“Who is it!”

Link’s eyes became sharp instantly.

Seeing this, Harry and Ron took two steps back in fear. Then Harry brace oneself and said:

“This is not a place to talk, let’s go to other places to talk.”


After that, Harry glanced nervously towards the auditorium, and he relaxed when he saw no one came.

“Follow me!”

Harry beckoned to Link and moved towards the distance.

And Link also silently followed along, and at the same time opened Occlumency and Transcendent Charm.

He was not afraid of what Harry would do to him.

Speaking of arrogance, with his current Sectumsempra curse LV5, Occlumency LV3, and super-sensing curse LV3, the strength is not something Harry or other students can pit, even if that heir takes Basilisk Arkham directly sneak attack He, he can also make a big enough movement and support until Dumbledore arrives.

But as he walked, Link’s brows still wrinkled.

Because Harry’s direction is not to go to the Chamber of Secrets which is convenient for conversation, but rather like a way to the infirmary.

“Where are you taking me?”

“Infirmary.” Harry gave an affirmative answer, “It is difficult for us to tell you clearly about this matter, so I just thought it would be better for Hermione to explain.”

“What does that have to do with our going to the infirmary?”

Link said with some confusion.

“Because Hermione is in the infirmary…”

Ron then replied, but he stopped halfway through the conversation, looking like he was holding a smile.

Harry sighed upon seeing this:

“In order to investigate the identity of Heir, we stole materials from Snape and made Polyjuice Potion infiltrate into Slytherin house. Uh, but something went wrong. Unexpectedly, Hermione treated cat fur as Millison Bosd’s hair, so…”

“So she is now a catwoman?”

“No That’s wrong, that’s it.” Harry muttered, “Madam Pomfrey said that she will have to receive at least some treatment to get back to her original form.”

hearing this Link suddenly realized that it was nodded.

Polyjuice Potion is no stranger to his wizard who specializes in spells and potion.

This is a potion that can make the drinker look like someone else. It is very difficult to make, even for a professional potion master.

If you want to rely on it to become a designated person, you need to get a piece of the other person’s hair.

If you confuse your hair with other creatures, the consequences will become unpredictable.

Just like Hermione became a catwoman directly this time.

But Hermione is actually a good luck, because many wizards who made the same mistakes as Hermione were killed on the spot or permanently turned into half human half beast monsters.

Without words all the way, the three finally arrived in Hermione’s ward.

The layout here is different from other wards. Hermione’s bed is separated by a translucent white curtain. From Link’s point of view, only a vague silhouette can be seen.

“Hermione, we have come to see you with Link.”

Harry said loudly.

And the vague silhouette of hearing this bed, who was still half sitting, screamed and retracted into the quilt.

“Link!? Why did you bring him here! Don’t! Don’t look at me, I’m ugly now!”

Hermione’s muffled voice came from the quilt , Link and Harry looked at the black shadow of the quilt, a little speechless.

“Don’t worry, Hermione, we don’t want to see you, you have nothing to look at! We want you to tell Link about heir!”

Harry was impatient With that said, it seemed that he was not interested in Hermione’s current appearance.

hearing this Link, I smashed my mouth and stopped talking.

To be honest, he still wants to see it.

I have seen so many Beast Ear Niang Fan and COS in my previous life, and he has not seen the real Cat Ear Niang yet.

Now Link really has an idea of ​​rushing to lift the curtain to see what happened.

But thinking of Emily’s appearance, Link finally put out this tempting idea.

“Is that the case?”

At this moment, Hermione also poke out a head with two pointed ears from the quilt and said.

“Cough cough, yes, that’s it.”

Link echoed Harry’s words.

“Okay, but you have to make sure not to peek!” Hermione said timidly behind the curtain. After getting the guarantee from Link, she sat up in a blanket and said, “Actually There is nothing to say, Draco Malfoy is the heir.”

Hearing this Link looked at Hermione’s silhouette with a serious expression and said:

“Why do you say that?”

“Because he told us this personally!” Harry said excitedly, “I dare say it must be true, because this time we used Polyjuice Potion to become Goyle and Crabbe. I asked him after the follower. He didn’t need to lie to his follower!”

“And I really can’t think of anyone heir other than him! Think about it, what he hates the most is I’m muggle, and I hang mudblood on the edge every day, and the whole family is Death Eater.” Ron suddenly realized something here, paused said to Link a little uneasy, “Sorry Link, I’m not talking about you, you know ……”

Link waved his hand, motioning to his heart not at all.

Then frowned and said:

“This is just your subjective guess, is there any other evidence?”

To be honest, Link still likes Draco. of.

This young man is not bad in nature except that his mouth is a bit uncontrollable and spoiled by his parents. At least he is more respectful to Emily and Link.

But Harry obviously didn’t think so.

hearing this their three people looked at each other anxiously, and finally Hermione said:

“Of course. Link, you know who was attacked this time during Christmas My name is Lavender Brown?”

“I know, I heard about it when I was on the Hogwarts Express.”

“What about Pansy Parkinson?”

Link clicked nodded again, to show recognition.

This girl named Pansy Parkinson’s strictly speaking can also be regarded as a little friend who grew up with Draco and Emily.

She comes from the pure-blood family of Parkinson.

She and Draco are almost all tired of being together every day. As long as the adults around are not blind, they can tell that they like each other.

Recently, Link also heard that the Parkinson Family seems to intend to let Pansy marry Draco in order to marry the Malfoy Family.

“Lavender is a good friend of mine, so I am more clear about her. On Christmas Day, because Lavender accidentally ran into Pansy on the road, there was a conflict between the two of them. This It ended with Lavender fiercely hitting Pansy with a slap.” Hermione gritted her teeth and said in a slightly trembling voice, “Then Lavender was attacked that night. Link, do you think this is just a coincidence?”

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