“pu! ~”

With a slight muffled noise, Link and Snape finally got out of the pipe and landed on a damp ground.

However, just like the inside of the pipe, there is still an invisible darkness here.

Link took out wand and prepared to use Lumos.

However, before he could recite the spells, Snape stuffed a bottle of potion directly into his hand.


Listening to Snape’s indifferent voice, Link did not hesitate to unscrew the lid and poured the potion inside into his mouth.

The potion is a bit bitter in the throat, but the effect is quickly revealed.

Link only felt a chill in his eyes, and then the world in front of him quickly lit up.

It was not until then that Link finally saw the environment they were in at the moment.

This is a huge wet cave. Numerous stalactites gradually fall from the top of the cave. From time to time, there will be water drops falling into the moist soil below.

On the ground, there are only traces of horror created by Basilisk crawling, and there are many dense bones in the middle. From the appearance, it seems that they are the skeletons of rodents and fish, not at all the bones of humanoids, which makes Link a little relaxed.

“It looks like we have come to the right place. This should be the Basilisk’s lair.”

Snape’s voice was hollow and deep, even in this empty space. There was no echo, it was very weird.

Link hearing this frowned, pulled Snape’s robe and said:

“Don’t kill Arkham.”

Snape twisted After looking at Link impatiently, he pulled back his robe and said:

“I see.”

After saying that, the two of them continued to move forward, but they have not yet gone out. How far away, Snape pulled Link behind him, and at the same time wand slammed out of his hand!

“weng! ~”

Link could only hear a distressing light sound. When it struggled to drill out from behind Snape, he saw a sudden on the distant wall A terrifying slash mark appeared, and a huge monster that resembled Arkham lay slightly ahead of the slash mark.

This discovery made Link also startled, but when he came back and took a closer look, he realized that it turned out to be just a huge snake sloughing off.

And the snake at this moment has also been cut in half by the curse that Snape had just cast!

“It’s a snake sloughing, it’s a pity.”

Snape took back wand with some regret.

Seeing that Link was angry, he pointed to the snake that had been cut in half and said:

“Didn’t you say that you won’t kill Arkham? What happened to that just now?”

Snape curl one’s lip, some didn’t want to talk, but looking at Link’s angry eyes, he finally waved his sleeves and said:


After saying that, Snape bypassed the snake and continued to move forward.

And Link also followed.

It’s just that now he has a long eye. Snape’s attitude towards Basilisk Arkham may be worse than Dumbledore, and he must be careful next.

The two continued to walk forward for a while, until they finally came to a wall after turning a curve.

Two venomous snakes entwined with each other are carved on the wall, and their eyes are also inlaid with a few huge emeralds.

Link not at all I hesitated too much and walked forward directly.

“si si hiss~ (open)”

“hong long long!~”

Along with the sound of a huge rock friction, the stone wall The place in the middle of the poisonous snake split open.

What appeared in front of Link and Snape at this moment was a wide square.

The space of the entire square is filled with a strange green glow, and many huge stone pillars engraved with coiled poisonous snakes are erected in it, supporting the entire underground square.

Here, it should be the Chamber of Secrets of the legendary Slytherin.

At the same time in the Chamber of Secrets plot of original work, this is also the venue for the battle between Harry Potter and Basilisk.

Here, Basilisk Arkham and the so-called heir will appear at any time!

Thinking so, Link lowered his head silently, letting his eyes fall on the floor under his feet.

This is an important means to defend against Basilisk Arkham’s death gaze. As for the problem of perception, Link can be solved by the super-sensing curse and the little remaining light.

Snape on the side did the same thing, apparently also aware of the dangers of Basilisk.

“Follow me, don’t get too far away.”

“I know!”

Link said seriously.

He is not a true little child like Harry Potter, he doesn’t play a child’s temper, and he understands the seriousness of things right now.

And Snape hearing this didn’t say anything more, he clicked nodded and took Link into the green and gleaming water.

Although the green color looks very bluffing, but after actually touching it, Link discovered that it turned out to be the water mist from the two pools, but it was because of the emeralds laid on the bottom of the pool. Discoloration caused by reflections.

Neither Link nor Snape relax their vigilance. At this time, they are all aware of the danger of this trip.

But to Link’s surprise, there were no enemies around until the two of them came to the end of the square in front of a wall with a huge statue of a human face.

“Salazar · Slytherin…” Snape muttered, looking at the face statue on the wall, “It looks like you are not at all leading the wrong way.”

After opening the road, he winked at Link.

The meaning is obvious, it is to let Link open the door.

It’s just that… Link this time didn’t move.

Voldemort Remnant Soul in the original work did indeed chant a section length spells before summon out of Basilisk from the mouth of this face statue.

But unfortunately…Link has forgotten the content of the spells.

This is a nonsense at first glance, but in fact it is quite normal.

After all, Link likes the Harry Potter series, but it is far from crazy about it.

And Link is not the kind of guy who reads a book and gives all the lines in it.

But looking at Snape’s obviously impatient expression, Link finally bit his head and walked towards the statue of the human face.

He still decided to give it a try, because he vaguely remembered that the spells read by Voldemort Remnant Soul in the original work were actually very nonsense, as if they were made up casually.

If that is the case, Link, who is also a snake-like voice, might be able to open the wall.

Thinking about this, Link took a deep breath, lifts the head looked towards the Salazar ·Slytherin face statue on the wall.

This statue depicts the middle-aged Salazar · Slytherin. To be honest, Link thinks this is still very handsome, although it is still a little worse than himself, it is indeed Perfectly fit those Salazar · Slytherin portraits in Slytherin house.

Link really doesn’t understand why the statue of Salazar · Slytherin is made so ugly in the movie, it is like a deformed old man, shoddy.

Some shook the head with emotion, when Link opened his mouth, he had to say the’open’ command as before.

But before Link could speak, his brows frowned.

Because he suddenly discovered that the closed eyes on the statue of Salazar Slytherin seemed to be slightly opened.

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