“Ugh! Ugh! Ugh!”

A series of strange noises rang from Draco’s body.

Suddenly, the eyes of everyone around who looked towards Draco changed. It was a look mixed with shock and ridicule.

“You…Why are you looking at me with that look?”

Draco asked loudly, and at the same time he reached out his hand and touched his head, where he felt itchy.

But as soon as he started, Draco was stunned by the furry touch.

Next moment, a high-pitched scream erupted from Draco’s mouth.

“Merlin! This is incredible!” Lockhart looked at Draco, who had turned into a bunny head, and said, “Link is definitely adding another evil spell behind Disarming Charm! The most important thing is! The thing is that he hides it so well! Even I have found it!”

“Okay, Mr. Malfoy, don’t get excited, let me help you.”

After saying that, Lockhart moved towards Draco amidst the laughter of the crowd, showing a magical aura.

But unfortunately, his ordinary Finite Incantatem has no effect at all.

“Uh, this is weird.”

There was a stunned look on Lockhart’s face.

And Draco was screaming for Lockhart not to touch him at the moment.

After what happened just now, he can now be sure that Lockhart and Link are teaming up to fix him!

“Don’t do this, Mr. Malfoy. It was just an accident just now. Give me a few more chances and I will always succeed.”

“Do you think I will believe you? “

“Come on, don’t be shy.”



Looking at the farce in the crowd , Link’s mood finally improved.

The enchantment he put on Draco is a special kind of transfiguration, unless it is a special degenerative spell in transfiguration, otherwise ordinary Finite Incantatem will not have any effect on it.

And turning Draco into a rabbit head is also meaningful.

After all, his feelings for Harry Potter are almost well known…

Thinking about this, Link also chuckled lightly.

At this moment, Professor McGonagall and Professor Snape, who were originally sitting in the faculty seats, walked towards the crowd. When they passed by Link, they gave Link a glance, apparently to Link just now. What he did is very dissatisfied.

“You know, he deserves it.”

Link said with a laugh.

Hearing this Snape didn’t respond much, but Professor McGonagall stopped and pressed his lips tightly and looked towards Link.

But before her reproach was spoken, there was a burst of cheers and Lockhart’s disgusting voice from the crowd ahead.

“What I said, please believe me, I can do it!”

Link and the others After hearing the reputation, I saw that Draco has been restored to his original form, and Lockhart He put on a pose similar to Superman and enjoyed the applause of everyone.

Seeing Professor McGonagall’s face changed, and regardless of Link, he hurried forward to check Draco’s condition with Snape.

Transfiguration is different from ordinary spells. They are really afraid that Lockhart, a half-hearted man, will change Draco’s situation from ordinary damage to irreversible serious injury!

There is a precedent for this!

Unlike the nervous Professor McGonagall, Link’s eyes are slightly narrowed.

As a spellcaster, he is pretty sure that Lockhart is indeed a perfect solution to his transfiguration.

It’s just that… this kind of technology is not something that a half-hand like Lockhart can have!

‘Tom Riddle’s diary, really you got it! Lockhart! ‘

Link in the heart roared frantically, but his face was filled with a grin.

At this moment, it seemed that he was feeling the same, and Lockhart in the crowd suddenly turned his head and looked at Link.

“Link, it ended too fast just now, and many students have not seen it clearly.” Lockhart said with his iconic smile, “Why not, this time I will be your opponent, we How about one more time?”

“just to my liking!”

The blue glow in Link’s eyes flashed, and the ebony wand in his hand seemed to sense the excitement of the owner, and began to feel slight Trembling.

“No! That’s it!”

Professor McGonagall, who was examining Draco’s injury, hearing this complexion changed, immediately yelled out.

However, Link and Lockhart have already walked towards the long table, and the surrounding people have also moved away from Draco, gathering towards there.

This caused the muscles on Professor McGonagall’s face to tremble again.

She pinched wand to stop, but Snape grabbed her.

“Let them go.”


Professor McGonagall instinctively wanted to refuse.

But looking at Snape’s hollow and deep gaze, she finally stopped moving.

At this time, on the long table, Link and Lockhart are already standing at the two ends of the long table respectively, and there is no intention to do the wizard duel etiquette again at all.

“Are you ready? Link.”

Link did not speak, but the flickering blue glow above the wand and tip had already answered.



Lockhart tone barely fell, the blue glow on the Link wand instantly turned red, tight Then an orange red Fireball the size of a basketball whizzed to the opposite side.

“Oh! Is the advanced version of the Curse of Fire? Link, your innate talent is really amazing! It’s just… your Fireball is too slow, right?”


Lockhart said happily, and at the same time wand held high, dozens of refined arrows appeared suddenly and slammed into Fireball.

When Link saw the blue light flashed in his eyes, a smile appeared at the corner of his eyes.

Lockhart is right. This “Fireball Technique” advanced from the Fire Curse does not have enough flight speed. The additional flame characteristics are not stable enough, and it is easy to be detonated during the flight.

However, the Fireball released by Link is not meant to kill the enemy!

‘Renew the curse! ‘

Looking at the Fireball that was gradually going away, Link lifted wand slightly, and at the same time, in the heart, he meditated on spells silently.

next moment, the huge Fireball suddenly swelled in a circle, and a deep blue core appeared in the center.

“bang! ~”

The deafening explosion sounded.

The huge Fireball in flight was directly detonated by the liquid suddenly generated inside it. The powerful shock wave, light and heat blasted all the arrows in an instant, and at the same time made the students scream. Up.

But the most important thing is that the liquid inside the Fireball instantly vaporizes under the action of the flame, carrying the high-temperature white steam and exploding suddenly, gradually covering the silhouette of Link and Lockhart and even most of the auditorium. stand up.

“You are fooled.”

In the mist, Link said in a voice that only he could hear.

Wand was raised high afterwards.


The violent red glow shot out, forcibly breaking a huge cylindrical passage in the dense white fog!

But this is far from over.

As soon as the red glow leaves the tip, Link moves the wand slightly.

Two completely transparent invisible blades flew out along the road opened by the red glow!

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