Link’s expression is a bit weird, and he can’t figure out why Mrs. Foley has this idea.

Emily hearing this is also very nervous, her hands are tightly clutching Mrs. Foley’s arm, her knuckles are all white.

When Mrs. Foley saw this, she was sighed, and she lowered her head and said in a tone of suppressed anger:

“Look at these stupid guys, why are they? Dare to treat you like this? Link, let me say, let’s just drop out of school and go to Ifamoni. The atmosphere in the U.S. is now very open, but the magic Congress in the U.S. is full of people who worship bloodlineism. By Foley The bloodline and wealth of the family, after we pass, the wealth and status will not only not fall, but will bring it up a level!”

Ms. Foley’s tone also contains a little contempt and superiority. In her eyes, the American magic circle at this stage is immature compared to the U.S. magic circle like a baby.

The magic circle here in the past, a real Great Family can directly attack the original nobles of the magic circle in the United States.

And hearing this Mr. Victoria, who had been following the three of them, coughed a little awkwardly.

Mrs. Foley’s words just now are undoubtedly hitting him in the face.

“I can’t go!”

Link very decisively rejected Mrs. Foley.

Link has to admit that he was indeed tempted for a moment.

After all, the environment of the magic circle in the United States is indeed much more stable than that in the country.

But what should Arkham do if Link is gone?

Link didn’t want to watch Arkham being killed by heir manipulators, and finally being killed by Dumbledore and Harry!

And Hogwarts is the storm center of the plot, only here can Link’s strength grow rapidly.

If you go to the magic circle of the United States, Link finds it difficult for him to have enough strength when Voldemort returns in a swirl of dust in the later stage.

On the other side, maybe this is really not a good place to talk, so after being rejected by Link, Mrs. Foley not at all continued to persuade, but took Link and Emily out quickly Hogwarts castle.

Up to here, the nasty eyes and whispers around finally disappeared.

On the platform outside the castle, the house elf button has been waiting for a long time.

Hogwarts, as one of the safest places in the country’s magic circle, is itself equipped with anti-phantom manifestation curses and anti-disapparation curses.

However, these two prohibitions are only for wizards, and have no effect on creatures like house elf and Phoenix that also have the ability to teleport.

“Emily, go to my house tonight.”

Mrs. Foley put on a kind face and said to Emily.

Mr. Victoria, who was utterly silent behind her, was completely ignored.

When she wants to come, Emily will definitely agree.

But the facts disappointed her.

I saw Emily glance at Link with a complicated expression, then let go of her hand, shook the head and said:

“No, Leonie Aunt. Today I still follow Father, go back, and I will visit again the next day.”

After saying this, Emily let go of Mrs. Foley’s hand and stood beside Mr. Victoria, who was eager to see through.

This made Mrs. Foley stunned for a moment, and finally Fiercely gave Link a glare.

“Emily, take care.” Link ignored Mrs. Foley and waved at Emily, “We’ll leave first.”

And Emily said After goodbye, Link and Mrs. Foley put their hands on the small button.

“pa ta!”

With a sharp snap of the fingers, the silhouettes of several people twisted and disappeared on the platform.

When Link opened his eyes again, they were already inside Foley Castle.

The little button graciously brought in the pumpkin pot that was prepared a long time ago. When he wanted to come, the great and kind Young Lord would definitely praise him for it.

It’s a pity that Link is not thinking about eating at this moment. After just playing a little button, he sat down in front of the fireplace and fell into contemplation.

Everything about Emily’s attack today is full of weirdness.

According to Dumbledore’s speculation, the so-called heir should be an attack on Emily who was ambushing on the only way.

The person who can do this kind of thing must be Emily’s enemy.

But he and Emily have no feud.

This can be seen from the fact that he made Basilisk Arkham petrified Emily, but he did not at all take a step closer to the damage.

This kind of behavior seems to be just trying to teach Emily a lesson, so as to let out a sigh of foulness.

But confirming this is actually meaningless.

Because Emily is Slytherin’s junior tyrant, her enemies are no less than Filch.

shook the head, Link’s expression looked very hideous under the light of the fire.

At the same time, Mrs. Foley looked at Link’s expression in front of the fireplace, and swallowed back the words that persuaded Link to go to Ifamoni.

She sighed and sat next to Link and said:

“Link, I have heard Dumbledore say everything. I believe you are innocent.”

Speaking of this, Mrs. Foley was paused first, and then said:

“As for Emily, she may have misunderstood you, but you are a boy. So promise me not to be angry , Look back for time, have you come to coax her to know?”

“I know.”

Link rubbed his brows and said.

What Mrs. Foley said is what he is most distressed about right now.

Judging from Emily’s performance just now, she seems to be a little skeptical that Link is heir.

This is a big blow to Link.

Because Emily is different from those passersby, she is the person Link values.

“The next thing is about that heir.” Mrs. Foley changed her words, “This guy, we must find him out! I will contact the Hogwarts board of directors. Put pressure on Dumbledore, and at the same time you can try to investigate.”

Mrs. Foley suddenly got closer to Link and said in a cold tone:

“Go bold Do, Link, whether it’s to those scumbags or the villain who planted you! There is no one behind you!”

“I will!”

Link items He looked at the fire and said.

The flame in the fireplace is reflected in his eyes, and it is burning in his eyes, just like his inner anger at the moment.

No matter who the heir is, if he dares to hurt Emily, then he is dead.

Ms. Foley on the side also raised her mouth when she saw it.

until now, she felt that her son was a bit too cowardly.

That’s why she always encourages Link.

Now it seems that this method works really well.

Looking at Link with a smile for a while, Mrs. Foley pulled out a letter from her arms as if suddenly remembering something.

“Okay, stop being stern, let’s hear some good news.”

Mrs. Foley opened the letter happily and shook it in front of Link’s eyes Shaangdao, excitedly said:

“Your magic potion has passed the review of the Order of Merlin, and they will hold an award ceremony for you on December 23!”

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