Half an hour later, in the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom, Link and Professor Kettleburn were standing next to the mutilated body of Red Cap.

“It’s a crazy creature!” Professor Kettleburn said with emotion, “Link, what do you think?”

Link didn’t speak, just looked at Red Cap even if he died The greedy appearance of licking his own blood, and finally agreed with nodded.

Outside the classroom, a large group of students are gathering in the hallway to discuss chirp chirp twitter twitter, and from time to time, someone will stick their heads and take a look in the classroom. After witnessing the tragedy inside His face retracted in horror.

Madam Pomfrey and Sprout squatted by the podium, rescuing Lockhart.

The box of Red Cap just hit the back of Lockhart’s head, and it almost hit Lockhart’s brain directly.

If you don’t die in muggle world Lockhart, you will have to become a vegetative person, but in Hogwarts, Link estimates that he can recover by just lying down for a few days.

While looking at the busy scene at Madam Pomfrey, Professor Kettleburn sighed with emotion:

“This time, it’s really thanks to you, Link. Red Cap. Creatures are cruel and flexible, and generally young wizards can’t deal with them. If it weren’t for you, a more serious bleeding accident might happen this time.”

“You know that general young wizards can’t deal with Red Cap. Lend it to Lockhart?” Link cast a blank look at Professor Kettleburn and said, “Don’t you know that he’s just rubbish?”

The expression of Professor Kettleburn suddenly became a little embarrassing when he said this. But he explained forcibly:

“Of course I know! It’s just…but I still didn’t expect Lockhart to be rubbish to the point that even Red Cap can’t handle it!”

Link Quite speechless shook the head.

He suddenly realized that Professor Kettleburn might not be as reliable as it seemed.

When Professor Kettleburn saw this, he thought Link was worried about himself, and patted Link on the shoulder with his big hand and said:

“hahaha! Don’t worry about me, Link. Dumbledore The old man didn’t dare to do anything to me. During my tenure, I have been retained for observation at least 62 times. Now this is nothing at all! Okay, you’re in a bad condition recently. Go take a good rest in the afternoon. You won’t use the lesson about protecting magical creatures, just leave it to me!”

Professor Kettleburn’s tone is very proud, Link curl one’s lip, then said:

“Then , I will leave first.”

After that, Link walked out of the classroom.

Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff along the way gave way in fear when they saw this. Only John and other Hufflepuffs who were familiar with Link came up, excitedly asking about the situation in Link’s classroom.

The strength that Link showed in the class just now exceeded their cognition, and the final result was really too bloody, which made them unacceptable for a while.

As for other people’s attitudes, Link didn’t care much. Those who talked and laughed with John continued to walk towards the common room.

Just before he could walk far, he heard the iconic husky voice of Professor Kettleburn coming from behind him again.

“Oh! I almost forgot! Link! You did a great job! Hufflepuff adds 50 points!”


In the evening, when the sporadic Link finally woke up when the moonlight was projected into the bedroom through the narrow round window.

So far Link has analyzed and tested most of the materials in the Snape Material Storehouse.

Link intends to test the remaining materials tonight and complete the development of the stealth potion in a spurt of energy.

Thinking so, Link cautiously left the bedroom, moved towards Snape’s office.

But when Link came to Snape’s office, he was surprised to find that Snape didn’t play with his cauldron as usual, but stood in front of the workbench and sorted a lot of medicine ingredients.

Judging from the pharmacy labels on the medicine ingredients packaging that have not yet been torn off, these should be used to supplement the Material Storehouse shortly after Snape bought them.

This made Link somewhat guilty hurried into the Material Storehouse after greeted Snape in a low voice.

Until the door of the Material Storehouse was heavily closed, Link then relaxed, turned and walked towards the temporary workbench he set up in the Material Storehouse.

The furnishings here are not at all any changes when I left before.

On a workbench that is slightly smaller than Snape’s, there are a set of refining equipment, a pile of empty measuring cups, and four samples that have been classified by Link in advance. The only remaining ones have not been carried out. Materials tested.

If Snape is not playing Link, then the materials that can act as stabilizers should be among the four materials.

Thinking so, Link rubbed his hands, and even started the experiment.

I saw that Link was very proficient in adding concentrated aspidistra egg liquid and phantom lizard slime to cauldron at a ratio of 6 to 1 for heating, and at the same time, the stabilizer materials to be tested were processed and cauldron was added together.

After finishing all this, Link took off the dragon leather gloves and began to write a log about this experiment.

Because now Link only needs to wait for 10 minutes to get a test sample formally.

The last test sample, Link, will be fed to Pukwudgie, who is closed in a transparent box next to it.

This kind of little thing that is commonly found in the back garden of the wizard and relies on destroying crops is very similar in body structure to humans. It is often used by potionists as a little white mouse.

This process Link has been repeated countless times before.

To be honest, this is really boring, even more boring than when Link first started to learn the spells in depth.

Fortunately, Link can also gain potion learning experience during this experiment.

For now, relying on the massive supply of resources in the Snape Material Storehouse, Link has upgraded the material handling and refining operations in potion science to LV4. At his current level, it can even be Go out to work as a refining operator in the potion workshops of Gringotts.


The alarm clock placed by Link made a crisp sound.

And after hearing the sound of Link, he quickly put down the pen and paper, put on the dragon leather gloves again, and quickly lifted the cap of the cauldron. The light gray thick liquid was filled into a beaker.

“Come on, Little Brat, it’s time for you to play.”

Link whispered and handed the beaker to a Pukwudgie.

This greedy creature has very low intelligence and is not resistant to food, so it drank the potion that was still tumbling with bubbles in Link’s hand without hesitation.

After that, a magical scene happened.

Pukwudgie, who drank all the potion, was holding his neck in pain, but its limbs gradually became transparent.

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