Lockhart yelled and walked into the classroom.

Today he is not at all wearing the usual exaggerated robe or cloak, instead he put on a traditional British hunting suit.

But of course, the hunting outfit that Lockhart can choose to wear on the upper body is naturally of that kind of bells and whistles.

Link could not accept this, but some girls’ eyes were firmly attracted to the past.

But in view of Lockhart’s bad performance several times before, they did not scream out like they did at the beginning of the semester.

Lockhart didn鈥檛 pay much attention to this. He seemed to be very happy today. He stood on the podium and put on a pose and said:

“Alright, students, Let鈥檚 put down the textbooks, today I鈥檓 going to teach you something special!”

As soon as he said this, Link could clearly feel that John was relaxed beside him, and many other textbooks had already been picked up around him. The Ravenclaws who were preparing for self-study also raised their eyelids.

These reactions were naturally seen by Lockhart. His smile became brighter, and he said triumphantly:

“We all know that because of a misunderstanding in the morning, A very serious accident broke out in the auditorium, and what I want to give you today is how to protect yourself from this kind of incident.”

As Lockhart said, he gestured with wand.

In midair, I wrote the spells of Disarming Charm and Protego, as well as transfiguration and use spell skills in midair.

“Undoubtedly, the protagonist this morning is our Level 3 Order of Merlin recipient-Link! And Disarming Charm is the main attack spell he used before. Here I must To add, I believe Link is definitely not Slytherin鈥檚 heir, because he has been very restrained in the morning.”

“Don鈥檛 be convinced, you should know that Disarming Charm is also classified as an attack spell. , But in fact its formidable power is not great, at best it can only have a uniform effect that鈥檚 all.”

“It couldn鈥檛 be easier to block the Disarming Charm, you just It is enough to use the Protego spell. The release of this spell is simple and fast, and the effect is not weak. It can be said that it is the most suitable for you. As for other high-rank defensive spells such as’Protego Totalum’, it is now. As far as the stage is concerned, it is not very practical for the face.”

“Of course, you can also use other methods, such as transfiguration. Don鈥檛 underestimate transfiguration! In addition to allowing you to rely on the muggle world In addition to making money by juggling (I crack a joke), there are more uses. For example, you can create a wall or a puppet to block your gun. Or you can create other monsters to attack and so on.”

“In addition to the above two, there is a special way.”

When Lockhart said this, he paused, and wand waved the words’use spell technique’ directly. After swallowing other words, he continued:

“Yes, it is the use spell technique!”

“The use spell technique is a very general term, which includes’multiple use spells’ ‘,’silent mantra’,’wandless mantra’,’emotional enhancement method’ and’micro manipulation method’ and many other techniques. But today I am going to talk about mantra reverse.”

in midair The big character has changed into’curse anti’.

“Curse is a very difficult use spell technique. Generally, only very powerful wizards, such as Auror, will use it frequently. And I believe you have already seen its effects. Now.”

While speaking, Lockhart pointed to Link.

“There is no need to chant a spell at all, nor do you need to wave a wand. You just need to grasp the timing and output the magic power according to a special method, and then stop! Bang! The opponent鈥檚 spell is instantly invalidated. !”

“I have to say, Link is definitely the most innate talent among the young wizards I have seen in my life! If any of you want to find Link student trouble again, think about it. Now. Because his strength is beyond your imagination!”

“Alright, don鈥檛 put on such an expression, I鈥檓 cracking a joke. Then let me talk about the opposite of the curse. How to use it!”


On the podium, Lockhart was still talking about it.

At this time, everyone in the audience was watching him completely. Those Ravenclaws who were still dismissive of Lockhart had even picked up Quill and concentrated on taking notes.

Of course, they won鈥檛 put it in the notes for Lockhart’s warning that they should not provoke Link.

Because this is completely nonsense.

After experiencing the morning incident, everyone in the school already knows that Link is a terrifying monster.

Now if anyone dares to make trouble, it is either a fool or an ulterior motive.

And Link looked at Lockhart warily.

Today’s Lockhart is not only different in clothing than usual.

Although Lockhart is essentially still catching the heat of Link’s morning auditorium incident, he did not continue to use the drama performance-style teaching. Instead, he talked about theoretical knowledge?

And Disarming Charm and Protego are fine.

After all, this is Hogwarts’ most basic Defense Against the Dark Arts technique.

But what about curse and other that many profound use spell skills?

Lockhart is just a fame and fiction writer. If he really understands that many, then how can he not even be able to deal with a Red Cap?

Of course, this can also be explained by Lockhart’s only theoretical knowledge, after all, Lockhart was also a top student of Ravenclaw.

Just don’t know why, Link always feels that Lockhart has a weirdness.

And just when Link was puzzled, Lockhart finally finished explaining the theoretical skills about curse reversal.

I saw him snap his fingers with a smile, dispelling the characters in midair, and then said:

“Students, I know our situation is very difficult recently, everyone Emotions are not high either. But I believe that the darkness will eventually dissipate, and the dawn will come soon! The reason I want to talk about this today is to enable you to have more self-protection ability and be able to rely on your own. Strength survived the recent chaos!”

“In addition, I want to say that our class today is not over yet. I am not the kind of guy who only talks on paper. Tonight, I will An open class will be held in the auditorium! Let me teach you more Defense Against the Dark Arts skills in a practical way!”

“Finally, I have a good news to announce. Our beloved headmaster Dumbledore is coming back to Hogwarts soon! And with him are the Aurors of the Ministry of Magic! Their purpose this time is to investigate the successive attacks in Hogwarts! Students, remember me Have you said anything?”

“Darkness will eventually dissipate, and dawn will come soon!”

Lockhart shouted passionately.

The students in the audience were also excitedly echoing. For a while, the entire classroom was about to be shattered by the shouts of everyone.

For the students who have been under house arrest for so long and under so much pressure.

Nothing is more inspiring than Dumbledore’s return.

even more how Lockhart There is a practical open class in the evening!

And in this jubilation, Link’s expression has become more serious.

This is not only because the Aurors are coming soon.

It’s even more because Lockhart had been looking at him with his slightly smiling eyes when he announced the incident just now.

It’s as if… Lockhart specifically told him Link!

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