Harry’s expression is abnormal, not at all, attracting other people’s attention.

Dumbledore only clicked nodded after listening to Link’s story, and then continued: “Yes, it was Myrtle Warren who died at the time. She was found dead. In the bathroom where she is now, and at the time, we caught the heir. That person is Hagrid.”

“This is impossible!”

Harry jumped up from the chair in an instant, and Dumbledore waved his hand and pressed it back into the seat with magic power.

“Hagrid kept an Acromantula in Hogwarts. It was a very terrifying giant spider. They were greedy and fierce by nature, and they were also very toxic. From a rational analysis point of view, he did It is very likely that it was the murderer who killed Myrtle.” Dumbledore sighed said, “And Hogwarts was facing a critical situation of closing due to the death of a student. The headmaster and the professors were very anxious. So when someone reported Hagrid, Everyone quickly reached a consensus that Hagrid is’heir’. This also directly led to Hagrid being broken wand and locked into Azkaban.”

“Do you know why I want to tell you this? “

Harry shook the head very cooperatively, he was already fascinated by it now.

And Link is speechless.

Because he already knew the inside story about it, not only that, but he also knew that Dumbledore not only recovered Hagrid from Azkaban back to Hogwarts as a hunting ground guard, but also repaired his wand.

Now, that wand is hidden in Hagrid’s favorite little flower umbrella.

shook the head, Link turned his attention to Dumbledore again.

“Because the person who reported Hagrid at the time was Tom ·Riddle!”

“Hi!~” Harry held breath cold air, “Tom ·Riddle should be heir! It was he who planted it!” To Hagrid!”

“You are right, but what really worries me is that Tom Riddle has another identity.”

“What identity?”


Harry asked anxiously, but hearing this Dumbledore was silent.

At this time, Link slowly took out the wand and gestured in the sky.

Immediately, Tom Riddle, the English letters with golden light flashing, appeared in front of everyone.

“A simple word game that’s all.”

Link said faintly, and as his voice fell, the English letters in the air were rearranged, and Finally formed a brand new name.


Harry couldn’t help but read it out, then fiercely shivered.

“Yes, Tom Riddle is Voldemort. To be precise, this should be his original name.”

“But…” Harry said tremblingly, “Voldemort is not Is it dead?”

Dumbledore and Link were silent as soon as these words came out.

After a while, Dumbledore coughed twice and said:

“This matter is not trivial. I will leave Hogwarts for a while to find a solution. You should pay attention. The thing is, don’t act privately, and don’t continue to participate in this matter!”


“Because your status is special! Participate rashly There will be a mortal danger!”

Dumbledore suddenly increased the volume, which made Harry only shut his mouth.

The Link on the side is indifferent.

He wouldn’t just follow Dumbledore’s arrangements like this, knowing that in terms of mastery of the plot, he is far better than Dumbledore.

And Dumbledore’s current behavior of leaving Hogwarts is also suspicious.

Considering Dumbledore’s’great’ character who can sacrifice everything for’righteousness’, Link strongly suspects that he is going to the Ministry of Magic to speed up the process of Auror’s entry into Hogwarts.

This is not good news for Link.

“Link, especially you, do you know?”

Seeming through Link’s mind, Dumbledore suddenly turned his head to emphasize Link again.

The expression on the face of hearing this Link is still indifferent, faintly replied:

“Ah, I got it.”

Looking at Link’s reaction , Dumbledore’s lips squirmed, as if he wanted to continue to say something.

But in the end it only turned into a sigh.

“oh! ~”


Leaving the headmaster’s office, and bid farewell to Harry’s Link, he went straight back to the bedroom and began to rest.

It’s just that before he can sleep long, a series of gentle and familiar calls awakened him again.

“Link, wake up, wake up soon.”


Rubbing his eyes, Link said with some confusion.

Because what appeared in front of him at the moment was Cedric, who had been neatly dressed, and several other Hufflepuff boys Prefects.

At this moment, the time displayed on his bedside alarm clock is only 5 o’clock.

“Link, get together when you wear your clothes.” Cedric saw that Link has awakened, said with a smile, “We have received a notice, and now we will give all students’ dormitory, luggage and carry-on in Hogwarts Item to check”


“Dumbledore just issued the notification. The details will be known when you arrive in the auditorium.”

Rubbing his aching temples, Link finally got out of the bed neatly dressed and handed out his Extension Charm bag.

And seeing this, Cedric also began to check Link’s beds and luggage. The level of detail was enough to make the senior supervisor of the boarding high school in the previous life feel ashamed.

Link himself is not panic. Although he also has contraband and some privacy-related things, he has already hidden these things in the responsive room.

But John and the others are different.

As their roommate, Link couldn’t be more clear.

These guys have a lot of contraband hidden in the dormitory. For example, John himself brought several cool photo albums of his little elder sister from home, and kept them covered with quilts every night.

The situation of the other few is similar, after all, they are all youngsters.

Sure enough, as the inspection progressed, a lot of Liu Bei was found by Cedric and the others.

The large number and variety of it even shocked the other boys Prefect.

As for John and the others, he had already covered his face and was so distressed that he couldn’t breathe.

That is the treasure they have accumulated over the years.

“Okay, the inspection is complete, you go to the assembly first.” Cedric’s eyes floated on the pile of Liu Bei from time to time, “As for this pile… Uh, we will help you with this pile of contraband. Keep it, you can apply to Professor Sprout to get it back.”

After saying that, Cedric and the others left dormitory holding the things.

When passing by John and the others, some of them even winked at taking pleasure in other people’s misfortune.

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