‘Is it an illusion? ‘

Link also blinked his eyes, carefully observing the face of the stone statue.

Human eyes are actually very easy to be deceived. There are changes in time, shadows or psychology, which will make people feel that what they see has also changed.

But Link soon knew that the change of the stone statue in front of him was not his own illusion.

Because of the next moment, Snape’s big hand grabbed his neck and threw him fiercely back.


Snape yelled, and at the same time, wand in his hand was already pointed at the wall in front of him.

The statue of Salazar · Slytherin’s face on the wall opened his eyes completely at the moment and focused his gaze on Link’s body.

“Another trialist……”

A sound that was as hard as a gear turning came from his mouth. Then, there was a violent tremor in the entire square, and at the same time The face statue of Salazar Slytherin actually stood up slowly, revealing the huge torso behind it.

The Link that was thrown out was hung by Phoenix Fawkes and regained its balance. He hovered in midair and looked at the huge stone statue in shock.

He didn’t understand why such a powerful magic stone statue appeared here. Obviously, Voldemort Remnant Soul was only out of Basilisk when Voldemort Remnant Soul was fighting Harry in the original work.

But he wasn’t very scared, after all, besides him, Snape was still there.

He believed that Snape would never sit idly by.

And things are as he expected.

Link only heard a loud noise.

A horrible red light flashed from the wand in Snape’s hand, accurately hitting the head of the huge stone statue, and a burst of terrifying flames directly blew up most of the head of the stone statue.

But then a surprising scene appeared.

Salazar Slytherin, who was missing most of his head, actually shook his head, and then the part that had been blown up recovered quickly.


Salazar ·Slytherin roared, ignoring Snape at all, and ran towards the Link.

“Is the target? Fawkes, it’s up to you.”

Opened Occlumency’s Link not at all, panicked, and calmly said to Phoenix on his shoulder.

Speaking of which, Phoenix Fawkes also tweeted and flew with Link.


As soon as Link took off, the Salazar Slytherin statue hit his original location with a punch, and a large hole was directly smashed into the ground.

At the same time, Snape was also launching an attack on the stone statue.

The one after another multi-colored spell is issued from his wand like no money. Its frequency is so fast that it can almost be called a spell mechanism gun.

Unfortunately, just like before, no matter how big the destructive power he casts, the stone statue will recover quickly in a very short time.

And control spells can’t cause any effect on huge monsters like stone statues.

For a while, one after another big beads of sweat emerged from Snape’s forehead.

“Link! Run away! Let Phoenix take you out of here!”

Snape turned towards Link Roar.

However, Link didn’t do as Snape said, instead, moved towards the stone statue and swung a Sectumsempra curse.

“weng! ~”

There was a buzzing sound in the air, and the invisible blade instantly printed a cut mark on the neck of the stone statue.

Compared with the huge body of the stone statue, the cut mark caused by Link is almost indistinguishable from a scratch.

But… this scratch is not at all healed like Snape’s attack!

The corner of Link’s mouth slightly raised.

The scene that appeared at this moment just proved his guess.

This Salazar ·Slytherin stone statue in front of me, only he, who has the Parseltongue innate talent, can cause harm to it!

From this perspective, this stone statue is likely to be the guardian of the Slytherin Chamber of Secrets.

People who come here and have Slytherin bloodline still need to defeat this stone statue to truly become a heir!

If you want to understand this, Link has no idea of ​​leaving.


Only listening to a violent drink in his mouth, a ball of red light flare swayed and fell on the ankle of the stone statue.


The light bomb exploded suddenly, breaking up a large stone on the stone statue’s leg.

Immediately afterwards, the missing part of the calf seemed to be unable to bear the huge weight of the stone statue and collapsed more violently.

The unbalanced stone statue swayed and fell. Although it supported the body with both hands when it touched the ground, it still couldn’t make up for the fact that it had lost most of its mobility.

“bang! ~”

A large amount of dust drifted away with loud noises, and gradually filled most of the square.

In the dusty mist, Snape stared at the stone statue in front of him dumbfounded.

He really couldn’t understand why the terrifying stone statue he couldn’t defeat after all his efforts was knocked down by Link’s two curses.

Link, who was caught by Phoenix Fawkes flying fast in the sky, was not surprised by this.

Chamber of Secrets Guardian this thing is normal when facing Snape. After all, Snape is not at all Salazar · Slytherin’s bloodline, or his bloodline concentration within the body is not high.

But it wouldn’t be right for him to maintain that intensity when facing a “target group” like Link.

Because the people who can enter this Chamber of Secrets are mostly Hogwarts students. At this time, if you set the test difficulty to a high level, then don’t think anyone can pass the test. .

“Fawkes! Come closer! Let’s continue!”

In the sky, Link roared loudly.

Fawkes, who heard the Link command, also screamed, and then moved towards the stone statue with a dive.

After that, there was a series of spell bombing from Link.

This kind of high-intensity bombing lasted for nearly ten minutes, until Link felt that the magic power within the body was almost exhausted before the stone statue was finally broken into stones. There was no more movement.


Link, who ended the battle, was cautiously placed on the ground by Phoenix Fawkes, but his feet were still soft and collapsed.

Seeing this, Snape hurried over and poured a bottle of Green’s unknown potion into Link’s mouth.

“Huh! Thank you!”

Link said weakly, the potion Snape gave him to drink only helped him regain some strength.

At this time, the rubble on the ground suddenly drifted towards the original wall, and finally recondensed into the shape of the stone statue of Salazar · Slytherin.

But unlike before, this time Salazar · Slytherin’s mouth is open.

In that hollow mouth, there seems to be light flickering!

Seeing this, Snape guarded Link vigilantly.

At this time, Link was smiling with his face upright.

“What are you laughing at!?”

Turning his head, Snape said angrily.

But hearing this Link is shook the head, and the smile on his face has become stronger.

So at this moment, another golden subtitle appeared before his eyes.

[Slytherin Chamber of Secrets has opened free skill points +1! 】

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