In the square, Link is still resting accompanied by Phoenix Fawkes.

Maybe because of the boring relationship of Link, Phoenix Fawkes is still tweeting’ying ying ying’, and it sounds like they are singing.

This is one of Phoenix’s abilities, the song of courage.

When the righteous hear this song, they will have a powerful courage, which is equivalent to give you a shot of stimulant to counteract fatigue and depression.

But to be honest, Link doesn’t need Phoenix Fawkes’ encouragement, because he is very excited now.

[Slytherin Chamber of Secrets has opened free skill points +1! ]

Looking at the golden subtitles still flashing in front of him, Link laughed again.

He really didn’t expect that he had only obtained a free skill point during the entire school year, and it turned out to be like cabbage recently.

But if you think about it carefully, this is actually normal. Link guessed that his cheat should originally belong to the type that earns skill points and other rewards based on the plot achievements in the original work.

Now Link happens to be in Hogwarts at the center of the plot storm, and the plot development is becoming more intense, so the frequency of acquiring skill points becomes higher, which is as it should be by rights.

And when Link was resting, Snape was not free either.

He went directly to the open mouth of the stone statue with the human face.

“You can come in, there is no danger in it.”

After Link was impatient to wait, Snape finally poked out a head and said this.

Then she retracted at a very fast speed, with a rare smile on her face.

This made Link almost think that Snape had caught Basilisk Arkham or the mysterious heir.

But when he and Phoenix Fawkes entered the space inside the mouth of the stone statue together, they found that it was not like this.

This is a cave similar to the previous grotto. Judging from the surrounding traces, this seems to be the place where Basilisk Arkham usually rests, but the ground is surprisingly dry and clean.

It seems that Arkham still takes good care of his residence.

And after walking for a while and passing an open stone gate, a room similar to Snape’s office appeared in front of Link.

There is a thick layer of dust on the ground and furnishings, and there are many footprints on the messy. There are large and small, new and old.

This brings Link’s spirits, because there may be the mysterious heir in the footprints here.


Link’s eyes flashed with blue glow. Under the influence of the super-sensing curse, all the details of the footprints on the ground were seen by Link, and he used the shorthand quill. Draw the data on the notebook.

After all this was done, Link moved his attention to the other furnishings in the room again.

The furnishings here are actually very simple, just a simple old desk and a huge stone storage shelf.

There are still some boxes on the storage shelf, but these boxes are all messed up, and it’s empty inside.

Judging from the traces of dust on it, it should have been taken away a long time ago.

Link guessed that this is the real Slytherin Chamber of Secrets. In the past, there should be many treasures that Slytherin left to his heir.

But now, it is estimated that these things have been taken away by the young Voldemort.

On the desk not far away is a thick book made up of stone pages, and Snape is currently copying something frantically on it.

Link slowly leaned up, only to find that this stone book was still wearing a chain, and the other end of the chain led directly to a base made of the same material as the chain on the ground.

Judging from the traces on the chain and the base, Voldemort seemed to have tried to take the book away, but he couldn’t break the chain and gave up.

The content of the stone book is written entirely in ancient Latin. Fortunately, this body of Link seems to have learned ancient Latin in the past (because many spells are born out of ancient Latin. Pronunciation), so Link is basically understandable.

“What is this?”

Link asked directly.

“The Pharmacopoeia.” Snape said without looking back, “Salazar · Slytherin’s Pharmacopoeia!”

Hearing this Link immediately became excited.

Everyone in Hogwarts knows that Salazar ·Slytherin is not only a powerful wizard but also a potions grandmaster of shocking and stunning. The pharmacopoeia he left is naturally a masterpiece!

Without any hesitation, Link immediately craned his neck and copied it with Snape.

But after copying, the excitement on Link’s face slowly disappeared.

Because he discovered that although this pharmacopoeia does record many potion formulas, there are even some formulas with amazing effects.

Unfortunately, these potions are now unconfigured.

The reason is also very simple, there is no material.

Anyone who has studied A History of Magic for a while will know that the wizards of the past were actually quite happy.

Because the extraordinary resources on Earth at that time were very rich, they could go to nature without restriction.

Let’s give an example.

In Wand was invented Early Stage, wand is actually a kind of’huge monster’ shaped like a scepter!

Because of the backward craftsmanship of wands, these wands at that time did not have any cores at all. Those “stick-making” people are almost using a random combination of various precious extraordinary The materials are combined together.

As it should be by rights, the success rate of this production method must be very low.

But the wizards at that time didn’t care at all, because the extraordinary materials at that time were too rich.

The most important thing is that this is only the wand industry, and the situation in other industries like potion and alchemy is much more serious.

And such an approach naturally caused the backlash of nature.

Just like muggles developed industries to pollute the environment, leading to the extinction of many modern natural resources.

The madness of the wizards also led to the depletion of extraordinary resources.

Today, the extraordinary resources on Earth have been over-exploited and have almost reached the red line.

Therefore, in recent years, Magic Circle has called for the protection of the environment, the protection of magical creatures and even the protection of werewolf, Vampire, Merpeople and even Centaur.

Even the Ministry of Magic has made many policy concessions.

They call this magic environmentalism, also called sustainable developmentism.

But don’t think that the politicians of Ministry of Magic compromised out of kindness or pressure.

In their eyes, whether it’s a werewolf or other magical creatures, they are actually just that’s all of extraordinary resources.

Just like the core of Fleur’s wand in the original work is Veela’s hair, although that wand has the limitation that only Fleur, the half-blood with Veela bloodline, can be used.

But do you dare to say that the latter technology is only a breakthrough?

And in case of a breakthrough, those werewolf, Vampire, Veela, etc., I am afraid they will all be caught by the wizards as wands, right?

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