At dinner time, the students who had been in the air for an afternoon finally returned to the auditorium again.

Link also enjoyed dinner surrounded by Cedric and the others.

Different from the imaginary atmosphere with swords drawn and bows bent, Link’s return not at all aroused fierce reactions from everyone, except that from time to time someone would talk to him and everything was normal. same.

This is normal. After all, the guys who have the courage and willingness to find trouble with Link have already been punished by Professor McGonagall.

Link also doesn’t care about this.

Now his mind is still on Emily and Lockhart.

Especially the latter.

The final reality of Lockhart is too weird.

Weird that Link has some bold conjectures.


Break the roasted meat in his hand together with the crisp bones in it, and Link’s expression became firmer.

Up to now, he doesn’t mind doing something extraordinary.

As long as you can save Basilisk Arkham and prove to Emily that you are not heir, even if you are really expelled from Hogwarts, it is acceptable.

At this moment, Cedric, who was sitting next to Link, gave Link a slight push, then pointed to the crowd gathered in the hall and said:

“Sign Is the parchment posted on the sticker real? Lockhart is really going to have a practical open class tonight?”

“That’s what he said during class today.”

Link responded blankly.

Cedric couldn’t help but chuckle.

“Ha! What is he going to do? Continue to show me a drama about fighting?”

The Hufflepuffs sitting around are also laughing, and one of them is tall The boy at’s also agreed and said:

“That’s actually pretty good, but this time has made me boring! Even Lockhart’s boring drama can be a fun, can’t you?”

As soon as I said this, the laughter around me became even louder.

However, Link shook the head insignificantly.

He knows very well that if his conjecture is true, then the public class tonight will be particularly exciting!


Two hours later, Lockhart finally appeared in the auditorium.

It’s different from the afternoon class. At this time, he put on a set of tight-fitting styles. The wrists and ankles have tightening designs. It is obviously more suitable for classical outdoor wear for activities. He also wears it on his head. A three-cornered boat hat.

I don’t know why, but Link always has a sense of seeing Robin Hood in the paintings of the 1960s and 1970s.

Especially his whole body is light green from hat to pants…

However, Lockhart feels very good about himself. As soon as he appeared, he was posing involuntarily. And at the same time give autographs to fans who have followed him until now.

Of course, this name is not a white sign.

Amidst the uproar, the fans who got the autographs were soon under the command of Lockhart to start the construction of the public classroom.

The specific approach is also very simple.

Just remove all the long tables of the four houses, select one of them and place it in the center of the auditorium, and finally spread a thick layer of deep purple carpet on it and it’s over.

Unfortunately, speaking of which is simple, but when choosing the long table on the stage, it got stuck.

Because no one wants to be trampled on the table they use to eat every day.

In the end, Professor McGonagall was present, and a brand-new long table was turned into a long table to help Lockhart solve the problem of the venue.

“Students, then now I announce that today’s public class has officially started!”

On the half-person high table, Lockhart raised his hand and shouted, like a circus The group announced the start of the role as the host.

The’audience’ in the audience was also very supportive, applauding and cheering again and again, very excited.

It’s as if there will be a comedy show later.

In fact, except for Link and other students who just took the Defense Against the Dark Arts class today, most people really think so.

They have the same ideas as Cedric and others, only when this public class is a fun in their boring life under house arrest.

As for things like’Lockhart can really teach them something’, they never reported any hope.

Lockhart obviously wants to make the students’ attitudes serious.

So after the opening, he began to briefly describe the theoretical knowledge that he had said in the afternoon class.

It’s a pity that the people who were already hanging up were not willing to listen to his preaching, and they all protested loudly.

For a time, the auditorium became noisy and chaotic again.

At this time, Snape, Professor Flitwick and the others were sitting quietly in their seats and watching the show, without the slightest idea of ​​going up to help, even the students who usually don’t like the students messing around. The same goes for Professor McGonagall.

After all, the students need to vent, and it happens that she doesn’t like Lockhart either…

In the midst of boos, Lockhart pressed the wand tip to his throat, releasing After finishing the amplification spell, he said loudly:

“Okay, please be quiet, let us enter the formal practical demonstration stage. But before we start, I need two students as a practical demonstration Both sides of the battle. How? Anyone want to try it?”

As soon as these words were made, the students who were still noisy in the audience suddenly quieted down.

Everyone has been scared by Lockhart’s previous “dramatic performance teaching”, and no one wants to go up and suffer.

This makes Lockhart a little embarrassed.

He scratched his head, suddenly eyes shined as if thinking of something interesting, pointing in the direction of Slytherin house and shouting:

“Just you, Malfoy student! Please! Come on!”

Everyone’s eyes immediately moved to Draco in the direction Lockhart pointed out. Then, there was a burst of cheers from the crowd!

“Oh! Malfoy! Go up!”

“I heard no Malfoy! Are you a coward?”

“I bet on a gold Galleon Coward Malfoy dare not play!”

“I bet on 10 Sickles!”

“I bet too!”


Amidst the noise, Malfoy’s expression instantly changed from calm to surprise, and from surprise to gloomy. The speed of change was almost as fast as the face change in Sichuan Opera.

He heard it.

The Gryffindor has the loudest voice among the crowd. This is Chi Guoguo’s revenge!

It’s just that everyone else has said so, does he have room to refuse?

Gritting his teeth, Draco slowly climbed onto the long table.

There was another burst of laughter and whistle from the audience.

“Don’t be nervous, child, they are all jealous of you! As the heir of the Malfoy Family, you always have to get used to being noticed.”

Lockhart patted Draco on the shoulder comforted .

hearing this Draco clicked nodded, and his face became slightly better.

After all, although the reason given by Lockhart is not reliable, it is still quite effective for self-comfort.

It’s just that Draco’s expression collapsed again soon.

Because Lockhart had just finished comforting him with his front feet, he shouted again on his back feet:

“Then I will invite another opponent! Link · Foley!!!~ “

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