As soon as Link said this, the entire headmaster’s office was silent, and only the portrait on the wall made a nervous gasp.

After a long time, Snape on the sofa frowned and said:

“Why didn’t you say it last night?”

“Because I was scared at the time You kill my Arkham directly.”

Link replied.

This answer is half true half false. Link is indeed a little afraid that Dumbledore will directly kill Arkham after catching Arkham for the stability of Hogwarts.

After all, judging from the performance in the original work, Dumbledore is exactly the kind of’Saint’ who at all costs for world peace.

In the eyes of this kind of person, the stability of Hogwarts and even the world is placed first, and other things such as personal emotions are not worth mentioning at all.

But it is his inertial thinking as a transmigrator that really makes Link choose to temporarily conceal the Chamber of Secrets information.

As a transmigrator, he in the bones has a habit of concealing key information to protect himself, especially when facing the existence of Dumbledore that can destroy everything with no difficulty.

But after thinking in the responsive room last night, Link quickly understood one thing.

That is, his situation is different from the general transmigrator.

Dumbledore has long known Du Ming about the existence of Basilisk, and he and Dumbledore are in the strict sense of the word.

In this case, he can use Dumbledore’s ability to fight the heir hidden in the dark.

This is also the reason why Link arrived early in the morning.

In the headmaster’s office, Snape was silent after hearing the reasons Link gave.

He knows what kind of person Dumbledore is.

He and Link looked at each other, and then both cast their gazes at Dumbledore behind the eagle’s table.

“cough cough ~” Dumbledore coughed a little unfathomable mystery and said, “Link, since you know where the Chamber of Secrets is, please tell me. I will arrange for someone to go in and find it.”

“The entrance to the Chamber of Secrets is in the bathroom on the second floor, but I must go together, because opening the Chamber of Secrets requires Parseltongue.”

Link said quickly.

“Is that so? Although it’s more dangerous, it will only allow you to go with Professor Snape.” Dumbledore pondered for a while and said, “It’s not too late, you go now.”

“Now? And there are only two of us?” Link frowned, “Aren’t you coming with us?”

“Yes, we still have the identity of heir. He hasn’t been grasped yet, he is hidden by our side. If your team grows larger or I, as a key player, will most likely have information in advance, so this action can only be done by you two. “Dumbledore said with a smile, “Link, don’t worry, Professor Snape is an excellent Defense Against the Dark Arts master besides being a potions grandmaster. He is fully capable of protecting you. Not only that, I will let you Fawkes followed you.”

Dumbledore deliberately increased the tone of the words’Defense Against the Dark Arts 术 ​​master’ in the words, and took a special look at Snape.

This curl one’s lip which makes Snape very unhappy.

It’s a pity that Link didn’t care about the small interaction between them. He frowned and said:


“This is this Now.”

Dumbledore smiled and stretched out his hand, and following the direction he was pointing, Link saw that beautiful fiery-red Phoenix moved towards the sky with a cry, and then So it rose into the air and landed on Link’s shoulders.

“ying ying ying!~”

“Oh! Oh! He looks like you very much!”

Dumbledore yelled excitedly, which made Link some not knowing what to do.

Fortunately, Snape on the side seemed to be unable to bear Dumbledore’s nagging at last, and shouted directly:

“Don’t waste time! Dumbledore!”

“Okay, okay.” Dumbledore was stunned by the roar, then waved his hand and said, “Then I wish you all the best.”

A hint of surprise flashed across Link’s face. , He opened his hand and hurriedly said:

“Wait, will you leave now? I haven’t eaten yet…”

Before he finished his words, Snape stepped forward. Grabbed his arm.

At the same time, Phoenix Fawkes on Link’s shoulders burst into a dazzling red glow.

“bang! ~”

Space Teleportation’s familiar feeling of dizziness made Link unable to help but close his eyes, and when he opened his eyes again, he suddenly found himself and Snape had actually appeared in the bathroom.

“Phoenix itself has the ability to bring people to teleport, and this ability can ignore the Anti-Phantom Manifestation. But Dumbledore is right, this Phoenix seems to really like you , The average person wouldn’t take a teleport casually.”

Snape looked at Phoenix Fawkes who was still grooming on Link’s shoulder, explaining with a complicated expression.

But this expression only appeared on his face for a moment, and soon he returned to normal, pulled Link and said:

“Okay, our time Not much, hurry up and open the door of Chamber of Secrets.”

Hearing this Link didn’t refuse, but he glanced at Phoenix Fawkes on his shoulder and came to the washing table.

“si si hiss…(open)”

Snake language of send cold shivers down one’s spine was pronounced.

Listening to this weird snake language, a trace of disgust flashed across Snape’s face.

But he hides it well, not at all for Link to discover.

Soon, the sink began to deform and eventually disappeared, leaving only a very thick water pipe.

Link pointed to the bottomless water pipe and said:

“Chamber of Secrets is below here, but I don’t know the exact location, plus the pipe below. It’s complicated, we still need to explore.”

Snape frowned, but instead of grumbling, he said:

“Let’s go.”

After saying that, Snape jumped into the pipe very simply.

Link also followed soon.

“ying ying ying ~”

Phoenix Fawkes screamed and flapped his wings, dragging Link to prevent him from slipping down quickly.

And Snape in front of Link also used some unknown spell to float in the air.

In order to prevent sudden danger, Link started Occlumency and Super-Sense Curse early.

But this made his journey painful for everyone.

Because this pipe is actually the underground drainage pipe of Hogwarts, it is not only damp and dark, but also full of indescribable odors,

After the increase in sense organs, it becomes even more terrifying.

As a last resort, Link can only reach out and pinch his nose to stop the horrible smell a little bit.

As the two of them continued to descend, the slope of the pipeline became steeper and steeper, and the most serious point even reached the terrifying 90% angle, almost no different from the cliff. .

In addition, they also found many other forks.

These fork roads diverged towards all directions, some were so narrow that they were completely impassable, and some were almost as thick as the pipe they were on now.

Snape didn’t seem to care about this, as he continued to fly along the main pipe.

After flying for nearly twenty minutes, the pipe suddenly became horizontal. Then, a gleaming exit appeared in front of him.

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