Watching the silhouettes of Emily and Mrs. Foley disappear around the corner, Link helpless shook the head.

He always feels that his family status seems to be lowered.

At this time, the little button that had been hiding next to him also came up with a letter.

“Thanks, little button.”

Receiving the letter, Link didn’t care about the little button that was tearing down because of excessive excitement. Instead, he opened the letter.

But after reading the content of the letter, Link’s expression became a little weird.

Newt sent him an invitation letter.

This is not at all by itself, it’s so strange.

After all, as early as last Christmas, Newt told Link that he would invite him to his home as a guest, but it was because Link’s thoughts were all on Chamber of Secrets and Emily. For the time being, that’s all.

What really makes Link feel strange is that this time Newt directly invited him to Greenland to complete a mission given to Newt by the Ministry of Magic.

As for the assembly time, it will be three days later.

In Newt’s original words:

‘This will be a very educational trip, so I will not only bring my grandson, but also sincerely hope Excellent students like Link you can go together. ‘

Link was a little embarrassed.

Aside from Newt’s identity, a person who has only met once suddenly invited you a few months later, saying that he was going to take you to a foreign country for science and education tourism.

How to look at such a thing is outrageous.

Moreover, although there are many wonders in this place in Greenland, it is also famous for birds that do not shit.

Link originally didn’t know much about its “birds do not shit”, but after playing a game that invented bd to infect the whole world, he knew that this place in Greenland is indeed deserted. To the extreme.

Because in that game, it often happens that the whole world is dyed red, but Greenland still has nothing to do with it.

For such a place, Link really doesn’t want to go to such a place before it has been developed.

With this time, he might as well stay in the castle to practice the spell EXP.

Thinking about this, Link put away the letter directly, followed the little button to tidy up his room.

After he took care of everything and put on casual clothes, Mrs. Foley and Emily finally finished their whispers and came to the dinning table.

“Link, come for dinner.”

Seeing Link coming down from the stairs, Mrs. Foley greeted him warmly.

At this moment, Mrs. Foley and Emily have also changed into casual clothes, but compared to Link’s white shirt with some medieval style, both of them are wearing heavy muggle features. Long skirt.

Link also saw some hidden trademarks on it.

Apparently these all are the fruits of Mrs. Foley’s shopping today.

She smiled and took the seat, and Mrs. Foley asked Link about Newt’s letter.

Link didn’t pretend, and passed it directly to Mrs. Foley.

“This is actually an invitation letter, but I don’t plan to go.”

Link said softly, and then started the meal with Emily.

Like other ordinary families, every time Link returns from vacation, the food conditions in Forli Castle are the best, and this time is no exception.

Especially the small button is more than just a house elf who can only cook traditional dishes of the country.

He dabbles in German, French, Japanese and even Chinese cuisine!

Although it is still doubtful that these foreign vegetable fields made by small buttons are not authentic, Link feels that this is enough.

This is at least much better than Hogwarts.

So once a meal is opened, most of Link’s attention is focused on the food in front of him.

Even from time to time, he would give Amway the Celestial dish in front of him to Emily.

At the same time, Mrs. Foley finished reading Newt’s letter, and then she covered her mouth and said with some surprise:

“This is not great!”


“en? What did you say?”

Link frowned and said unexpectedly.

To be honest, he is now a little doubtful whether he has heard him wrong.

Because he was thinking about coming, Mrs. Foley probably wouldn’t agree that he followed Newt out and run around. After all, the holiday was one of the few time for the mother and son to get together.

However, Mrs. Foley obviously didn’t think so.

“I said, Mr. Scamander’s idea is not very good!” Mrs. Foley put down the letter and said to Link, “You used to stay at home every day on vacation and stay away. I went to Diagon Alley, and if you continue like this, you will become a nerd like the children of the Karente family!”

Mrs. Foley looked towards Emily again and said:

“And there is Emily this year. I have already discussed with Little Emily that she will stay at our house for a while this summer. Just taking advantage of this opportunity, you can still travel together! “

“Uh, is Emily going too?”

“What? You don’t want to take Emily?”

Ms. Foley here As soon as he said that, Link instantly felt the double death gaze from Mrs. Foley and Emily next to him.

Link became stiff, and immediately said:

“Of course I am willing! But what do you do? You should know that we didn’t meet for a lot of time…”

Link did not continue, but Mrs. Foley clearly understood the meaning of Link’s words.

A layer of mist appeared on her eyes, she covered her face with her hands and moved:

“Oh! My little Link! Your mother feels it, “

Ms. Foley’s conversation turned around:

“But this time you go for a trip first. Mother will also have a good talk with you, Victoria Uncle, about you and Emily. When it comes to the engagement, I will say that you two have already eloped, and he will definitely agree.”

After saying that, Mrs. Foley also moved towards Link and Emily blinked mischievously. eye.

And listening to Mrs. Foley’s words, Link’s expression was a bit sluggish.

He can understand Mrs. Foley’s approach.

After all, Mr. Victoria is notoriously stubborn when it comes to dealing with Emily.

The opponent is almost impossible to submit without any means.

It’s just…Is it really okay for you to just and honorable just say this kind of thing?

Know that Emily is still here!

Thinking so, Link also instinctively looked towards Emily.

He was a little worried about Emily being angry.

But just after seeing it for the first time, Link’s original worries disappeared.

Because at this time, Emily’s face is filled with a happy smile.

Looking at Link looking at her, Emily even pouted her lips and kicked him slightly under the long table.

Okay! Seeing this, Emily must be aware of it!

Even she might have proposed this elopement threat plan!

This wave!

This wave is back in advance!

Ms. Foley sitting on the main seat of Link and Emily’s small theater can be said to see clearly.

When she saw this, she smiled and joined her hands together and said:

“Okay! That’s it! After three days, you two can go on a happy double tour!”

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