The next day, when the tepid sunshine of that spring day shone on the castle again, the Aurors also left Hogwarts.

speaking from a certain perspective, which means that Dumbledore still failed to convince Fudge after all.

But this is great news for the students. Many of them ran out of the common room early on that day and fought hard outside the castle where it’s been a long time since we last met. Sprinkle with joy.

The reason why the students are so excited is that the Hogwarts military control is lifted.

But it is more because Professor Dumbledore thinks that the semester is about to end, and the students are all absent from class in large numbers and cancelled the final exams for this year’s ordinary students.

(Of course, the wizard level exam for senior students is still to be tested. Compared to other students, they can only be said to be bad luck.)

However, compared with others The difference for the students is that today’s Hufflepuff did not go anywhere…

“Link! Link! Wake up!”

In the bedroom, I just fell asleep. Link was also shaken by the excited John.

But when he woke up, he was taken aback by the scene in front of him.

Because at this moment their small bedroom is already full of people.

They all came to ask Link about things in the Forbidden Forest that night.

Among them, there are males and females, but the overwhelming majority are student leaders such as Cedric or senior students.

As for the other Hufflepuff, they are surrounded in the corridor outside the bedroom.

Looking at those expectant and excited eyes, Link felt a little speechless for a while.

But under continuous persecution by John and Cedric, he finally talked about some abridged content.

Link dare to swear that he is already using the boring and usual narrative as much as possible, but I don’t know why, these students who are in the audience will exclaim from time to time, which makes the corridor There was another commotion among the students who didn’t hear clearly.

After finally getting rid of John’s siege, Link originally thought that the matter should end here.

But when he slowly came to the auditorium for breakfast, he found that the students in the other houses were no less curious about this matter than the Hufflepuffs.

This caused Link to be surrounded by densely packed crowds just as soon as he sat down.

Everyone, you and me, are begging Link to tell the story of the night again.

This makes Link’s expression a bit ugly.

Because of this trend, let alone breakfast, he doesn’t even want to eat lunch.

At this moment, a familiar voice rang from outside the crowd.

“Well, let me spread out, I don’t want to say second time!”

Emily both hands crossed near chest, said with a cold face.

Beside her, there are still a group of tall and strong Slytherins.

This caused the students who had originally surrounded Link to disperse very consciously.

They don’t want to provoke the fierce Queen Victoria.

“Thanks, Emily.”

Looking at Emily, who was sitting next to her after daring to leave everyone, Link relaxed.

And hearing this Emily lowered her blushing face, and replied with an inaudible voice.

This kind of performance is nothing like her previous way of dispersing everyone.

But Link laughed.

He thinks Emily is quite interesting like this.

With the silent company of Emily, Link ate breakfast hastily, but not at all chose to leave, but continued to tease Emily.

As for the others in the auditorium, they have already targeted the Hufflepuffs.

Although Link refuses to say more, other Hufflepuffs will not let go of this opportunity to show off.

They are very happy to tell what they have heard about Link.

Of course, it is beyond Link’s control to how much they have changed.

And while Link was teasing Emily, Harry and Hermione came to Link’s side.

At first, their three people were a little afraid of Emily, who had returned to her original cold appearance.

But after chatting with Link for a few words, I saw that Emily didn’t respond much and gradually let go.

“Link, have you heard of it?” Harry said cheerfully, who was gradually returning to normal, “Malfoy’s house has been bad luck recently!”

“Yes! Me! Father just returned from a search in Malfoy’s house yesterday. He said that Malfoy’s house is almost evacuated now!”

Ron also agreed in time.

Malfoy bad luck, this is definitely the thing Harry and Ron are most happy to comment on.

But what kind of expression would Harry have if he knew Tom Riddle’s complaints about Draco?

Thinking about this, Link couldn’t help laughing.

The three then talked about Malfoy’s house for a while.

Although Link believes that the so-called “emptied” scene at Malfoy’s house is probably Lucius deliberately made it miserable, but for the sake of Harry and Ron so happy, he did not go. Puncture.

While looking at the three people who talked so happily, Hermione, who had been silent all the time, bit her lip.

She actually wanted to ask how Link was doing at the very beginning.

It’s a pity that Emily stared at her with a vigilant look from start to finish, which made her very uncomfortable.

But now, she really can’t help it.

Quickly Mimi glanced at Emily, Hermione finally extended the hand, ready to pull Link’s sleeve to let Link notice her.

However, before her hand actually touched Link’s sleeve, Arkham got out of Link’s sleeve.

After looking at the golden-yellow snake pupils for a short time, a scream erupted from Hermione’s mouth.


“What’s wrong?”

After hearing the sound of Link, the three of them immediately looked over, and watched everything from beginning to end. In her eyes, Emily covered her mouth and smiled, and moved towards Arkham cast approving eyes.

“Snakes, there are snakes!”

Hermione pointed at Arkham tremblingly, and the three of them discovered the little heads protruding from Link’s cuffs.

“Oh, don’t be afraid,” Link felt Arkham’s head suddenly, and then explained, “This is my new pet, called Arkham.”

“Pet, pet?”

Ron and Hermione stammered.

Neither of them can accept the fact that someone would keep snakes as pets.

Harry, who is also a snake-like voice with Link, doesn’t have much fear. Not only is he not afraid, he even tentatively waved hello to Arkham.

Unfortunately, after experiencing the Tom Riddle incident, Arkham has an instinctive aversion to all the snakes except Link.

When he saw this, Arkham not only didn’t respond to Harry, but he turned his head and went straight back into Link’s sleeve.

For a while, Harry’s expression was a bit awkward, and Link on the side laughed unceremoniously.


After talking with Harry and the others until the afternoon, Link managed to escape and came to the responsive room.

Unlike last time, the responsive room this time has been transformed into a huge spell training ground according to Link’s idea.

Looking at the black anti-magic brick wall and the alchemy puppet target in the distance, Link silently opened the attribute panel.

Before, because of concerns about the effect of adding points on the body, Dumbledore and the others would overreact, so Link has kept the skill points unadded.

And now is the time to think about it.

But in fact, there is nothing to consider.

Currently, there is only Sectumsempra for Link to reach LV5. Adhering to the idea of ​​instantly improving battle strength, there is only one option for using Link for that golden skill point.

“Then let’s start.”

The self-talking took a deep breath, and the mentally prepared Link is now the golden plus sign behind LV5Sectumsempra. a bit.

Next moment Link frowned.

But the reason for Link’s frown this time is not that Sectumsempra gave too much knowledge after breaking the limit, but that it gave poor feedback.

This makes Link’s previous psychological construction all useless.

But less does not mean weak!

【Sectumsempra curse LV6 has been obtained! 】

Looking at the dark golden barrage in front of him, Link, who reacted a little, still smiled.

Then Wand slammed in Link’s hand, and a group of invisible curse power was instantly formed, and it shot out tens of meters quietly, and plunged directly into the body of the alchemy doll in the distance. .

One second, two seconds, three seconds…

Until ten seconds passed, the alchemy doll still did not respond.

It’s like Link fired just a dud.

However, the smile on Link’s face has become even brighter.


With Link shout out loudly, the cursing power of the alchemy doll within the body is finally activated, turning into dozens of pitch-black spikes The alchemy doll is tied into a hedgehog from the inside to the outside.

Except for the regular formidable power increase and control increase, there is only one thing given after the upgrade of Sectumsempra.

That is a certain degree of free control of the power of the curse.

This ability sounds like nothing great, but in fact it is ridiculously strong.

In addition to the delayed shadow stab just now, it can also be used as a control skill or even as a life skill, which is extremely versatile.

Let go of wand, Link clicked nodded with satisfaction, and then clicked the upgrade plus sign for renewing the curse.

This time the feedback given after the upgrade was similar to when Sectumsempra rose to LV5. A large amount of knowledge poured directly into Link’s brain, causing it to experience a brief downtime.

But after the downtime was restored, Link quickly couldn’t help but explode.

Because he suddenly discovered that most of the spell knowledge that was poured into his mind after the refill spell was upgraded, so the experience bar of other spells also increased by a lot. cut.

Many of the low-level curses were upgraded directly, and the super-sensing curses that were already near the upgrade also successfully reached LV4!

Compared with this, the effect of the upgraded body of the Renewal Mantra is not so gratifying.

In addition to the regular formidable power boost, control boost, and wandless use spell, the new abilities are only the addition of things that can be regarded as containers.

The current renewal spell can be performed on almost most things including air.

This means that it can adjust the humidity in the air at will, or…

Well, Link really can’t figure out what else it can do.

But this is the characteristic of the basic spell upgrade.

The effect of their body upgrade may not be strong, but they can give other magic spells huge experience feedback, which can be said to be a relatively comprehensive development.

And according to the previous Sectumsempra upgrade to LV6 effect.

If the Renewal Mantra can be upgraded again, Link may be able to master the ability to freely generate and control liquid.

In view of the physical properties of liquid, it can do more than curse.

For example, the ejection water blade after high pressure, and the overweight water shield…

Think carefully, this is actually quite exciting.

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