
With a sharp roar, Link turned abruptly and pointed out wand.

However, it was not a monster and a dark wizard that appeared in front of him, but Harry, who held his hands high in a French jun ceremony.

“I… Am I here at the wrong time?”

Harry said tremblingly. Now he has a feeling of confronting Ancient Ominous Beast. In terms of fear, it was even stronger than Snape glared at him.

And after seeing the person coming, Link put away the wand, with a suspicious expression spinning between Harry and Emily.

Emily’s appearance just now was a bit weird.

However, at this moment, Emily has already converged her expression, returning to her original nonchalant appearance.

Link sighed, who hadn’t seen anything for a long time, asked Harry:

“Harry, what’s the matter with you?”

“Yes… …It’s Dumbledore, he asked me to go to him with you now.”

Although Link has put away the wand, Harry still raised his hands and said.

And hearing this Link frowned.

Before he had time to find Dumbledore, the other party took the initiative to find him.

This is not good news.

“I see.”

Link responded, then put on a smiley face and said to Emily:

“Emily , Then I’ll go there first, remember, you must take the gift for you with you!”


Emily agreed firmly, and then He took the blessing potion that had been put on a rope from the wooden box and put it on his neck.

“You…you have to be careful!”

“Ah! I will! Just wait for me to come back!”

Link smiled and compared A gesture of ok, and then he dragged Harry towards the stairs.

Behind him, Emily looked worried and hesitant.

Her right hand clenched the pendant between her neck, and it took a while before she whispered:



In the corridor, Link and Harry are walking quickly one after the other.

At this moment, Harry’s expression was complicated, as if he was constipated.

Because of the human instinct of gossip, he is really curious about what Link and Emily are doing at the door of the Slytherin common room a male and a female together alone.

But after being pointed out by Link with wand for a while, he really doesn’t dare to say anything or ask anything.

When he was struggling, Link who was walking in front suddenly turned his head and said:

“Is there anything going on with Draco recently?”

“Ah? Ah!” Harry was taken aback, but he complained after reacting, “He is still the same, except for class and class every day, he is arranged in the professors’ office, and even eats meals. I sent it in.”

“But he seems to write letters frequently recently. We have met him several times to send letters to the owl tower alone.”

“Send letters? What letter to send?”

Link’s eyes lit up.

“We snatched it and read it once, it was a letter to his mother to complain! You didn’t see it, he wrote it in my heart, and Ron and I are embarrassed!”

Speaking, Harry couldn’t help but raise the corners of his mouth.

Draco was able to continue his class in the last month, but he was monitored and restricted by the professors.

He and Ron were also commissioned by Link to monitor Draco every day.

To be honest, it was a very hard job, but they persisted.

The reason is that they can mock Draco from time to time, or trouble Draco like they did in the owl tower.

For Harry and Ron who are being mocked by Draco until now, this is really turning over and singing.

And the shiny eyes of Link hearing this dimmed again.

Obviously, this is not the information he wants.

The two continued to walk forward in silence. After Harry read the password aloud, the door of the headmaster’s office finally appeared in front of them again.

“Link, Harry, you are here.”

Looking at Link and Harry walking slowly into the office, Dumbledore greeted them softly.

He is a bit busy today, as can be seen from the large amount of files piled up in front of him.

“Good evening, Headmaster Dumbledore.”

Link and Harry also greeted Dumbledore, and then closed the door casually.

At this moment, a slightly immature’beep’ sound suddenly sounded. As soon as Link looked up, he saw Phoenix Fawkes twisting towards him Accio, and finally fell on his shoulder. on.

Compared with the last time we met, it is much larger, and its feathers are already changing to fiery-red, but other abilities such as flying have not been fully restored.

“Hehe, it really likes you, Link.”

Dumbledore smiled and said, looking very happy to see Fawkes approaching Link.

Unfortunately, Link’s mind is not on this.

He touched Phoenix’s still weak young hair, and after a little comfort, he said blankly:

“Professor Dumbledore, what is it for me to come to us this time? Is it something?”

After saying this, the smile on Dumbledore’s face gradually disappeared.

He sighed, looked at Link and Harry and said:

“Link, Harry. I’m sorry, after this period of review, we are not at all at Draco Malfoy I found something suspicious about heir.”

The expression on hearing this Link suddenly became cold, and Harry, who had been coowering on the side, suddenly rushed to Dumbledore.

“This is impossible! Malfoy must be heir! We have already given you so much evidence, why can’t you find it out?”

“I’m sorry, Harry.”

Dumbledore said sincerely, and looking at his expression, he seemed to be very sorry about this incident.

Seeing this, Harry wanted to continue to say something, but Link stepped forward and pulled him away.

“Didn’t you use Legilimens for him?” Link said with his hands on the desktop, “Don’t tell me that it violates Ministry of Magic regulations, you obviously used it to me last time! “

This time Dumbledore was silent.

He just stared at Link silently, and there seemed to be some rays of light flickering in those light brown eyes.

The two looked at each other for a while, and Link pulled his arm back.

He understood what Dumbledore meant.

Dumbledore did use Legilimens on Draco, but it didn’t get any effect.

At first glance, this seems impossible.

But it’s actually easy to understand.

Because of the legal regulations of the Ministry of Magic, Dumbledore cannot blatantly brandish wand and chant mantras to use Legilimens on students.

And this concealed release method will cause the strength of Legilimens to weaken to a very exaggerated point.

This is also the reason why Link was able to block Dumbledore Legilimens before.

This is the same on Draco.

Because Voldemort itself is an Occlumency master, it is not surprising that his Remnant Soul can manage to protect Draco’s brain.

Although the strength of this protective measure is not very strong, it is enough to block Dumbledore’s wandless Legilimens.

For a while, Link’s expression became ugly.

It’s this step that his previous deployment has been disrupted.

Looking at Link, Dumbledore’s lips were slightly opened and closed a few times, as if he was hesitant to speak.

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