“Link, I actually have one more thing to announce.”

Dumbledore spoke up after all.

Looking at Link and Harry who all turned to look towards him, Dumbledore paused before continuing:

“Lucius Malfoy is making a lot of trouble, even though he passed the school. The pressure exerted by the board of directors was completely blocked by your mother, but he still chose to poke the matter into the Ministry of Magic.”

“So what?”

“So Earlier today, the Ministry of Magic has set up a special investigation team for Hogwarts, headed by Scrimgeour, the current director of the Auror office, to resolve multiple attacks in Hogwarts in recent days.

For the time being. , The entire investigative team is still in the stage of manning. But Scrimgeour will lead Auror troops into Hogwarts by the end of May at the latest.”

Dumbledore’s voice was flat and soft, but it reached Link’s ears. It was shocking like a bolt from the blue sky.

Is Basilisk Arkham strong?

It is really strong.

After all, it has survived for thousands of years.

Its tenacious anti-magic scale armor, fast as lightning movement speed, powerful body strength, and strange sight with the characteristics of death and petrified all represent that it is a terrifying and powerful demonic beast.

However, the wizard is the most powerful creature on this planet.

Basilisk Arkham may have an absolute advantage when facing the students of Hogwarts, and even Dumbledore can’t find its trace.

But when facing the well-trained, well-equipped and organized action Auror, Basilisk Arkham has no chance of winning at all.

Link estimates that Basilisk Arkham will be exposed up to two weeks after Auror intervenes in a carpet search.

Link does not expect that these Aurors will survive Basilisk Arkham.

In other words, whether heir can be caught or not, Arkham is basically dead.


After putting in so much effort, but reaping such a result, Link is really unacceptable.

“I’m sorry.”

Dumbledore sighed said.

And hearing this Link stared, gritted his teeth and said:

“Is this what you can give me? An apology? Ha!”


Harry murmured a little worriedly on the side.

He can see that Link is now in an extremely emotional state, and he is afraid that Link will conflict with Dumbledore, which will cause Link to be expelled.

And his worries soon happened.

Because Dumbledore, who was still sympathetic, suddenly changed his face after hearing Link’s words.

“Link Foley! Please pay attention to you manner! I am the headmaster of Hogwarts, and you are my student! You should maintain a minimum of politeness when communicating with me!”


Dumbledore said with a serious face. After saying that Link’s muscles on his face were tight, he would continue to recover, but Dumbledore said first:

“In addition, Draco Malfoy student has been The restrictions have been lifted. If you count the time, he should have already walked to the Slytherin common room. I warn you! Don’t do anything to retaliate, or I will impose the most severe punishment on you!”

Dumbledore said absolutely, imposing manner.

So that the portraits who were asleep on the wall were awakened, and they were secretly watching over here.

Link was naturally also suppressed.

He looked at Dumbledore blankly, the expression on his face was wonderful.

“Do you understand it!?”

With Dumbledore’s shout out loudly, Link finally reacted.

He reached out and grabbed Phoenix Fawkes by the neck and put it back on the desk, then moved towards Dumbledore with a grinning smile, turned and rushed out of the headmaster’s office.

And Harry, who was beside him, looked at Link’s back with a dazed expression, then looked at Dumbledore, and finally chased him out.


The door of the office closed again.

Dumbledore’s serious expression instantly softened, sighed with emotion.

Harry did not forget to close the door easily even in this situation. He was really a good child.

And just as he was feeling emotional, there was a sound of’ying ying ying’ that seemed to be crying.

After hearing the sound, Dumbledore hurriedly lowered his head, comforting Phoenix Fawkes and said:

“Oh~ don’t cry or cry, did he hurt you? Then we won’t do it next time. Played with him! What? No? You want me to teach him a lesson? You are really……”


In the dark corridor, Link is Running fast like a ghost shadow.

He is so anxious that he has even drunk the “Blood of Boria”.

Dumbledore’s meaning has been expressed very clearly.

Currently, Draco heir’s identity cannot be proved by conventional means of on the surface.

Then the only means left are unconventional means.

For example…violence.

If the child is not obedient, just have a fight.

This is what Dumbledore thinks now.

Coincidentally, Link thought so too.

The reason Link didn’t do this before was because he didn’t want to be expelled, because once expelled not only means that he will stay away from Hogwarts, the core of the plot storm that can quickly improve his strength, but also means that he can’t go anymore. Arkham was rescued.

But in this case, this kind of thing is not important anymore!


In a corner corridor in front of the Slytherin common room, Link slammed to a stop and stopped.

Because of the high speed, there was a harsh rubbing sound on the ground.

At this moment, the front door of the Slytherin common room is still pitch black, and Draco’s silhouette is not seen.

Link didn’t panic when he saw this, clinging to the wall, hiding in the darkness.

After a short while, Harry gasping for breath finally arrived.

Link reached out and pulled him to his side. It was only then that Harry was relaxed and pulled Link’s arm and said:

“Link! You are too impulsive! How can you do this with Professor Dumbledore Talking?”

“Hush!” Link made a silent gesture and said softly, “You don’t understand, obediently and honestly, just stay here.”

hearing This Harry still wanted to talk, but Link pushed him away, then moved towards the corridor.

Harry hurriedly stuck his head out, and saw a faint light on the opposite side slowly approaching.

Through the light, Harry could vaguely see the platinum gold hair of the visitor and the Hogwarts school gown with black and green on his body.

“…it must be the one who reported me! They must have infiltrate my dormitory dressed as Crabbe and Goyle on Christmas! Damn! He’s dead! I’m going to let me Father fired him!”

As the people approached, a series of flustered and exasperated curses came over.

This made Harry clenched his fists involuntarily.

At this moment, Link slowly pulled out wand.

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