In the corridor, Link led Ron and Harry to walk slowly.

At this time, Harry and Ron are still in a muddleheaded state. The two of them can only follow the Link like a walking corpse. The gaze looking towards Link has also been from the very beginning His reverence turned into panic.

No way, Link’s previous speech in the headmaster office was really amazing.

This simply broke the three views of Harry and Ron.

They never even imagined in their most daring dreams that a few words from a student would force Dumbledore, the Hogwarts headmaster and the greatest white wizard of the 21st century, to subdue.

Among them, Ron’s situation is fairly good.

He has been relatively naive since he was a child in a wizard family like Weasley. He actually listened to the things Link said before.

And Harry is different.

He can still understand a little bit, which makes him especially uncomfortable, because it destroys Dumbledore’s brilliant image in his heart.

After frowning and entangled for a while, Harry finally caught up with Link in front of him, stuttering: “Link, Dumbledore, he…he is really greedy… What happened then?”

Link’s footsteps stopped.

He turned to look at Harry’s face full of entanglement and expectation, and then slowly said after a long time:

“I don’t think he has.”

Link As soon as he said this, Harry was relaxed as if he had removed a heavy burden, his expression also stretched out.

And when Link saw it, he shook the head, turned around and continued moving towards the common room.

As for whether Dumbledore has the funds to hack Hogwarts, Link doesn’t actually know.

On the one hand, Dumbledore’s noble character made Link really unable to believe that he would do such a thing.

On the other hand, there are indeed various bad debts about Dumbledore in the accounts handed over by the school board.

Recall that Dumbledore also has an armed organization called Order of the Phoenix…

But in any case, it is true that the Hogwarts professors falsely report the extravagance of the accounts. .

You can figure it out with a little substitution.

The current school directors are all the former Death Eater dark wizard, and they are afraid of Dumbledore’s prestige and dare not be true to the accounts.

The professors in Hogwarts who claim to be white wizards and victims are naturally without the slightest psychological burden when they spend money.

Maybe the more they spend, the happier they feel.

After all, to some extent, they this can be considered as representing justice and punishing those school managers.

It is precisely because of this fact that Dumbledore agreed to Link so readily.

Otherwise, the school board will really pursue it. Not only will everyone’s faces look bad, but their hands will also be tight.


No words for a night.

In the early morning of the 2nd day, Link had just arrived in the auditorium and found that there was a mess here.

A small group of Slytherins were talking about Snape, looking very emotional.

Snape in the middle has a gloomy complexion, and is also on the verge of an emotional outburst.

Not far from them, layer after layer are surrounded by the students of the other three houses.

Among them, the Gryffindors are almost going crazy with joy.

Link guessed that if Snape weren’t there, they would have jumped on the table and celebrated.

Seeing this, Link already had some suspicions, but he was still a Hufflepuff next to Patted and asked:

“What’s the situation?”

The Hufflepuff photographed was found to be Link, which was obviously taken aback.

But the powerful gossip heart and the sense of taking pleasure in other people’s misfortune overwhelmed the fear, making him excitedly said:

“Dumbledore suddenly received a report this morning. Attacked the Slytherin common room and found a lot of contraband! At present, Malfoy and several other Slytherins have been taken away by him!”

The Hufflepuff became more and more excited. No matter what, he just let go of his tone and pointed at a distance and said:

“The most enjoyable thing is that Dumbledore has deducted 300 points from Slytherin! This is really great!”


Link turned his head and moved towards the direction the other person was pointing, and he saw that the Slytherin Hourglass, which was almost full of stones, was now more than half empty. There were so few jewels inside, even the hourglass was directly exposed. To the point.

This is a huge contrast with the gemstone hourglasses of the other three houses next to it.

Link slightly clicked nodded.

Dumbledore is still very efficient, and very cleverly borrowed the reason for searching for contraband.

This makes this matter follow-up even if nothing is found out, it will not cause any major fluctuations.

And at this moment, Snape, who was’besieged’ by the Slytherins, finally went crazy.

Along with a glare of lightning flashing from Snape’s tip, a loud noise erupted in the air.

The Slytherins retreated sadly, and the other students who had been watching a good show around also fled the auditorium.

Only a handful of Gryffindors such as George and Fred De, who were not afraid of death, remained stubbornly in the auditorium with Snape’s murderous gaze.

As the instigator who directly caused the Slytherin house to be cleared, Link will naturally not stay in the auditorium.

This morning Hufflepuff will be attending the Defense Against the Dark Arts class.

Link followed the army directly to the classroom.

This time, Lockhart not at all arrived at the scene as before, but stood on the stage early.

Unfortunately, this did not win him much respect. His image in the eyes of all boys has fallen to a freezing point because of the Red Cap incident.

The Hufflepuffs are better, at least they saved him a little face and barely maintained the atmosphere of a Revered Master.

The Ravenclaw boys don’t care about anything.

Just and honorable self-study directly in class.

Link feels that the only reason Lockhart can continue to support him on the stage is that the girls still retain their enthusiasm for him.

But this enthusiasm is estimated to be exhausted soon.

Because Lockhart’s current class content is really difficult for Link to say.

If you insist, Lockhart should still be the teaching style of the actual combat school.

After all, he will explain to everyone how to face those monsters according to a certain plot in his novel in every class.

This was originally pretty good.

But the only problem is that Lockhart’s strong desire for performance makes him want to demonstrate in person every time.

The last Red Cap incident frightened him again, so he could only let the students play the monster in his book for his demonstration.

Under this teaching mode, today’s Defense Against the Dark Arts technical class is more like a drama class.

As it should be, Ravenclaws who can’t learn much despise Lockhart even more.

At the same time, Hufflepuff also complained about Lockhart.

Because this guy Lockhart understands the principle of persimmon picking, he always only chooses actors in Hufflepuff.

“Students, take out your “Gadding with Ghouls”, ready to go to class! Today we are going to learn how to deal with blood-sucking Ghoul!”

Lockhart uses one He said so in a weird tone of great reading.

After seeing the reaction of the audience not at all, he coughed twice in embarrassment, smiled and said in the direction of the Hufflepuffs:

“John! Come on up! I need your help!”

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