Facts have proved that there is still a slight gap between ideals and reality.

The last kick that Link thought was finally kicked out in February.

[“Blood of Borias (Weakened Version)” LV1 has been obtained! 】

Looking at the blood-like potion in the bottle in front of him and the subtitles on the retina, Link felt quite moved.

It is not easy to develop potion.

In the past half a month, he would spend a few hours almost every day developing “Blood of Borias” in the responsive room, but the continuous emergence of various problems made the research progress Always stagnated.

Fortunately, he succeeded in the end.

“gu lu ~gu lu ~”

Link raised his head and drank the potion in the glass bottle, a swelling sensation came from his leg, and at the same time Link My brain also felt a little tingling. Fortunately, Link’s spirit and brain have been extremely tenacious tempered by the super-sensing curse and Occlumency, so this burden is not a big deal.

Followingly, under the spiritual control of Link, the indoor scene of responsiveness also changed.

In the end, the potion laboratory became a site full of various barbed wire, trenches and obstacles.

Link stepped on it repeatedly, and the whole person turned into an afterimage and rushed out.

Under the action of “Blood of Borias (Weakened Version)”, Link’s various physical qualities and even the speed of neural reflexes have been greatly strengthened, he is like an ape Quickly shuttle through various obstacles, such as walking on flat ground.

After a lap, Link, whose breath became a little disturbed, took out his pocket watch, and the time on it was now 1 minute 21 seconds.

This made Link’s mouth a smile of satisfaction.

The world record of the military 500-meter obstacle race is 2 minutes and 09 seconds. Link has surpassed this record by a full 48 seconds. If you add the consideration element that the obstacles in the room are more dense in response to requests, In other words, Link’s agility after drinking “Blood of Boria (Weakened Version)” has almost reached twice the limit of human normal state.

This is actually a terrifying increase, especially when Link uses a lot of conventional materials to replace the precious materials in the original formula, which leads to a significant reduction in the effect of “Blood of Boria”.

And “Blood of Borias (Weakened Version)” can also be drunk with “Phantom Potion”.

Although vigorous activities will further weaken the concealment effect of “Phantom Potion”, which was not completely invisible, if the ultra-high movement speed of closed is also achieved, this can still be achieved during battle. Achieve a rather terrifying effect.

If you insist on describing it, the combination of “Blood of Borias (Weakened Version)” and “Phantom Potion” can show the external effect of the ghost of Devil May Cry in DNF. Shadow steps are almost the same, but there is no invincible effect that’s all.

The pocket watch was put back in satisfaction, and Link walked out of the responsive room.

At this moment, it was late at night outside, and the hallway on the eighth floor of Hogwarts was even more silent and pitch-black, a scene from a horror movie.

But Link, who had walked countless times on this road, didn’t feel anything. He yawned and walked into the darkness, even the Lumos curse was useless.

Recently, in order to develop potion Link cultivation, I have been a bit strong. It’s time to go back and make up for it.

However, if you walk too much at night, you will always encounter trickery.

Just a few steps after Link walked out, a gloomy voice rang from behind him.


As soon as this statement came out, Link was all over his body, the original sleepiness disappeared, and a black wand flashed in his hand was pointed at by him. The source of the sound.

But next moment, Link is relaxed again, and wand is dropped.

“Professor Snape! Could you make a noise next time you walk? Scary people will scare people!”

Link said irritably.

And the person hearing this also walked out of the darkness, and it was Snape in a black robe.

It’s just different from usual. Today’s Snape’s gloomy, who is very special, said coldly:

“Are you hiding from me lately?”

“Ah This…”

A trace of embarrassment flashed across the face of hearing this Link.

How cautious Snape is, Link couldn’t be clearer.

So after knowing that he directly caused the Slytherin house to be deducted 300 points and almost lost the qualification for the house cup, Link has been avoiding direct contact with Snape.

After all, Snape absolutely did it for Link to squeeze two hundred parts of Dragon’s dung juice overnight.

It’s just this kind of reason, it’s really not easy to put on the surface.

And when Link was struggling, Snape’s nose moved a few times, and then he looked suspiciously in the direction of the responsive room and said:

“I smell medicine The taste of ingredients, where are you refining potion?”

As soon as he said this, Link’s expression relaxed.

In the development of “Blood of Borias (Weakened Version)”, he didn’t intend to hide Snape, so he took out another sample from his pocket and handed it to Snape.

“Yes, I recently made some discoveries while studying the Slytherin Pharmacopoeia, so I tinkered with something new.”

Snape not at all ignored Link’s explanation, and I just pulled out the cork of the bottle and smelled it.

“”Blood of Borias”!?” Snape said with a bit of shock, and the look in his eyes looking towards Link became amazed. “You actually put “Blood of Borias” Has it been made? This is a potion with the highest difficulty in the pharmacopoeia!”

“It’s just a weakened version, nothing at the worst.”

Link waved his hand and used He said in a proud tone.

To be honest, he is very proud to be able to produce “Blood of Boria (Weakened Version)”.

And Snape hearing this was silent.

He stared at Link with a complex complexion for a long time, before squeezing a weak and inaudible voice from between his teeth.

“you did good.”

“hehe! You taught me well!”

The smile on Link’s face has become even brighter because of him It was clear that although Snape was indifferent, it was almost the highest compliment Snape could give.

But next moment, Link’s smile froze again.

Because Snape not at all meant to return the sample of “Blood of Borias (Weakened Version)” to Link, instead, he reinstalled the cap and stuffed it directly into his pocket.

This made the atmosphere between the two suddenly become a bit awkward.

Snape’s expression was still so rigid under the influence of Occlumency, but Link was surprised to find that the muscles of the opponent’s face seemed to be twitching slightly.

Obviously, Snape himself felt embarrassed about taking his student sample potion.

After a long time, Snape coughed twice:

“I know you reported Draco, and I also know you think he is the so-called heir.”

Hearing this Link’s expression is a bit painful.

It is not surprising that Link knew everything about Snape. After all, Dumbledore might hide this from the students, but he would never hide it from Snape.

What really made him feel uncomfortable was that Snape, the seemingly honest guy, had also learned to change the topic, this kind of high EQ operation, and directly fooled the potion.

Seeing Link said nothing, Snape continued:

“You have to be mentally prepared. The outcome of this event may not be as smooth as you expected.”

“What do you mean?”

Link’s eyes changed, he narrowed his eyes and said coldly.

But Snape shook the head, turned and walked into the darkness again.

After a while, his indifferent voice came out again.

“You will know soon.”

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