This book, Sanjiang.

Don’t be afraid of what a joke you guys have, this is the highest achievement I have ever achieved in my life!

Although I was too rubbish, Sanjiang was at the bottom of that period.

I am really ashamed of this and I feel that I have let down a lot of people.

But I have to say, I still have to thank my Jiang Cha editor and the friends around me who gave Zhangtui support.

Of course, the most important thing is the readers father.

Oh! Of course there are mothers!

You are the most important being!

Then there is the update issue.

Tomorrow I will update five chapters throughout the day, totaling 1W characters, of which there will be two chapters in the early morning, and the remaining three chapters will be updated in the next few hours, but probably before noon tomorrow More finished.

As for the subsequent updates, the basics are still two changes at 8 o’clock and 18 o’clock every day, and then neuro-knife-style additions in other time periods.

The change rules are tentatively set as ten thousand rewards plus one change, and monthly pass 100 plus one change.

To be honest, this update is indeed a bit overwhelming. After all, I said in the introduction before the book opened, such as the guarantee of the old author’s update, and it is a bit ashamed to make it like this now.

But this is really due to force majeure.

The first friends who followed up should know that I went to the hospital some time ago, so I postponed the update.

It wasn’t actually something wrong with my body, but one of my uncles.

At present, his situation is not very optimistic. It is possible…

In addition, the new year is approaching and there are many things in the unit.

So recently, I can say that I have been running three heads at my place of residence-work-hospital.

(Tucao: The hospital is very far away, perhaps to avoid crowds. The operating room and waiting area outside the ICU have very few seats. Several of us stood there for several nights. And we entered the ward. Nucleic acid test is still needed, there are time periods, visit time and number of people restrictions. I didn’t understand this and ran several times in vain. Nucleic acid test is valid for only 7 days. I did it twice half a month, all of the nasal cavity and throat. Sampling, the two experiences were particularly bad. The nurses were so heavy! Let’s not say how sour the nasal cavity was after the thin stick was pricked. The key is that there is a smell of rust in it. I strongly doubt whether they gave it to me. I’m bleeding.)

In this case, I was basically exhausted throughout the second half of December. Not only did I not save the manuscript, but also consumed a lot of the manuscript. This This led to the current situation of pulling across.

I’m really sorry!

In the next update, I dare not make too exaggerated guarantees, because I am a person who values ​​promises very much.

I can only say that I will move towards Riwan and work hard.

I will also squeeze out all my free time for codewords after it’s on the shelves and add more.

So please subscribe more father mothers!

Friends who watch pirated editions, at least please give me a first order, at least to make my face look good.

Please! !



Salute! !

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