Link is silent.

Naturally, he would not think that Harry and Hermione would lie to himself on this matter, so this meant that Draco did have the motivation to manipulate Basilisk Arkham to attack Lavender Brown.

And after assuming that Draco was Slytherin’s heir, Link suddenly discovered that Draco had sufficient motivation in the two previous attacks.

The first was the first attack on Mrs. Lorice.

Mrs. Lorice is Squib Filch’s pet, regardless of the description of Draco in the original work or the words and deeds of Draco at the Victorian mansion last summer, Draco is a disgust Squib and even the entire non-pureblood wizard group.

At this point, in addition to last year Filch caught Delal who was traveling overnight and Slytherin was deducted a lot of house points, then Draco attacked Mrs. Lorice to retaliate against Filch. It makes sense.

As for why you have to install 13 like this, write down those scarlet warning statements.

That is actually easy to understand.

In addition to Voldemort Remnant Soul in the diary who wanted to declare his return in this way, the greater probability was that Draco wanted to rely on this method to intimidate Harry and Ron Hermione.

The second attack on Emily is a better explanation.

After the scene of the first attack was discovered, Draco immediately jumped out and threatened Harry and the others. At this time, Emily stepped forward in a way that made Draco embarrassed. Stopped Draco’s behavior.

In addition, Draco, who belongs to the Slytherin house with Emily, also has a high probability of knowing Emily’s schedule.

In this way, with the help of Basilisk Arkham and Voldemort Remnant Soul, Draco, who has gradually expanded and fluttered, is indeed likely to ambush the sneak attack Emily in order to avenge his shame. of.

And this can also explain why Emily was only petrified, but was not further harmed.

Draco strictly speaking is just trying to teach Emily a lesson because of years of friendship, instead of killing Emily directly.


Smashed his mouth, Link felt that he should have found the culprit this time.

This is something to celebrate, but it is also something that makes Link feel a little bit self-blaming.

Because he found out it was too late.

Until now, Link didn’t actually put Draco on his suspicion list.

In addition to the fact that Draco is not heir in the original work, the bigger reason is Draco’s father Lucius.

The diary that produced all these ups and downs was handed over to Lucius by Voldemort for safekeeping. Although Lucius did not know the mystery of this diary, he also knew that this diary was a dark magic item, and it was still Voldemort’s is definitely not a good thing.

This is also the reason why he wanted to give Ginny the diary before.

In this situation, how could he let Draco get the diary?

Even if Draco really got the notebook by accident, he couldn’t hide this from the Malfoys because of his mommy level.

And Lucius would immediately tell Draco to throw away the diary when he knew it, instead of indulging Draco to continue his murder in Hogwarts.

Recalling that Draco kept telling people that he was Slytherin’s heir before, a wry smile appeared on Link’s face.

It turns out that I would also be guilty of being dark under the light, which is really…out of standard!

shook the head, Link raised his eyes and noticed that Harry and Hermione were looking at him nervously, with a look that he didn’t dare to show up.

He scanned the faces of the three of them, and then asked:

“Have you told Dumbledore about this?”

“He You won’t believe me!” Harry pursed and muttered, “I’ve told him countless times that Draco is Heir’s business, and he just smiled and said perfunctorily, “Harry, I think Although Draco Malfoy has a disgraceful family and a bit of mischief, he has a good nature.'”

Harry learned Dumbledore a lot, which made Ron couldn’t help but laugh again.

But under the gaze of Link and Harry, the low voice faded again.

“To be precise, all the professors in Hogwarts did not believe our words.” Hermione behind the curtain also echoed, “They all feel that the Malfoy family has absorbed enough from the last trial. Lesson, they will never do something meaningless like heir, after all Azkaban is not a good place. Oh, Link, you should know, Azkaban is the wizard prison, there…”

“Well, Link must know what Azkaban is, so you don’t need to explain it!” Harry interrupted Hermione’s popular science, then turned to Link and said, “Link, we are all suspected of being because of Parseltongue. Victims of heir, I think we must be united. The reason why we call you this time is to get your help! Let us collect more evidence and catch Draco Malfoy!”

Harry was very sincere. It was obvious that he was very emotional in this passage, because his eyes were slightly red at the moment.

Ron’s face on the other side is almost the same color as his hair.

Under their gaze, Link shook the head with a smile.

When Harry and Ron’s expressions turned black when they saw this, they didn’t wait for them to say anything, but they heard Link continue to say:

“There is no need to be so troublesome, let’s go directly to the headmaster I just told Dumbledore about this.”

As soon as this statement came out, Harry and Ron and Hermione behind the curtain were all sighed in relief. This result is better than Link rejecting directly.

But then Harry waved his hand angrily:

“Link, I said it, he won’t believe it…”

” He will believe it!” Link interrupted Harry directly, “Even if he doesn’t believe it at first, I will make him believe it! And not only that, I will directly let him start the investigation of Draco Malfoy!”

Link’s words were very certain, which made Harry somewhat unresponsive for a while.

And Ron on the side lowered his head in dissatisfaction after a slight surprise, and muttered in a low voice:

“I know you are talking big, why is Dumbledore listening to you? Really!”

Ron’s voice is very small, but he still has nowhere to hide in front of Link that has activated the Super Sensation Charm.

So almost immediately after Ron’s words fell, Link turned his head, looked at him with piercing eyes and said:

“Because I will give him a reason to refuse!”

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