Led by the withered old man, the Link entire group walked towards the tower.

And the deeper the village, the more weird Link feels.

Because this village is indeed a place of miracles to some extent.

Different from the rugged rocks in the outer gorge within the valley, there is not only soil, but also the kind of black land that is extremely nutritious.

The grains and vegetables grown on it, as well as the walking cattle, sheep, and livestock, are all types that have undergone synthesis and transformation, and have a very strange body shape.

Look at those neat and tidy again, it’s like a wooden villa carved out of a mold, and the ruddy complexion of the villagers, one by one, the ruddy complexion looks sturdy,

Link is easy It can be concluded that these villagers live extremely happy lives.

But unlike the prosperity and peace in the village, the area where the tall tower is located has turned into hard frozen ground, with biting cold wind around it.

The withered old man left the strong men accompanying him, and led Link and the others alone to a closed door at the bottom of the tower.

The withered old man doesn’t wear much, and under the ravages of the cold wind, his whole person is shaking uncontrollably.

But Link always has a feeling that the old man’s shaking doesn’t seem to be caused by the cold.

But because I was too excited.


The old man tremblingly stretched out his hand and rang the doorbell.

After a while, the door opened.

Link was slightly surprised that his mouth opened wide.

Because this door not only has a doorbell, but the way it opens is the horizontal movement that is common for airtight doors in science fiction movies!

This, this is not fantastic.

But what makes Link even more surprising is still to come.

After the portal was opened, there was no one inside, and the withered old man introduced Link and the others into the brightly lit interior, which looked exactly like the bottom of a high tower made of reinforced concrete, and then took everyone away. Into an elevator.

Looking at the withered old man pressing the button leading to the top floor on the densely packed floor selection panel, Link is now a bit weak to complain.

When he first saw this tower, all his mind flashed was the mage tower from the previous fantasy works.

In Link’s vision, this tower should be engraved with weird runes and various mysterious magic traps, and then use alchemy dolls to guide them.

What’s the matter with the visual sense of walking into an ordinary office building now!

“What’s wrong with Link?”

I noticed the strangeness of Link, and Emily asked with concern.

Hearing this Link is shook the head.

“It’s nothing, but the structure here makes me feel a little weird that’s all.”

The elevator rises quickly and reaches the top floor in a short while.

As the elevator doors opened, a huge office appeared in front of Link.

Except that the floor and ceiling are made of wood and concrete, all around the walls are made of transparent glass.

Standing here, you can look down at the whole wonderland or Snow Mountain in the distance.

In the center of the office, there is a long solid wood table. A youngster in pajamas sits hanging around, and there is even a little girl in a maid outfit beside him. Fanning him.

“Oh! Did you come up so fast?”

When I saw Link and his party, the youngster hurriedly wanted to come over to greet him, but because of his excessive movements, he almost got out of the chair. Fell off.

“Huh! It’s dangerous!” The youngster stumbled to Link and the others, and then suddenly stared, “Professor Kettleburn? Why are you here? You shouldn’t have been here at this time in previous years. Is the Forbidden Forest maintained in Hogwarts?”

? ? ?

As soon as this statement came out, the gazes of the rest of the audience looked towards Keitelburn, and he himself was awkwardly smiled and said:

“I just said this Why does the name look so familiar? It turned out to be you, Richard. As for why I am here, hehe, I am now retired! I am free, can you understand?”

Professor Kettleburn turned his head to Link and the others introduced:

“Everyone knows, this person is actually my former student. He was a little Gryffindor at the time, and he liked to follow the Weasley Family all day long. The big brother ran behind his ass and he was very naughty.”

“Ah! Don’t mention this kind of thing anymore!” Richard scratched his head said with a bitter smile, “Don’t talk about it yet. , Everyone quickly sit down. Sam, quickly help make a few cups of coffee!”

Richard enthusiastically led Link and the others to sit by a large bar in the next room.

At this time, the withered old man was persuaded by Richard to leave at the elevator entrance.

Relying on the perception ability of the Transcendent Charm, Link could hear that the withered old man seemed to ask Richard for something, and then left after he succeeded.

After everyone was seated, the little girl who seemed to be only twelve or thirteen years old came over with a coffee pot and filled it up for everyone.

“Ha! It’s too bitter Sam, can you help me get some more sugar cubes!”

“Good master!”

Look at The maid Sam, who was ordered by Richard to run errands again, Emily and Link looked towards Richard’s eyes were already a bit bad.

Obviously I have hands and feet, but I just want to use such a small girl, this is simply not human!

Of course, the most important thing is that the girl named Sam looks so cute.

Richard, who sat opposite, noticed the eyes of Emily and Link. He spit out his tongue twice, as if he wanted to make the bitterness in his mouth disappear as soon as possible. This was to the Professor. Kettleburn said:

“Professor, is there anything you came to see me this time?”

hearing this Professor Kettleburn and Newt and Link looked at each other At a glance, Newt finally coughed:

“Mr. Thaler, in fact, this time we are on behalf of the Ministry of Magic to review whether you have cultivated illegal magical creatures.

From what we have seen and heard in the Tower of Miracles, it seems that you not only illegally cultivated magical creatures, but also violated the international wizard secrecy laws, right?”

“The “Nurturing Law” and the “Secrecy Law”!!”

Richard clenched his fists, murmured and repeated the two charges mentioned by Newt, with a gloomy expression on his face.

As a graduate of Hogwarts Gryffindor, he naturally knew that his act of creating a place of miracles was illegal.

The “Nurturing Law” and so on is not very important.

But the “Secrecy Act” is different.

This is a law that every young wizard will keep being warned not to violate since entering the magic circle!

Can’t show magic to muggle!

Don’t let muggle know the existence of magic circle!

The offender Azkaban is imprisoned for life!

Richard couldn’t help shivering.

Seeing his unconserved look, Link, Emily and Professor Celticburn also silently held their wand.

Don’t look at Richard as a student before Professor Kettleburn.

But if it is really irretrievable, Keitelburn will not let him go.

As for Link and Emily, there will be no mercy.

“clang when!”

And just then, a sound of broken porcelain suddenly rang.

Richard instinctively heard the reputation, and saw that the maid Sam, who was called to get the sugar cube, was looking at them with a dull face.

Under her feet, there is a sugar canister that has fallen to pieces.

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