In the hallway, Link still looks gloomy standing in the dark.

Recently, Draco has been under detention and inspection, and he is rarely seen even in class.

And during the time Draco was in custody, there was no attack time in Hogwarts.

It stands to reason that such a situation plus the evidence provided by Link before can almost confirm Draco heir’s identity.

It’s just that Snape even said this to Link today.

Besides, Dumbledore has not yet given Draco a final conclusion on this matter, which gave Link a not-so-good guess.

That is Dumbledore may not have found that diary from Draco at all!

Gritting his teeth, Link turned and disappeared into the darkness.

He thinks he must talk to Dumbledore again after class tomorrow.

The next morning, Link got up early.

Today is Valentine’s Day on February 14th. Link has just arrived in the auditorium and found that it has changed a lot.

At this time, the walls all around are covered with big dazzling pink flowers, and the transparent magic ceiling above the auditorium has been given special spells, many heart-shaped papers The film is constantly falling from above, turning into nothingness when it is about to land.

“Happy Valentine’s Day, Link.”

John said to Link listlessly, and hearing this Link gave him a punch with disgust.

He doesn’t need a man to wish him a happy Valentine’s Day.

John, who was punched not at all, started fighting with Link as usual, but sighed and said:

“It’s another lonely Valentine’s Day, what do I Can you receive a love letter at that time?”

“Please! You are a member of the Quiddich school team. You shouldn’t be like girls, right?”

Link was a little speechless. In his impression, Hogwarts students, like other European and American students, prefer that kind of sportsman, and John happens to be of this type.

It’s just hearing this The resentment on John’s face is deeper.

“It was indeed the case originally, but unfortunately, there is an unexpected guest this year! Here! The culprit is here!”

As John said, he went to the faculty seat Suddenly.

Link turned his head and saw that Lockhart was wearing a pink robe and walking quickly to the staff seat.

“Everyone! Happy Valentine’s Day!” Lockhart said excitedly, waving his arms. “Up to now, 47 people have given me Valentine’s Day gifts. I would like to thank them! In addition, you should have already I found the changes in the auditorium. Yes! All of this is a surprise I gave you! Oh! Don’t rush to thank me, I’ve prepared much more than this!”

Lockhart was patted excitedly Hands, a group of little men with golden wings on their backs and little harps walked in from the hall.

However, what does not match the ambiguous atmosphere in the auditorium is that the expressions of each of these dwarves are extremely gloomy, and they look like they are bitter and hated.

“Look! There are twelve little gods of love!” Lockhart said happily, “They will wander around in the castle today and give you Valentine’s Day cards! If you have followed before In my personal column, you should know that you can actually customize the greeting card to a certain person by email appointment! Of course, don’t worry if you missed the student! You can still give the letter to the little goddesses today. , The premise is that you can show that there are newspaper clippings about my column on Daily Prophet!”

After Lockhart said, many girls in the audience gave out hysterical cheers.

Obviously, this activity that Lockhart engages in is very much in line with their tastes.

“Crazy woman!”

John whispered, but Link noticed that when the other party said this, his eyes were always on a Ravenclaw girl.

“Do you like her?”


John looked at Link with a puzzled face, and Link pointed at him with a smirk Pointing to the girl and said:

“Do you like that Ravenclaw girl?”

“You…what did you say!?” John turned his head in a panic and changed the subject. Said, “Look at the podium, it’s all messed up!” After Link heard the reputation, he saw that the twelve love gods who had stayed next to Lockhart had already acted.

They all had stinky faces one by one, like a cheetah preying on prey, and plunged into the crowd below.

The most unbelievable thing is that one of them actually walked directly in front of Snape.

“Severus Snape, I have a confession letter with music that I want to recite to you personally!”

The little man said irritably.

hearing this, Snape, who was still watching the excitement, suddenly looked dazed, while the surrounding Sects, such as Dumbledore and McGonagall, looked towards him involuntarily, with a wonderful expression.

“Oh! ~ Merlin! Our Professor Snape actually received a confession letter! This is really shocking! I thought that no one would ever choose Snape, after all, he even had a head Don’t wash it!”

Lockhart screamed, hugging his face.

And Snape’s pale face was filled with a hint of flushing, and he stretched out his hand to get a wand.

It’s a pity that he just squeezed his hand into his pocket when there was a terrible and weird harp sound.

“Wow! My dear Severus, I have to tell you today! I like your dirty, greasy hair like eating Ghoul underwear! I like your body like a vampire bat when you walk Zi, I like those eyes that are so hollow that they are like stinking gutters, and I like you…”

The little man reads a parchment while playing the harp, making it more tightly wrinkled You can tell from the brows, and he was disgusted by the content of the letter.

And Snape himself was even more unbearable.

He seemed to be stupefied, his profound Occlumency was directly broken, and the whole person was shaking slightly, and the expression on his face slowly became more agitated.

Link is also very keen to observe that his hands and toes have been tightly curled together. If it weren’t for the auditorium floor to be made of magic stone slabs, Link estimates that he now has three rooms. The hall has been cut out.

As for the others on the side, it is even more unbearable.

Many people even snickered, especially Dumbledore, whose face was completely red.

Snape couldn’t help it anymore. A blue glow flashed out of his hands instantly, directly exploding the little man and Lockhart.


The dwarf and Lockhart landed together, and then drew a long way out on the floor.

Because of the Lockhart backing, the dwarf does not seem to be at all serious.

But when he got up again, he still grabbed Lockhart’s collar and screamed:

“This is a work injury! You must compensate me!”

” Good! I’ll give you 10, no! 20 gold Galleons!”

Lockhart said weakly, and he felt that the bridge of his nose, which had just been cured two days ago, broke again.

It’s a pity that other professors are all watching the show, so temporarily not at all come to treat him.

On the faculty seat at the moment, Snape had already picked up the parchment with a gloomy expression. After looking at it for a while, he quickly raised his head and looked at it with a look that was almost murderous. Towards the long table of Gryffindor.


Snape’s roar was so loud that Link felt the entire auditorium shake.

Hearing this Ron complexion pale shivered violently and almost fell under the table.

Just when he thought he was going to be bad luck, George and Fred and the brothers ran out of the auditorium with a big laugh, and while running, they were still throwing parchment.

Link quickly grabbed one of his eyes and found that it was written by the dwarf just now.


Link couldn’t help but want to pass the parchment to John to watch, but before he waited for all his actions, he pulled the parchment out of his hand with a strong force. Left.

Link instinctively looked up and saw that Snape had turned into a black storm at this time, rushing out of the hall with all the parchment in the auditorium.

For a time, everyone fell into a short silence.

Then, laughter like mountain cry out and sea howl resounded throughout the auditorium!

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