Listening to Link’s broken thoughts, Snape’s expression grew darker and darker.

He knew very well that experimentation alone would not consume so much material at all, so a lot of it must have entered Link’s own pocket.

Staring at Link for a while, until Link noticed the abnormal atmosphere and closed his mouth, Snape finally gave up the idea of ​​looking for Link and then getting the materials back, wrinkling The eyebrow said:

“Whatever you call it, anyway, this is the potion you created. What is called your freedom.”

Hearing this Link is finally relaxed.

The expression in Snape’s eyes was so terrifying that he didn’t even dare to speak.

After that, Snape didn’t have the thought of continuing to talk to Link, and wand in his hand. , A silver deer completely composed of pure and holy radiance appeared out of thin air, and leaped out of the office at a very magical pace.

“Ah, this is…”

Link said hesitatingly, but as soon as he said the words, he was stopped by Snape’s eyes.

This was the first time Link saw such a cold look in Snape’s eyes.

This kind of coldness is completely different after turning on Occlumency, but a kind of coldness that can invade the bone marrow, which makes people stiff.

Fortunately, Snape not at all stared at Link for too long. After confirming that Link would not ask any more, he turned his head back, lightly saying:

“I have gone I’ve notified Dumbledore. If he thinks your potion is standard enough, then we can apply for the Order of Merlin through his channel. Believe me, it will definitely operate faster than your mother.”


Without the suppression of Snape’s eyes, Link relaxed said.

And Dumbledore did not let Link wait too long. After a while, Dumbledore pushed open the office door and walked in, but Link was surprised that Emily appeared with Dumbledore. .


Emily rushed into the office with a magical pace similar to the previous silver shepherd.

She seems to have just got up from the bed, not only has her hair not been combed, but she has not even changed her pajamas.

But the magical pace and the red face still give people a very cute feeling.

“I’m here!”

Looking at Emily, who was walking straight into the Material Storehouse, Link couldn’t help calling her.

It wasn’t until this time that Emily finally discovered Link, which was in a translucent state.

She got to Link’s side, stared wide-eyed cautiously poked Link’s chest, and the smile on her face bloomed again after feeling a solid touch.

At this time, Dumbledore finally came to the workbench.

He first looked at Link with a smile for a while, then picked up the phantom potion sample that Link hadn’t finished drinking before, and lightly dipped it with his finger and tasted it.

“A pretty good level of potion! The effect is also very interesting!” Dumbledore’s eyes lit up instantly, “It’s amazing to be able to independently develop this kind of potion in the Third Year alone!”

“Many thanks for your compliments, Headmaster Dumbledore!”

Faced with Dumbledore Link, he didn’t dare to relax. He sided his head and avoided Emily’s moving towards his face. Little hand, bowed solemnly to Dumbledore.

And Dumbledore hearing this is nodded with a chuckle, then looked towards Snape and said:

“I also want to congratulate you, Severus, you have cultivated another Excellent student!”

“Stop talking nonsense.” Snape gave Dumbledore a blank look, and said straightforwardly, “You should be very clear about what I asked you to come over. Just say whether you want it or not. Would you like to submit this potion to the Order of Merlin as a recommender.”

When Snape said this, Link and Emily became a little nervous.

They all know that as the world’s strongest white wizard, the Order of Merlin has only a few Level 1 medal recipients, the chairman of the International Wizards Federation and the chief wizard of Wizengamot.

Dumbledore’s recommendation has a very strong effect.

It can be said that as long as Dumbledore dared to make a recommendation, even if the thing that Link turned in was a bottle of mineral water, those Order of Merlin reviewers would obediently send the medal to Link. .

This is Dumbledore’s prestige in the wizard world!

And listening to Snape’s blunt words, Dumbledore smiled happierly.

“Of course, the original intention of the Order of Merlin Medal is to reward those wizards who have made outstanding contributions to the magic circle, and Link, you can definitely get a Merlin Level 3 Medal. It is my honor to be your referrer! I would like to express my gratitude to you on behalf of Hogwarts and all the wizards! Your behavior not only proves the significance of Hogwarts’ existence, but also allows the wizards to study this eternal life in potion Another solid step has been taken on the endless road!”

Dumbledore spoke very solemnly.

The solemnity reached the point that even Link and Emily were surprised.

But Dumbledore didn’t feel too much at all.

Because Link applied for the Order of Merlin Medal with the magic potion, it is equivalent to his disclosure of the magic potion formula.

We must know that although the initial investment of potion is very exaggerated, once it succeeds, the income it can bring to inventors will also be an astronomical figure.

Just like Harry Potter’s grandfather, Fremont Potter, once developed a hair care lotion called Quick Smooth Hair.

With this kind of potion, Fremont Potter directly promoted the Potter family from the original pure-blood family to one of the top families in the magic circle.

(I guess that the reason why Snape doesn’t like washing hair is because the most common and best-selling hair care lotion on the market is the Potter family. Of course this It’s just a guess of an attractive spectacle, it’s actually unreasonable.)

In terms of practicability, Link’s magic potion is not inferior to the quick-smoothing hair lotion, which means Link In fact, he gave up a huge amount of gold Galleon in exchange for an Order of Merlin, Third Class medal.

Of course, Dumbledore also knows very well that gold Galleon this thing is actually meaningless to Link.

But this is not a reason to obliterate Link’s contribution.

In Dumbledore’s view, Link’s behavior is still great!

Naturally, Link and Emily did not know about this.

But they were still very happy after hearing Dumbledore’s affirmative reply, especially Emily, she was even more excited than Link, pulling Link’s hand bounced around. .

But after a while, Emily seemed to have thought of something suddenly.

Turning his head and looking expectantly at Dumbledore and asked:

“Headmaster Dumbledore, do you know when will Link’s Order of Merlin come down?”

“Um…child, the review of the Order of Merlin is a very tedious task, so it should take a long time.” Dumbledore groaned for a while and said, “I think there should be results before and after Halloween. As for the official award of the medal, probably It will be around Christmas.”

“Ah! ~It’s too slow!”

Emily complained with a pouting mouth.

The anxious look of her made Dumbledore laugh again.

Link hearing this, who was still in a translucent state not far away, flashed a trace of worry.

He muttered to himself:


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