“…I found a notebook with a black cover in my luggage at the beginning of the school year.

Because that notebook really looks very old, I returned it at first I thought it was my father’s or mother’s diary. But when I opened it, the inside was blank. I was a little disappointed and wanted to throw it away. After all, I am different from Weasley. I never use second-hand goods!

Oh! I know it was wrong! I shouldn’t say bad things about Weasley! Don’t hit me…

Okay! Phew! Let me continue. Just when I was about to throw away the diary Suddenly a line of words appeared above.

He said… his name is Tom Riddle, a former student of Hogwarts. He said that the glory of Hogwarts now has been tarnished by those mudblood students!


He asked me to release the monster in Chamber of Secrets to purify the whole Hogwarts! And as a reward, he would give me strength!

I actually didn’t believe it at the time, after all, where is there in the world? Such a good thing? It’s just that he paid me first!

My magic power has increased! My academic performance has also improved! Even my godfather started to praise me! This It’s awesome!

Then…I believed him, and I started to cooperate with him to launch an attack with the monster in Chamber of Secrets…

Please trust me Link ! I was completely bewitched by Tom Riddle! I just made a small mistake! Please let me go, I’m almost suffocated!”

In the corridor, halfway through Draco, who was paralyzed, was pleading.

And Link and Harry, who stood opposite him, bowed their heads in thought.

After a while, Link finally said solemnly:

“What about the diary now?”

“It’s gone…”

“Gone?!” Link suddenly raised the volume, “You still want to quibble!”

“no! Everything I said is true!” Draco cried, ” Tom Riddle is doing more and more excessive things! He…he actually wants me to kill! Merlin Now! How can I do this kind of thing!”

“But you haven’t already agreed Is he going to help purify Hogwarts?”

Harry asked.

“I thought he was talking about purification to scare away all the mudblood students! I really didn’t know he wanted to kill all the mudblood!” Draco continued, “I rejected him Really! I didn’t even hesitate at the time! Then…then it was gone!”

“Do you think we will believe your nonsense?”

It’s Harry.

Now he seems to have entered the role, his voice has become louder and louder, and his tone of voice has become increasingly severe.

“I really didn’t lie! That was the night before yesterday. I was sleeping at the time, but when I woke up I found myself lying in the corridor near Ravenclaw! Then I went back and saw that the diary was missing. That’s it!” Draco said, “You can check it out. Snape godfather caught me back at the time! He scolded me for a long time that day!” Hearing this, the Magistrate Harry trial was finally silent.

The amount of information Draco confessed was so great that he couldn’t tell the truth from the false at all, so he could only tilt his head and looked towards Link.

At this moment, Link still looks frowned.

He roughly believed what Draco said.

After all, his description of Tom · Riddle’s diary is basically the same as in Link’s memory, and Tom · Riddle’s diary does directly force the user to take control of the user’s body to do bad things, and make the person amnesia afterwards. Ability.

Furthermore, what Link knows about Draco.

Draco, the kid who is stuck to death, puts on 13 on his mouth. In reality, he does not dare to kill.

That means there is only one problem facing Link now.

Where did that Tom Riddle’s diary go?

“Huh! Finite Incantatem.”

With a long breath, a light curtain appeared on Draco with a flick of Link wand.

Immediately, Draco’s body regained strength, and the wound on his forehead healed instantly.

The most important thing is that a pool of water stains is spreading from the floor below him.

“the amount of ~ ah!”

Draco mouth sent bursts of unknown significance voice.

Perhaps it was a shameful relationship, Draco reached out and covered his face.

Some dislike shook the head, Link patted Harry said:

“Let’s go, let’s go back.”

Harry is stared wide-eyed and sees the rise After being beaten like this, I reacted with a sound of “ah” and followed Link’s pace.

Just then, Draco, who was finally over, cried to himself again.

“My father…my father, but…”


A cloud of white light flashed by, and Draco was completely silent.


In one hour.

Link sitting on the sofa is frowning at Dumbledore on the opposite side.

Just ten minutes ago, Link had told Dumbledore everything that Draco had said.

The other party hearing this just bowed his head in silence.

To be honest, waiting is really a very troublesome thing, but Link can bear it at least.

The real reason for Link’s irritability is that Dumbledore’s Phoenix Fawkes is crazy!

At this moment, it is entrenched on Link’s head, with one bite pecking Link’s scalp.

Although Fawkes doesn’t hurt to peck people because they haven’t fully grown up, it’s really annoying!


With another slight tingling on the top of the head, Link couldn’t bear it anymore.

He smacked his mouth and reached out to grab Fawkes.

But as soon as he stretched out his hand, Dumbledore on the other side coughed:

“Link, leave Fawkes alone, I have important things to tell you.”

Hearing this Link can only be ashamed of withdrawing his hand, looking towards Dumbledore.

“Do you know? The Chamber of Secrets has been opened in the past, which directly led to a death event.”

Following Dumbledore’s narrative, Harry’s face was pale. With trembling lips, he asked:


“Well, that’s right. It was a Ravenclaw girl who died, Link, you should know who it was. ?”

Dumbledore gave Link a meaningful glance.

And Link said nonchalantly:

“Moaning Myrtle was the victim at the time. She was laughed at by the student because of her appearance, hiding in the bathroom crying, and was attacked. After death, she also became a ghost due to obsession. Speaking of which she is also very poor, because even if she becomes a ghost, no one and ghost like her.”

Link this As soon as he said, Harry looked towards Link’s eyes became a little weird.

Because he had heard of Moaning Myrtle’s name at the ghosts’ death banquet, and he knew that the other party was a ghost who almost always stayed in the women’s room and never came out.

Then the problem comes.

Link, a boy, how can he be so familiar with Moaning Myrtle?

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