Three days later, inside Forli Castle.

“Link, little Emily, are you ready?”

Before the fireplace, Mrs. Foley yelled anxiously.

And shortly after she made her voice, the silhouettes of Link and Emily walked out of their respective rooms.

When they first returned from Hogwarts, the attire of the students was different. Now they are wearing two pure black custom couple outfits with a slight gothic style.

This is Mrs. Foley’s idea.

Link is wearing a black leather jacket and black trousers. Compared with Link, Emily is much more complicated.

Not only did she wear a pitch-black midi skirt with more complicated patterns than Link’s, she also wore some jewelry masters who originally belonged to Mrs. Foley and a pair of black silk gloves.

While this makes Emily more beautiful, it also highlights a touch of mysterious.

Looking at these two people walking slowly down the stone stairs holding hands, Mrs. Foley couldn’t help but put her palms together and exclaimed:

“It’s really made in Heaven and arranged by Earth A pair of you! Are you right? Small buttons?”

“When…Of course!”

As a house elf, small buttons have different aesthetics from humans, so they can only be knotted. Baba’s pretended approval.

As usual, Mrs. Foley would definitely kick him.

But now her attention is obviously all on Link and Emily.

“Oh! I almost forgot!” Mrs. Foley took out another black bow tie from her arms and tied it to Arkham, who was entrenched in Link’s pocket and poked her head. On the neck, “This is so much better!”

“si si hiss!~” (Stop! You hurt me!)

Arkham showed his teeth dissatisfied Talking.

It’s a pity that after these three days of familiarity, Mrs. Foley will no longer be afraid of his fierce look.

Mrs. Foley directly patted Arkham’s head hard and said:

“Bad guy!”

Arkham was photographed directly shrinking. Back to Link’s pocket and refused to come out again.

When seeing this, Link and Emily both laughed.

“Don’t laugh, are your salutes ready?”

“Don’t worry, mother, it’s all here.”

Link patted said the seamless stretch pockets tied around his waist.

Emily on the other side also ordered nodded.

“Then don’t dare,” Mrs. Foley said, stepping aside, “you are going to be late!”

“Goodbye then, Leonie Aunt.” Link Emily and Emily respectively stepped forward and hugged Mrs. Foley and said, “We will bring you a gift, mother!”

After that, Link and Emily smiled and took out the floo powder. , Walked into the fireplace.


Along with a burst of green flames igniting from the fireplace, the silhouettes of the two disappeared in the flames.

When they were down to earth again, they had already appeared in a strange room.

This room is not big, and the various furnishings in it don’t look very expensive, but the overall feel is refined.

Link is surprised that there are also muggle appliances such as TV sets (Note 1), which are rare in wizard families.

But after thinking that Newt’s wife was a wizard from the United States, Link was relieved.

The U.S. is now many times more open to muggle items than the U.S. country.

“Oh~ you are Link, right? And this one?”

A female voice that is a bit hoarse but still nice to hear suddenly came from not far away. Link heard about the reputation When I went, I saw an Old Lady wearing a sun flower pattern shirt looking at him with a smile.

Although this was the first time we met, Link still recognized the identity of the other party and hurriedly bowed and said:

“Yes, it’s nice to meet you, Ska Mrs. Mander.”

After that, Link looked towards Emily again:

“This is my girlfriend, Emily Victoria.”

When Emily heard Link calling her a girlfriend, the corners of her mouth couldn’t help but grin.

But when she remembered that this was a guest at someone else’s house, she quickly reduced her smile and said to Mrs. Scamander as a lady:

“It’s nice to meet You.”

“He he he, really two good and polite children.” Tina Scamander said melancholy while touching the cat in her arms, “Compared When I get up, the two of my family are too rude, knowing that some guests will come and they won’t come out to receive them.”

Faced with Mrs. Scamander’s complaints, Link and Emily could only It was a dry laugh.

They two outsiders are not very good at participating in this topic.

Fortunately, Mrs. Scamander did not at all continue on this topic. After greeted Link and Emily for a while, she led them to the basement.

“Newt and Rove are waiting for you in the basement. Oh yes! There is one of your old acquaintances among the people going with you this time.”

“old acquaintance?”

“You will know then.”

Ms. Scamander smiled mysteriously before opening the door to the basement.

Next moment, a place similar to the ecological zone in the black gold demonic beast appeared in front of Link.

“Newt, your guest is here.”

Mrs. Scamander yelled inward, and soon Newt, wearing a nightgown, trot to the door. , Beckoned to Link with a smile.

“Link, you are finally here, come in.”

Listening to Newt’s call, Link first politely looked towards Mrs. Scamander, and saw the other smile I clicked nodded and then hurriedly walked into the basement.

“Huh! This is your little girlfriend? Is she going with you too? Okay, it doesn’t matter! Come with me, I’ll take you to see a good thing!”

Newt looked very anxious, waved his hand and ran back hurriedly.

Seeing this, Link and Emily also hurried to catch up.

Then they saw a little boy in a hunting suit playing with a dog in front of a small wood house covered with yellow leaves.

“Look at Link! This is a swallowtail dog, pay attention to its tail, it is forked!” Newt said with a smile on his face, “this kind of special dog bred by the wizard They are very cruel to muggle, but they are good friends of the wizard. You see how happy it is with Rove!” Hearing this Link and Emily glanced at each other. The expressions are all a little weird.

Because of the current situation, to be precise, it was the swallowtail dog playing with the little boy.

I saw it threw the little boy to the ground and licked desperately. Judging from the boy’s frantic struggle, he obviously didn’t like this.

“Uh, Mr. Scamander,” Emily said unbearably, “Perhaps you should stop that dog. Your grandson looks like he’s about to be suffocated.”

“Uh, all right. wang wang wang~!!!”

Newt only realized this.

After saying this, he rushed up, and there was a dog barking in his mouth, as if he wanted to use dog language to make the opponent let go of his paw.

But this doesn’t work.

The swallowtail dog licked happily instead.

This made the expression on Newt’s face a bit awkward, he scratched his head, and then took out wand.

But before he could make the next move, a fierce mechanical prosthetic hand grabbed the swallowtail dog by its neck and lifted it up.


Looking at the master of the robotic prosthetic hand, Link and Emily couldn’t help exclaiming.

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