This change not at all caused too much emotional change for Link. He picked up a pocket watch and started timing.

Because this was originally the normal reaction of the combination of the phantom lizard slime and the concentrated aspidistra liquid, the success of the stealth potion depends on whether the stealth effect can be stable and lasting.

The definition of Link for this so-called durability is 30 minutes. Exceeding or less than this time means that the stabilizer is unqualified.

“Tick to tick!~”

The pointer on the pocket watch is beating at a constant speed, and as the pointer gets closer and closer to the predetermined time, Link’s heartbeat is gradually accelerating.

This experience is a bit like CS:GO out of the box, and it’s also a bit like DNF opening an epic jar, which makes people irritated.

And this emotion finally reached a certain point after the pocket watch finally made a crisp sound that represented the end of the countdown.


Link took a deep breath and looked up into the transparent box.

Then he saw that Pukwudgie, which had been completely translucent inside, was manifesting at an extremely fast speed, returning to its original appearance.

This Little Brat seems to have not yet reacted to the drastic changes in his body. At this moment, he is touching his body with a look of shock.

And Link’s expression turned into ecstasy after a short lag!


Link shook his fist vigorously!

A week of hard work is not in vain after all!

But this is his only celebration.

After the celebration, he quickly suppressed his joy with Occlumency, turned his head and picked up quill and quickly wrote on the notebook.

This is the most important task at the moment. Only when all the clinical manifestations of the tester are recorded in the test report can a test be considered complete.

And after recording, Link tried again with different Pukwudgie instances according to the original formula, until he determined that the formula was stable enough, he finally poured the last potion into it. Out of his own mouth.


The expression on Link’s face instantly became exciting.

The taste and texture of this potion is like drinking a large glass of citric sour Snot, and after using it, the skin of Link’s whole body is extremely itchy.

That feeling, don’t mention the sourness.

But the effect of this potion is also excellent.

Link has just drunk, his body and clothes on his body quickly began to become transparent, and finally Link completely turned into an invisible person, only the slight distortion of light and shadow still proves Link The presence.

Looking at his translucent body, the smile on Link’s face finally bloomed uncontrollably.

This kind of joy of success is naturally interesting only if you share it with others.

The first person Link thought of was Snape.

He cautiously pushed open the door of the Material Storehouse and walked towards Snape.

At this moment, Snape is still sorting the raw materials on the workbench. This is a very tedious task, because Snape’s requirements for potion raw materials have almost reached the level of a BT. The materials sold in pharmacies He has to pick it again himself before putting it into his Material Storehouse.

As for those who are picked and leftovers are called inferior products, but in fact, medicine ingredients that are of good quality will be put in the classroom by him for use by the lower grade students.

Looking at Snape, who was carefully choosing medicine ingredients, Link’s actions became more careful.

He didn’t want to just run over and say that he was successful.

That is too lack of creativity.

In Link’s vision, he should surprise Snape sneakily while the potion effect still exists, which is interesting.

However, when Link moved slowly behind Snape, just when he raised his arm.

A familiar indifferent voice suddenly rang.

“As long as you dare to drop that dirty hand on me, I will really turn into a badger, a flat-headed one! I swear!”

Snape’s words made Link’s raised arm froze in midair.

And Snape also turned around at this time, and first looked at Link with that cold gaze, that only showed a silhouette of a distorted outline in the air. This is the lightly saying:

“It looks like you have succeeded.”

“Yes, yes! Of course I have succeeded! This is inevitable.” Link put down his arm and said with dissatisfaction, ” But you are really boring! I originally wanted to surprise you.”

“A potion teacher is a rigorous profession! Surprises are worthless to us!”

“Forget it, isn’t the famous Philosopher’s Stone and immortality medicine created by Nicholas Flamel accidentally? This is a big surprise for him. Do you dare to say that this kind of surprise is worthless? “

Link relied on his semi-invisible state, Snape couldn’t see his expression, so he said with disdain.

But Snape hearing this still had a black face, and said angrily:

“Enough, I don’t want to discuss this with you anymore. Come on, you use it. What acts as a stabilizer?”

“It is the powder of the carapace of the color-changing giant snail (Note 1).” Link spread his hand and said, “Actually, poisonous horn tail is also possible, but I consider potion The cost issue after mass production was finally abandoned.”

“Hey! You are not too stupid.”

Snape’s tone is still so cold. , But the slight smile at the corner of his mouth has already exposed his mood at the moment.

For Link’s performance, he is actually quite satisfied.

After all, it is quite difficult to develop potion on his own, even with the help of his Snape.

In terms of creativity and execution, even Snape dare not say that he can have Link as strong at his age as Link.

But when Snape’s eyes caught the pile of materials on the workbench, the smile on his face suddenly solidified.

At the same time, an emotion called heartache also surfaced in my heart.

In the past week, Link has almost ruined all his Material Storehouse.

Some other common materials are better to say, after all, Snape is a potions grandmaster, gold Galleon and so on is really nothing to him.

The key is that some of the materials in the Material Storehouse are simply out-of-print goods that money cannot buy.

This is a bit bald.

And Link not far away was not at all, and he was still muttering to himself excitedly when he noticed that Snape’s expression changed.

“…Seriously, Professor Snape, you don’t know how difficult it was for me this week. Fortunately, the invisible potion was made. But I always feel that the name invisible potion is somewhat It’s too ugly, how about I renamed it Phantom potion?”

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