Dumbledore’s office is still the same as before.

But in addition to Dumbledore, there is an old acquaintance of Link in today’s office.

“Link! It’s very good to see you again! Come and sit down!”

Ministry of Magic Fudge got up and greeted Link very enthusiastically.

The smile on his face is kind and gentle, enough to make people instinctively think that this is a friendly enough person.

Link is a little disgusted with this.

Because, compared to those politicians that Link had seen on TV in his previous life, Fudge’s unsmiling smile on Fudge’s face at the moment is too fake.

But disgust is disgusting, but Link and Fudge lacking hatred and enmity, of course, will not hit each other in the face at this moment, but agree and sit on a sofa not far from Fudge.

Dumbledore, who had been silent at this time, finally spoke.

“Link, we called you over this time, not at all, for other purposes, but want to explain the current situation to you, the victim.”

Dumbledore said He paused, and taking advantage of this opportunity, Fudge also took advantage of the opportunity to directly grab the right to speak:

“This incident has been identified by the Ministry of Magic as a serious man-made incident. Someone deliberately This dark magic item that can manipulate people’s hearts was brought into Hogwarts, which caused such a large number of casualties.”

While talking, Fudge also took out the one that had been completely sealed in a plastic bag. Diary wreckage.

“At present, we can be sure that Draco Malfoy stole the diary from the dark magic item collected by his father Lucius Malfoy and brought it into Hogwarts.

Although his behavior has been determined to be an accident, in view of the serious consequences of this incident, Dumbledore and I still decided to severely admonish Draco Malfoy and to confine Draco Malfoy for a long time. Not only that, I Auror will also be dispatched into the Malfoy manor to conduct a search, in order to wipe out all the dark magic items in the manor. At the same time, he has also imposed a huge fine for his private possession of dark magic items.”

When he said this, Fudge narrowed his smile rarely, showing a serious look, as if he was increasing the authority of his words.

And hearing this Link, a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

He doesn’t need to think about it, and he knows that the Malfoy family will have a hard time these days.

As for the so-called huge fines and manor searches, there is a high probability that the Ministry of Magic used the opportunity to blackmail the Malfoys, but Link is quite satisfied with this situation.

After all, Link himself knows very well that it is a bit reluctant to send the Malfoy family to Azkaban based on this kind of thing alone.

Now it’s great to let them have a wave of blood.

Thinking about this, Link twitched at the corner of his mouth, and said with a smile:

“I am quite satisfied with the result of this disposition. This well demonstrates the fairness and authority of the Ministry of Magic. “

As soon as Link said this, the portraits hanging on the wall couldn’t help laughing.

Because the taste of eccentric in these words is too strong.

But Fudge hearing this is relaxed.

Of course he can hear the irony in Link’s words, but the meaning of accepting this kind of treatment in Link’s words is also obvious.

For Fudge, this is enough.

Eccentric and so on are trivial things. His face has long been polished by daily Prophet and other major paper media.

“Thank you for your understanding, Link. I also want to apologize to you on behalf of the Ministry of Magic and Hogwarts. It is our negligence that caused you to encounter such a great danger.”

Fudge has a smile on his face again.

“For the victims, including you and Professor Lockhart, Ministry of Magic will come forward and give some financial compensation. In addition, Link, you are here The reality in this incident is amazing! You almost saved the entire Hogwarts by the strength of oneself!

I promise to report this matter to the Order of Merlin in its entirety, which may help you Strive for an Order of Merlin Second Class Order of Merlin!

Of course, this is something that hasn’t been determined yet. But in view of your outstanding contribution to Hogwarts, I think it’s a “special contribution to the school award” It should be definitely available. Dumbledore, what do you think?”

Fudge looked towards Dumbledore.

At this moment, he has a straight waist and a tall belly, looking very proud.

Fudge also felt that he did have the capital to be proud of.

Because in this case, he not only spared the Malfoy family from prison, but also gave the Ministry of Magic and himself an extra income.

At the same time, several other families of the victims like Lockhart and Link, the only special existence, also got the money or honor they most wanted.

This wave!

This wave is a joy for everyone!

And when Fudge was proud, Link and Dumbledore’s expressions were a little weird.

In fact, since he entered the office on Link, Fudge has still grabbed the right to speak in the entire conversation, creating an atmosphere in which he is the boss.

On the surface, Link and Dumbledore are very cooperative.

But inwardly, I want to laugh a little.

Because everyone knows that compared to Dumbledore, Fudge is just a clown that’s all.

Dumbledore and Link looked at each other with a smile, and then said:

“Of course, the Special Contribution Award is to be awarded to Link, but about the culprit of this incident, I But I don’t think it’s the Malfoy family.”

“Oh? Who do you think it is?”

Fudge’s voice was a little distorted and his expression became weird.

Dumbledore has such an ominous premonition that he sells things like this.

And facts have proved that this premonition is correct.

Because Dumbledore said a name that was enough to stop the child from crying after a moment of silence.


“This is impossible!”

Fudge jumped up from the sofa with a jump, his body trembling violently, looking like Excited.

“He, he is dead! Impossible is coming back!”

“But this time the dark magic item is to confuse the victim in the name of Tom Riddle.” Dumbledore faintly said, “We have every reason to believe that Voldemort is preparing for his return.”

“Okay! Stop mentioning this name to me!” Fudge gasping for breath He said, “Link, you go back first, I have other things to discuss with Professor Dumbledore.”

hearing this with keen interest pleasure, Link, who was watching the show, looked towards Dumbledore.

Seeing that the latter clicked nodded, he walked out of the office with a smile.

He knows very well that Fudge and Dumbledore will have a more heated debate later.

Dumbledore obviously wanted to raise Fudge’s vigilance, and it was best to use all his power to kill the danger about Voldemort in the cradle.

Unfortunately, Link believes that the probability that he can persuade Fudge is infinitely close to zero.

After all, Fudge is such a person who is content with the status quo.

Shook the head with a sneer, Link walked towards the long-lost Hufflepuff common room with a relaxed pace.

He didn’t want to get involved in Dumbledore and Fudge at all.

Now he just wants to go to the kitchen to eat something, and then get a good sleep.

At the same time, two Aurors are on guard on the ruins of the observatory.

This is the task assigned to them by their immediate boss, Scrimgeour, the current director of Auror’s office.

It’s a pity, perhaps because the observatory is so remote from the main part of Hogwarts that no one can monitor them. Not only are their steps frivolous, but the expressions on their faces are even more relaxed. It’s more like walking than patrolling.

“Did you say that this place was really destroyed by the battle between Link Foley and that monster?”

Looking at the surrounding ruined walls, the one Auror walking in front couldn’t help but ask .

“It should be,” said Auror behind, uncertainly, “Mr. Scrimgeour said so. I don’t think Mr. Scrimgeour will deliberately praise those pure-blooded nobles like Minister Fudge. Feet.”

“That’s true, but if that’s the case, Link Foley is really a monster!”

“en? What do you say?”


“Did you know? The entire dome of the observatory is made of special materials and spells that are exactly the same as the auditorium. This material has extremely high magic resistance properties, even if we two I couldn’t destroy the entire observatory in a short period of time. But Link Foley and the monster did it.”

“What you said makes sense,” said Auror, who followed behind. Turn around, “But what I care more about is how you know the observatory so thoroughly. I remember you hated astronomy lessons the most when you were in school?”

Speak, then Auror’s mouth is tickled. A wretched smile appeared.

As an old student, he actually knows why his companion knows so much about the observatory.

The other party is nothing more than to pick up girls and come to the observatory to do exercises and deliberately learn some related knowledge, so that it’s all can be used as a topic.

The reason why he asked knowingly was just to tease his companions and add some fun to this difficult late-night patrol.

But before the other party responded, the smile on his face suddenly condensed.

Because he suddenly discovered that a dagger was stuck in a pile of rocks under his feet.

The dagger looked extremely sharp, and there were two hideous bloodletters on the blade.

But the most striking thing is the emerald inlaid on the hilt of the sword.

Under the shining of the starlight, the gem exudes a faint green glow, and its interior seems to contain some kind of slender shadow, which makes this gem look like a living one. Snake pupils are average.

And Auror, who was staring at him, had countless voices in his mind at this moment.

These voices kept whispering, just to tell him something.

‘Pick me up and you will become the king of the world. ‘

Gradually, Auror’s pupils spread, and he slowly leaned over and hid the dagger in his windbreaker.

Ahead, his companion turned his head because of his questioning, and kept complaining about him always cracking a joke.

And he touched the dagger in his windbreaker and smiled very freely.

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