“How is Emily!?”

Link roared and rushed into the ward of Hogwarts Infirmary, which made Dumbledore and Snape and the others in the ward all look Gathered on him.

“Link, don’t worry, Victoria Young Lady’s situation is the same as Mrs. Lorice’s back then, not at all mortal danger.”

Dumbledore stepped forward to explain, but Link did not. Ignoring him, I just squeezed to the front.

Emily is lying quietly on the hospital bed.

Judging from her blocking arms and the horrified expression on her face, she seemed to have been suddenly attacked.

Fortunately, her body is not at all other injuries.

Seeing that Link was temporarily relaxed, he turned his head and asked:

“What the hell is this?”

“Victoria Young Lady was near the Slytherin house this morning It was discovered. According to our guess, she was attacked when she returned from Professor Snape’s office last night.” Dumbledore said and glanced at the silent Snape. “We contacted Mr. Victoria, and Link . After hearing the news, your mother took it very seriously. The two of them are coming here.”

“I see.”

Link frowned and said, He ignored the people around him and took out his only remaining bottle of Mandrake resurrection potion and poured it into Emily’s mouth.

Seeing this, Madam Pomfrey instinctively wanted to stop, but was stopped by Dumbledore.

Others may not know what the potion in Link’s hands is, but he knows it very well. After all, Mrs. Lorice can’t keep it from recovering completely.

“ka-cha! ka-cha!”

Along with the sound of densely packed joints, Emily’s body gradually returned to normal.

And Dumbledore and Snape and the others also surrounded them, looking at Emily with a serious face.

It’s not nice to say, they notified Link when they found Emily’s immediately.

In addition to considering the relationship between Link and Emily, there is no shortage of ideas for Link to heal Emily so that they can obtain first-hand information.


The recovered Emily sat up abruptly from the bed, panting, and staring at her surroundings with horror.

“It’s okay! Emily! You are safe!”

Link quickly stepped forward and grabbed Emily’s hand to comfort.

And hearing this, Emily gradually calmed down, but I don’t know if it was an illusion. Link always felt that after being held by him, Emily’s face seemed to be paler. , The palms were shaking slightly.


Emily said tremblingly, still a little frightened.

At this time, Madam Pomfrey also came up, and cautiously inspected Emily’s body, until he confirmed that there were no other problems, he ordered nodded to everyone.

This makes Link greatly relaxed.

And Dumbledore on the side came over at this time, looking at Emily and slowly asking:

“Victoria Young Lady, could you please tell me what happened to you? What’s the matter?”

As soon as he said this, Link’s brow furrowed again.

He felt that Dumbledore was a bit too impatient. Emily’s mental state had obviously not recovered. Starting to ask now will definitely have more impact on Emily’s psychology.

However, the surrounding professors hearing this have their ears pricked.

Obviously, they are also very concerned about this matter.

“I…I returned to the Slytherin common room from Professor Snape’s office, and then…”

Emily said slowly, while her eyes fluttered around. , Seemed a little flustered.

However, this panic disappeared instantly when her gaze fell on Link.

“Then I felt a black shadow rushing towards me, a pain in my body, and then I didn’t know anything.”

Emily speeded up suddenly. Speaking very firmly and smoothly.

This made Dumbledore and Professor McGonagall and the others looked at each other in blank dismay.

Anyone can see that this little girl is hiding something in her heart.

“Do you remember the appearance of the dark shadow?”

Dumbledore asked, but Emily still gritted her teeth and said:

“I I didn’t see it clearly.”


A little helpless flashed across Dumbledore’s face, while Snape was a little angry, frowning and wanted to continue talking. Asked, but was stopped by Dumbledore.

“Forget it, Severus, let Victoria Young Lady take a good rest for now.”


Snape was still a little unwilling, but Before he finished speaking, the door of the ward was slammed open again.

Everyone turned their heads instinctively, and saw that Mrs. Foley, wearing a veil and wearing a pure black cloak, had appeared at the door for some time.

“How is little Emily?”

Ms. Foley said coldly, while she said, she moved towards the bed and walked over.

Snape and the others along the road all gave way. Only Lockhart licked a dry smile and seemed to want to say hello to Mrs. Foley.

But when he really felt the icy eyes under Mrs. Foley’s veil, Lockhart was immediately stunned, and the smile on his face became distorted.

After Mrs. Foley passed, everyone finally discovered that there was a middle age person with a short stature behind Mrs. Foley.

Seeing Dumbledore and the others looked towards him, he gestured to everyone nodded very politely, but his eyes kept drifting towards Emily.

“Mr. Victoria, I apologize for what happened to your daughter!”

“No need, Mr. Dumbledore, we all know this was an accident.”

Mr. Victoria still said politely.

On the other side, Mrs. Foley sat sideways on the hospital bed, holding Emily in her arms.

Emily, who was even strong just now, was so hugged by Mrs. Foley, she started crying loudly.

This silenced everyone on the side, and Mr. Victoria looked very humble as he wanted to go up to comfort Emily but didn’t dare.

After a while, until Emily’s emotions finally calmed down, Fliffe spoke again:

“Huh! Alright Emily, Link, let’s go. “

“Go? Where to go?”

Link frowned.

“Go home, are you going to have Christmas holiday tomorrow anyway?” Mrs. Foley glanced at Dumbledore and said, “I don’t think Mr. Headmaster will refuse our request at the same time?”

“Of course, please.”

hearing this Mrs. Foley coldly nodded, holding Emily and Link with both hands and looked towards outside the castle Go.

At this moment, the corridor outside the medical office is already full of curious students.

Everyone is constantly looking into the infirmary, and you are discussing each other.

Obviously, Dumbledore still underestimated the speed of this incident, and underestimated the enthusiasm for this incident.

After the silhouettes of Link and Emily appeared, the discussion in the corridor became much quieter in an instant.

But it seems that the crowds have given them courage, and they soon started talking about moved towards moved towards Link pointing fingers.

Looking at the complex eyes of the students around him with disgust mixed with fear, Link’s mouth raised a sneer.

How stupid these people are!

At the next moment, Link felt that Mrs. Foley’s hand suddenly tightened.

Link instinctively looked up, slowly Mrs. Foley was looking at him distressedly.

“Link, or let’s drop out of school.”

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