
Listening to Lockhart’s voice, Draco cried out instinctively.

However, Link at this time has slowly walked onto the long table under the silent gaze of everyone.

“Good evening, Draco.”

Link said calmly, but a cruel smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

The morning report actually revealed a lot of information about the interviewee, such as pure bloodline, such as knowing Link’s past when he was a child, or knowing that Link just used the bladder not long ago The explosion hit his student, Draco Malfoy.

One of the last things, only a few people know.

And Link didn’t think anyone but Draco in it would talk about it.

That means that the interviewee of this report is Draco.

“Draco, to be honest, I originally thought that such an opportunity would not show up until at least the summer vacation.” Link smiled and took out Wand and said, “But it’s okay to solve it as soon as possible, you’re right. Is it?”

“Lin…Link, I don’t understand what you are talking about.”

Draco said tremblingly, while still backing away. The appearance of escaping from the long table.

“Needless to say, Draco, I understand what you mean, and I understand everything. But I think you also need to understand one thing, that is, everyone is responsible for their words and deeds. “

Link said slowly, and raised wand in front of him like a sword.

Draco’s face turned darker when he saw this, and Lockhart in the audience shouted excitedly.

“Merlin! What did I see? It’s a duel posture! Link is issuing a duel invitation to Mr. Malfoy! What should I do? Will Mr. Malfoy accept it? This is a wizard duel! Since ancient times, I just I have never seen anyone refuse an invitation to a wizard duel in public, especially the nobles. They value honor more than life.”

Lockhart changed the conversation and said:

“But if Mr. Malfoy refuses, I am not surprised. After all, he has already had similar experience before. Are you right? Mr Potter?”

As soon as this statement came out, There was a burst of more intense laughter from the crowd.

Some people even sang the song “The Brave Lion and the Running Viper”.

This made Draco’s face on the stage instantly become deathly white.

By now, his pride as the only heir in the Malfoy Family no longer allows him to escape.

Clutching his teeth, Draco finally raised wand.

And the Link who was on the opposite side smiled happierly. The two of them slowly approached, saluted, and then each stepped back into a duel preparation posture.

“It looks like they are ready! Let’s enjoy it! 3, 2…”

Lockhart said excitedly, and everyone around followed the countdown. stand up.

But Professor McGonagall in the distance frowned.

She instinctively felt that things were not going in the right direction.

What Lockhart is doing now is not like taking a public class, but deliberately trying to make Draco embarrassed!

But thinking of Lockhart’s unreliable practice, Professor McGonagall gradually relieved.

At this moment, the battle on the long table finally began.

Just listening to Lockhart’s mouth at the moment the countdown ended, Draco gritted his teeth and raised wand violently.


A white ray appeared suddenly, and it hit the Link who hadn’t moved yet.

His sudden attack caused a burst of exclamation from the audience.

However, Link on the stage shook the head with a smile.



The same white ray flashed out, directly hitting the spell shot by Draco.

When the two collided, a fierce electric light broke out, and the sound of an electric soldering iron sounded in the air.

“Wow! Mr. Malfoy took advantage of the first strike very well and launched the attack first. What will happen to Link… Oh! Is it also a Reductor Curse? The two spells collided together Now it’s wrestling time! But I’m not very optimistic about Mr. Malfoy, his magic power is far worse than Link…”

Lockhart is like a game commentary Talking endlessly.

With his voice, the situation on the field has changed as he said.

Seeing that the white light in Link’s hands was flourishing, the node at the junction of the two spells was suddenly pushed towards Draco.

Draco was taken aback by this sudden change. He yelled, and Wand leaned back abruptly, only to avoid him at the crucial moment.

“Very beautiful dodge, I have to say, Mr. Malfoy is already very good to be able to make such emergency measures on such a small venue. It’s a pity…”

Lockhart shook his head and did not continue.

In fact, there is indeed no need to go on.

Because while Draco was trying to deal with the Reductor Curse, the tip of Link had flashed again, and this time, the rays of light were red.


The red glow tore through the air, making sharp noises, and at the same time it made a bright red mark on the retina of everyone.

Draco hurriedly raised another layer of Protego, but he obviously forgot how he was defeated last time.

A familiar scene appeared again.

Link’s Disarming Charm is like a sniper bullet, piercing the thin translucent shield instantly, and the speed is imprinted on Draco’s chest without any reduction.


Red glow is prosperous!

Draco was knocked into the air and fell towards the crowd.

Originally this would be a good thing, after all, there will always be a few cushions in the crowd.

It’s a pity that everyone doesn’t like Draco very well, or it may be due to instinct. In short, when Draco landed, the crowd he had originally dropped had dispersed in an instant.


Draco’s face fiercely hit the solid ground, and there was a muffled noise.

“Our Mr. Malfoy was shot off by Link with a Disarming Charm! Students, this is what I want you to see! Sometimes don’t be too defensive spells like Protego Over superstition, even under the defensive spell Tianke’s Disarming Charm can break through your defenses with no difficulty under the suppression of absolute power!”

Lockhart said happily, it looks like that. Like he is the biggest winner.

But now no one cares what he said.

The scattered crowd quickly gathered again, pointing at the fallen Draco hehe haha.

“fuck off! Get out of here, don’t look at me!”

Draco whimpered on the ground while twisting his limbs to stand up.

However, at this moment, new changes appeared on his body.


With a strange sound, a rabbit ear suddenly came out of Draco’s head.

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