye Mo quickly dispelled the idea of ​​fleeing, and even if he wanted to escape, there was no way to escape.

Moreover, if this aunt has to kill herself, she can kill it now. There is no one here. She does not need to bring herself into the canyon again. Of course, the golden pages of this aunt have spiritual stones, and they are very attracted to Ye Mo. It is necessary to know that these two things are what Ye Mo dreams.

Although I really want the page of gold paper and Lingshi on this aunt, although I don't want to go back to the huge stone with this aunt, Ye Mo knows that this is impossible.

He can only come to the huge stone again with a happy look.

The aunt took a step on the stone and stepped on it. Finally, she suddenly said to Ye Mo: "You come here with your feet, I will try your martial arts qualifications again."

Ye Mo looked at the place she pointed, and it was the range in the middle of the stone. Not long ago, he stepped on that range, and then he worked infuriatingly, and the result was almost. . Rinning. But now, this old aunt asked him to step on that place, Ye Mo immediately wanted to escape.

But he knows that he will die as soon as he flees.

Although I don't want to, although I can't help, Ye Mo still has to go to that place according to what Dao Gu said. He thought, as long as you don't have to use it. Or even if it is hard, there is no infuriating and it will not cause reflexion.

What Ye Mo didn't think of was that his feet were on the palm of his hand as soon as he stepped on the place. The palm of the hand hit the place where his foot and the stone touched with a clear internal air. Ye Moxin sank and thought about it.

He didn't have any infuriating, but the aunt had an inner air, and Ye Mo couldn't think of it. This aunt used her own internal air to communicate the suction of the boulder.

But now, even if he knows, he has no way to resist. Or he simply has no time to resist.

Ye Mo, who just wanted to struggle, suddenly felt that the stone did not absorb his own blood. It can be said that there is no movement at all. Although there is not much internal gas in the palm of the hand, it is still very painful to hit Ye Mo’s feet. However, when the wind was over, his blood did not move at all.

Although I don't know what the reason is, but Ye Mo is happy in the heart, it seems that this place **** himself once, this is the second time, I like it.

"Oh, can't you? It's clear that you can..." Both of them subconsciously stopped the topic.

Ye Mo did not know anything about it. He turned back and asked: "Is it impossible to master Master?"

They all snorted, and Ye Mo’s use value was gone. She didn’t want to talk nonsense. Obviously, it is sensitive to her stone, but the blood can't let the stone **** away.

Ye Mo immediately saw the murder in her eyes, and her heart screamed badly. He immediately said, "I don’t know if my qualifications are bad. If I have a bad qualification, I have a cousin. Or do I bring them to show you? Or I can help you with the test, as long as you teach me how to test it."

Sure enough, Ye Mo’s words made him hesitate. She looked at Ye Mo and said: “We don’t just accept disciples, we have to go through heavy assessments. Since you have this heart, you can also try it.”

Ye Moxin is secretive and assesses you. However, he did not dare to say this. He quickly said: "All my cousins ​​and cousins ​​want to worship under the high school, but unfortunately they have never met. I can meet Master this time, but also my chance. If I don't have enough qualifications, I can just learn some moves from behind them. I can also help you to test the rest of the people in our town, and always have good qualifications."

The old Daogu nodded. "Okay, since I am, I will take a trip with you. It’s a good thing. Your qualifications are not enough, but it’s not too good. I’m afraid that it’s too strict, let you I am happy, I am right, what is your name, where is your family?"

Ye Mo has already understood the mystery of this, and the old Dao is absolutely not kind. The Lingshi in her hand must be testing a qualification, and then there is a person of that qualification, she will bring it to this array to let the formation absorb the blood of the person.

It is very likely that this is the secret of opening the array, but Ye Mo does not understand this array. Suddenly, Ye Mo saw Wei Yonggan not far away, and his heart moved. This Wei Yongqian is probably one of the people who meet the aunt. He was brought here by the scorpion, and then absorbed the blood. In the end, I found that one person is not enough, and I will continue to go out and find someone.

She uses Lingshi to sense, it is difficult for her to find someone with a spiritual root? If this is the case, then it is a good explanation to find Wei Yonggan. Explain that this Wei Yongqian is a spiritual root, and also wants to go to school with her.

Ye Mo thought that there was a cold war and a spiritual root. Light snow and sister Beiwei have a spiritual root, they must not meet this metamorphosis.

But I also have a spiritual root, why is he not affected? No, when he first came, wasn’t he almost sucked into the meat? That is to say, he is also affected, but this is why it is not the second time, Ye Mo himself can not understand.

Now he has no time to think about The old Dao asked questions, he must answer immediately, he simply does not know where the nearest mountain village is. If he said that he was broken by this old man, he still could not escape.

Under eagerness, Ye Mo had to say: "When I say it, I am a person in Huiyan Town, but I have never heard of Huiyan Town."

In Ye Mo’s thought, this statement is irrelevant whether it exists or not. If it exists, it must be a hidden place. He does not know that it is normal.

As for the old aunt, Ye Mo knew that she was from the hidden door. Now she just wants to go back and the result will not go back. She wants so many ways, but also to go back.

In this case, Huiyan Town in her mouth must have existed because she came from the hidden door and could not be familiar with it. Ye Mo said that he is a nearby person. He is definitely more familiar than her. If she wants to talk about a small town, then it will not be a fake. If she says that Ye Mo does not know, she will be seen.

Therefore, according to what she said, it is certainly not wrong. It is always much stronger than just saying a place. But when Ye Mogang finished speaking, he realized that he was wrong. It is not that the place he said does not exist. He is sure that there is a place in the place of Huiyan Town. What he fears is that if this old Taoist leader let him lead the way, what should he do?

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