In the ward, Emily just stood at the door and stared at Link.

Obviously she rushed all the way with expectation, and there was even a layer of fine sweat on her forehead, but when she really saw Link, who was smiling at her on the bed, For a while, he was speechless.

The two of them just stared at each other in the ward, silently.

They can stay silent, but there is a Little Brat who can’t help it.

I saw the neckline of Emily’s school uniform trembling for a while, and the little head that could not be curled up came out of it.



The yo-yo burst out instantly, spreading its wings and covering Link’s head and rubbing hard With.

While rubbing, there is still a sound like’ying ying ying’, like crying.

Seeing this, Link hurriedly stretched out his hand to pat comfortably, and finally the Curled Wing Demon Yo-Yo was pulled down.

“si si hiss!?~(Who is this guy!?)”


Arkham also learned from Link The arm came down, staring at the yo-yo with a bad face and said.

And hearing this Link just thought of explaining it out loud, the curled-winged magic yo-yo stretched its wings again, revealing two small fangs and threatened Arkham with’gā gā gā’.

The Yo-Yo of the Curled Wing Demon can certainly recognize that the snake in front of him is the previous Basilisk, but it is still not afraid.

He is a high-sensitivity and high-attack assassin, even the skull of Dragon can be crushed, let alone trifling Basilisk.

When Arkham saw this, he also showed his fangs in anger. This snake and demon just’si si sigh’gā gā gā’ got up.

Looking at the jealous two Little Brats, a smile appeared on Link’s mouth.

He grabbed the two Little Brats one by one, and said in Parseltongue and normal words:

“You two are companions, you can’t fight.”

hearing this Arkham spit out the letter and stared at it. At the moment, the curled up queen, who was still hooking Link’s collar with her small paws, got into Link’s quilt again.

The curled-wing magic yo-yo turned back to a shell ball and hung it on Link’s neck.

Link then turned his attention to Emily again.

At this moment, she is still hanging her head, standing at the door like a schoolboy who has done something wrong.

“Emily, come here.”

Link said softly, and the other party moved slowly to the bedside of Link, and first glanced at Link shyly , And then quickly lowered his head, extend the hand to hold Link’s palm.

Link raised his eyebrows, and said with a serious look:

“Why hold my hand?”

“Because That’s what my mother did when she was sick as a child.” Emily pressed her head lower, “she said, it makes you feel better.”

“But Dumbledore said that my injury has been damaged by Madam Pomfrey. It’s cured.”

“Ah! Yes, is it?”

Hearing this Emily blushed and screamed and withdrew her hand, but she just got something Action, Link grabbed her hand with the backhand.

Emily’s little hands are a bit icy, but they are wet.

I can see that she is nervous.

Link sighed said:

“Do you have nothing to say to me?”

“Yes, I’m sorry.”

Emily trembled for a while, and then made a sound like a mosquito moan.

“I didn’t want you to apologize for doing so much. You have done so much for me before, and I can see it all. But in the future, I don’t need it anymore.” Link rubbed Emily His little hand, he could feel the back of the other person hearing this trembling again, “Didn’t you say that I am your sun? From then on, I will protect you. I will stay by your side forever and do Your sun will help you drive away the nasty moon.”

Tears began to drip from Emily’s eye sockets, and after falling on her black school gown, they swayed into an inconspicuous pool. Wet marks.

Emily just bowed her head and wept, and only lifted the head after a while, showing a bright smile with a crying face.


Link also smiled when they saw it, and the two stared for a long time before Link suddenly said as if he had remembered something again:

“By the way, when did you watch Bai Ye Xing?”

” Bai Ye Xing? What is that?”

“Huh? Have you not seen it?” Link surprised With that said, because Emily’s remarks about the sun are clearly the content of the white night.

But Link quickly put these surprises behind him, and then said with a smile:

“It doesn’t matter if I haven’t read it, let me tell you something?”

Emily twitched her nose, and the smile on her face became brighter.

She clicked nodded and made a lovely voice.



Two hours later, Emily fell asleep on Link’s bed with happiness on her face Smile.

And after telling Emily the general story of the White Night Walk, Link finally walked out of the infirmary and moved towards the headmaster’s office.

At this time, nearly 20 hours have passed since Link fainted, and Hogwarts ushered in the dark again.

But what is different from the usual quietness is that now Hogwarts Castle still has a little bit of popularity.

Many Aurors who wear long windbreakers like passersby are still constantly patrolling the castle. Through the super-sensing curse, Link can clearly perceive a lot of light hidden under their wide long windbreakers. Sparkling magic power reaction.

Obviously, they are not at all so harmless as they seem.

They all seem to know Link, and they don’t even ask if they see Link alone walking in the castle.

And Link did not show any surprises about their existence.

From the conversation with Emily just now, he has a rough idea of ​​what happened after that night.

It turned out that Link was only unconscious and soon Dumbledore and Auror arrived.

They extinguished the fire in the Forbidden Forest, sealed off the entire open space as a battlefield, and brought all Link and the others back to Hogwarts.

Arkham was secretly hidden by Dumbledore in the process.

As for the big pot of Chamber of Secrets monster, according to Emily, it should be held on the heads of Acromantula again.

These bad luck guys were first stolen from their hometown by Arkham and Riddle in Basilisk, and then burned by Link. Now the Aurors are still hunting them in the Forbidden Forest.

Link estimates that Hagrid must be very sad now, because from now on there will be no more creatures like Acromantula in the Forbidden Forest.

As for these Aurors in Hogwarts now.

It is here to maintain the order of Hogwarts.

Thanks to them, Hogwarts is now fully militarized, but the students can finally go back to their common room to sleep.

Slightly took a look at these Ministry of Magic’s most elite combat wizards, and Link continued to make strides and came to the front of the headmaster office.


The rare beast stone statue speaks like a singing voice, but before it finishes speaking, Link rushes back blankly:

“Honey fried chicken.”

“Uh, nasty bear child!”

The rare beast stone statue leaped to the side while complaining, revealing its The arched portal behind him.

Link walked straight in and came to the office.

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