When Link was talking with Emily, their carriage had followed Newt and the others into a deep canyon.

With the shelter of sheer cliffs and precipitous rock faces on both sides, the icy cold wind outside cannot threaten this place.

So compared to the outside, it is much warmer here, and there is even no snow.

It is a pity that the relatively warm environment has not brought life here.

The gorge within the valley loses the snow and only bare rocks are exposed, and at the end of a barrenness, there is a lush oasis erected.

With Link’s vision blessed by the super-sensing curse, he can even see the row upon row of wooden houses in the oasis, the trickling creeks, and the large tracts that have been cultivated. Farmland.

“How could there be an oasis in this kind of place!”

Emily also sat up straight at the moment, and said solemnly.

The Link beside her has already taken out the wand.

The oasis that appeared in front of them at the moment was obviously strange.

The carriage and dog sled quickly drove into the oasis.

Link and Newt got out of the car, and they truly felt the magic of this oasis.

Here is warm like spring, there is no outside cold at all.

It is as if there is an invisible barrier blocking all the wind and snow here.

In the oasis, there are large tracts of wood houses and farmland pastures with a strong European medieval style. There are even many people working in the fields in the distance.

Everything is so harmonious, but so weird.

At this moment, the laughter of children caught Link’s attention.

When he heard about his reputation, he saw more than a dozen children of all ages chasing and screaming towards them.

These children have wide noses and black and straight hair, which perfectly matches the characteristics of the Inuit.

But they are not wearing animal skin coats, but linen short coats.

“wang wang wang~ !~”

The swallowtail dogs who were being led on the sled with tired tongue out saw these children, and then even started barking, looking at them With the hideous teeth and the action of be eager to have a try, Link has no doubt that they really want to rush up and tear these children to pieces.

Be aware that this kind of thing has actually happened!

Swallowtail dogs are magical creatures that can smell magic power. They have a strong desire to attack any creature except wizards.

Perhaps they were frightened by the barking of these dogs, and the children quickly ran away.

This makes Newt a bit regretful. He is very curious about this oasis. Obviously it is much easier to get information and open the situation from children.

Professor Kettleburn next to him has begun to teach these swallowtail dogs who barked at people.

But not long after, the children who had escaped suddenly came back.

And this time, they also brought some new friends.

There are five giant snow wolves with a height of nearly two meters and a body length of over five meters!

“Wooha halu!”

Along with the shout of the big child at the head, the child and giant wolves behind him also roared together.

For a moment, those swallowtail dogs who were just now incomparable clamped their tails and shrank to Newt’s side with sobs.

When they saw this, the children cheered as if they had won a battle.

Link’s eyes became a little subtle.

Because the giant wolves or sled dogs still maintain the shape of a canine, but according to the information perceived by the super-sensing spell, they are within the body, whether it is muscle or skeleton. Density or the strength of internal organs have reached an extremely unscientific level.

Obviously, these giant wolves are basically magical creatures that have been transformed.

And their appearance also means that Link entire group has found the right place.

Newt is clearly aware of this.

He rushed towards the children enthusiastically, holding his hands up while running, indicating that he has no weapons and is harmless.

Those children are really newborn calves do not fear tigers, and they let a weird person like Newt come to them.

After that, Newt started to’hu hu haha’ like a monkey, and while talking, he was still doing some weird and exaggerated body language.

Link can tell that Newt wants to communicate with each other.

It’s just…Is this way really feasible?

Link deeply doubts this.

However, when Link shook his head secretly, the big child who was headed across from him seemed to understand Newt’s words, moved towards Newt, and then ran back to the village quickly.

“Ah this…this is really a kind of magical language innate talent.”

Looking at that has become one with the children, and is currently studying the new wolves of those giant wolves. special. Link scratched his head and said silently.

hearing this Emily also agreed with nodded.

After a short while, the big child is finally back.

Behind him, there are dozens of brawny men with a height of horses and holding hunting knives,

and a withered old man with a lot of feather ornaments on his head. .

Newt greeted him with a smile when he saw it, but the old man and the brawny ignored him at all, but hurriedly dragged all the children into the crowd, pulling and punching. The child’s cries soon rang through the village.

When the children were all taken away, the old man walked over, moved towards Link and Newt and the others said in unskilled English:

” Outsiders, what do you mean by coming here?”

“That’s it, sir.” Newt was still smiling, “We are here to find someone named Richard Say The people of Le, do you know where he is?”

“Seler? You are here to find Lord Seler!?”

The old man couldn’t help but let out a scream. The brawny men beside them also got into a commotion the moment they heard the name.

But soon, the old man recovered his calm again.

He each minding their own business ordered nodded and said with emotion:

“Yes, you outsiders who come to us will only come to Sir Lord. “

“Lord?” Link frowned and said, “Are you saying this is Richard Thaler’s territory?”

“That’s it. Lord Thaler, he is a great and good lord! It was he who took in us homeless wanderers! It was he who created this miraculous place! It was he who led us to worship the god of Snow Mountain, let We can all live happily under the glory of Great Snow Mountain!”

The withered old man said emotionally. When it came to excitement, he even trembled and rolled his eyes, as if he would hiccup at any time. Same as fart.

The brawny men behind him also knelt on the ground at this moment, saying something that no one understood.

When he saw this, Newt was very cooperative and put his hands together in prayer.

But Link and the others didn’t even move at all.

To tell the truth about the situation in front of them, they are already a little bit strange.

Professor Binns in Hogwarts’ A History of Magic class told about many ancient muggles who worshiped wizards as Spiritual Gods.

Even the U.S. Army in World War II had been a native god of the Melanesian Islands in the Pacific for a while.

It is normal for a low-level civilization to deify worship to a high-rank civilization.

In Link and the others, I think that Richard Thaler also relied on magic to gain the worship of these Inuit people.

At this time, the crowd not far away also ended this short prayer.

Looking at Newt’s slightly lame prayer gesture, the old man with the feather headdress clicked nodded with satisfaction, and then pointed behind him and said:

“Foreigners, I have already seen It’s your sincerity. In that case, let me take you to see Lord Saylor!”

Link’s eyes follow the direction the old man pointed,

Immediately, the tall tower in the distance with the same color as the canyon rock came into his eyes.

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