“John? Is John not there?”

On the podium, Lockhart said with a puzzled face, while still sticking one’s head around to look for, looking around.

It’s just that no matter how he searches, he can’t find John’s silhouette.

sighed, Link stood up and said:

“Professor Lockhart, John is not feeling well, he is in the infirmary.”

“Really? That’s it. What a pity!”

Lockhart showed a regretful expression, but Link was disgusted.

John’s body is not at all at all. He just bought quick-acting truant candy from George Fred and Brother, disguised as a nosebleed and deliberately skipped that’s all.

The reason why he did this was completely forced by Lockhart.

No way, Lockhart seems to like to let John work with him in class. According to incomplete statistics, since the beginning of school, John has played werewolf three times, one Vampire, and two female ghosts.

Of course, it is not him who holds the highest record, but Harry Potter.

Imagine being caught on stage every day playing a monkey show, and being laughed at by the students.

This thing is personally unbearable.

After a moment of silence for John, Link was about to sit down again.

At this moment, however, Lockhart on the podium seemed to have eyes shined as if suddenly thinking of something, pointing to Link and saying:

“Link! Since John student can’t come, Then you will cooperate with me today?”

“Are you sure?”

After a little dazed, Link narrowed his eyes and asked.

Be aware that since Link moved out of the Foley family and fiercely frustrated him, Lockhart never dared to provoke Link anymore.

And today Lockhart uncharacteristically allowed Link to come on stage to accompany him in an opponent play. Link really can’t understand his brain circuit.

“Of course! There may have been some misunderstandings between us in the past, but as a member of the Order of Merlin, I think we need to communicate more in the future!” Lockhart said with a smile, and moved towards Everyone in the audience opened their arms and announced loudly, “Students, don’t you know? Under my careful guidance, Link · Foley student has accepted the Order of Merlin award. He is now the same as me. A glorious Order of Merlin, Third Class Medal recipient!”

After saying that, Lockhart deliberately stood up, revealing the shining Merlin Level 3 Medal on his chest.

As soon as this statement came out, the audience was silent.

Thanks to the blessings Lockhart shows off every day, everyone present knows what the Merlin Level 3 medal represents.

For a while, even the Ravenclaws couldn’t help but stop their movements and cast unbelievable glances at Link.

And the Hufflepuffs couldn’t help but scream.

Although they are usually quite uncontested, or quite salty.

But this does not mean that they are not competitive.

Now that Link has achieved such a high achievement as a member of Hufflepuff, how can they not be excited.

“Link! Can I touch your medal?”

“Link! You should be the youngest Order of Merlin recipient in history, right?”

“Link! You are so strong!”


Link was instantly overwhelmed by the excited Hufflepuffs, and he hurriedly dealt with the inquiries of everyone, that was dissatisfied But his eyes kept drifting towards Lockhart.

He now knows why Lockhart specifically asked him to cooperate with him.

This is trying to rub his heat!

This makes Link have to sigh for how cheeky Lockhart is.

After a burst of noise, Lockhart finally stopped the noise in the audience.

He took the initiative to welcome Link to the podium, patted Link’s back and said:

“Link student did not live up to my expectations. I was very touched by this. I have decided I want to write the story of the Order of Merlin and Link student together in my latest novel. I believe this will be a very touching story! If you are interested in the details, you can read it in the new book. After the announcement, go to Flourish & Blotts to buy!”

After saying that, Lockhart actively clapped, and the audience was also driven to cheer.

For a time, the atmosphere in the entire classroom was extremely hot.

The expression on Link’s face is a bit gloomy.

He can already imagine what an embarrassing story Lockhart will write. After all, these novelists can write any kind of bloody plot for the sake of storytelling!

Gritting his teeth, Link has an urge to rush out of the classroom now.

But Lockhart grabbed his arm hard and continued:

“Okay, then let us return to the subject! Link, I need you to play the bloodsucking food Ghoul!” As Lockhart said, he took out a zombie headgear and handed it to Link. “Remember that I mentioned it in my book? The sound of vampire Ghoul is different from that of ordinary Ghoul. They call it’wu.’ ~Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

“I! I won’t wear that ghost!”

Link said every word.

hearing this Lockhart is a bit unable to get off the stage, but looking at Link’s clenched fist, he finally lowered his voice from his heart and said:

“It’s okay, Link, If you don’t wear it, don’t wear it. I’ll put a stumbling spell on you in a while, just like in the book. You just need to fall down obediently.”

After that, Lockhart winked at Link. blink.

And Link is trying to endure the nausea and said with a smile to Lockhart:

“Ah, of course, I will cooperate with you! Professor Lockhart!”

It ended in the same Snape tone, but Lockhart seemed to not at all realize something, and said to everyone in the audience:

“Students, remember that I said in the last class What is it? Eat Ghoul They are not particularly sensitive due to the existence of corpses. For this weakness, the tripping curse is the best response! At this point, the blood-sucking Ghoul is the same! Then let us Let’s get started!”

Lockhart slowly withdrew wand, put a pose under the eyes of everyone’s expectation, and then read the lines in the book.

“Ugly monster! I will never allow you to hurt my Lily! I trip quickly!”


A dim touch The light beam suddenly appeared, and moved towards Link shot away, which made everyone in the audience exclaim in exclamations.

However, at the next moment, a black wand appeared in the hands of the grinning Link.


“weng! ~”

A layer of translucent shield instantly appeared in front of Link, directly stumbling Lockhart The leg curse bounced back.

Seeing that Lockhart’s pupils contracted quickly, he moved as if he wanted to avoid it, but it was too late.

The tripping curse accurately hit his knee, and a strange force suddenly engendered Lockhart’s two legs at a strange angle.


Lockhart lost his balance and fell straight forward to the ground, and a pool of red blood slowly spread from the ground.

The audience fell into silence again.

Everyone stared at Lockhart, who was still on the ground for a second, without knowing what to do.

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