At the same time, on the snowy field, Richard and Sam, one big and one small, were lying on a dog sled, being pulled by three giant wolves and galloping across the snow.

A small tornado made up of wind and snow surrounds them very strangely.

It’s like alive, it firmly protects the entire dog sled in the eye of the wind, shields Richard from the cold wind, and releases some light blue energy from time to time.

As soon as these energies are submerged in the snow, after a short while, ice and snow creatures resembling lizards but with wings on their backs will emerge from it.

Others will directly change the terrain, creating obstacles similar to ice caves that are difficult for humans to pass.

Looking at what Xue Longju did, Richard felt a little distressed.

Be aware that those light blue energy will consume the energy of the snow tornado itself.

Although the power of the Snow Dragon Scroll is very powerful, it must be very tired if you let it go all the way.

“Okay, my dear, don’t make it anymore, it’s no longer necessary.”

Almost an hour passed, Richard, who couldn’t help it, still gritted his teeth. My own advice was spoken out.

It was enough for him to do all kinds of traps, obstacles and the like.

After all, those snow beasts and terrain obstacles are actually not too difficult to deal with in front of the former Hogwarts Professor Keitelburn, but in such a large number of cases, it is still not a period of time. fixed.

even more how, the other party may still not wake up at all.

The cold current he stayed in the tower has a certain hypnotic ability!

So what makes Richard really troublesome now is that the snow tornado is a stubborn temper. Although Richard did it out of good intentions, I am afraid it will take more effort to stop the opponent. of.

However, to Richard’s surprise, he tone barely fell, and Xue Lunju really stopped the act of arranging obstacles.

Not only that, it gradually condensed and eventually formed a beautiful young girl with white skin and white hair wearing a long blue dress.

The young girl raised her hand to direct the wind and snow to force the sled to stop, and then fluttered to Richard’s side and said:

“Well, it is indeed unnecessary.”

The young girl’s voice is clear and cold.

Even if Richard was stupid, she knew something was wrong with her unusual behavior.

Sure enough, when he instinctively looked in the direction of the young girl’s eyes, he saw Link walking in the wind and snow ahead.

His movements are elegant and full of beauty, as if he is not in the icy battlefield at this moment, but is walking in the green manor.

At the same time, Professor Kettleburn broke through the wind and snow from behind them, scolded angrily: “Richard, you really disappointed me. In order to escape your crime, not only did you abscond with fear of crime, but you also encouraged the muggles to delay our pace with your life! You are completely a dark wizard!”

Professor Kettleburn is true this time Angry.

If Richard violated the secrecy law, illegally cultivated magical creatures, and even attacked them, it can be regarded as a major event.

Then he instigated muggle’s pure dark wizard behavior has already crossed the bottom line of Professor Kettleburn.

And Richard hearing this face instantly changes became deathly white, and he said in disbelief:

“How is this possible? I have already told them to run away! They ……”

Richard’s words just got stuck again.

Because he already understands.

The people of the miraculous land did not at all follow his orders, but chose to stay and help him delay time.

This is indeed what they can do. They are such a group of simple and kind people.

As for their fate, it is already self-evident.

After all, pure-blooded aristocratic wizards often treat muggles like ants.

even more how It is still a group of muggles who took the initiative to help him this dark wizard!

“Kay, Professor Kettleburn, are you cracking a joke with me? Those villagers, they, should they be all right?”

Richard barely squeezed out A smile asked, but the answer was endless silence.

This shattered Richard’s last hope.


The white-haired young girl took a deep breath and stood in front of Richard and said:

“It’s useless to say more , Sam, let’s get on.”

“Yes! Lord Spiritual God!”

Sam jumped off the sledge at the answer.

Then in full view, Sam began to deform.

Her figure is constantly swelling, and the petite and fit maid outfit is split in an instant, but what is exposed from it is not the expected beauty, but the hideous muscles and soft fur.

In a short moment, Sam changed from a meek maid to a silver white werewolf with a height of over 3 meters and sharp teeth and claws!

“Werewolf?” Link instinctively glanced at the sky and said, “Or the senior werewolf who can transform itself on a non-full moon night and retain self-awareness? Richard, what you hide is true Deep!”

Hearing this Richard’s lips squirmed a few times in a state of dead silence, as if he wanted to explain something.

But before he could speak, Sam, who had turned into a werewolf, and the young girl in the dress next to him were already moving.

Among them, Sam’s target is Keitelburn, which is easy to understand. Compared to Link, who has a sound limb, Keitelburn, who is severely disabled, looks obviously better to bully.

In fact, this is indeed the case. The old and mutilated body has caused Kettleborn’s battle strength to be far worse than before. If he really wants to fight, he may not necessarily be the link after mastering lv6Sectumsempra. opponent.

But even so, he is still a former professor of Hogwarts.

In the face of Sam’s menacing attack, Keitelburn didn’t even retreat for half a step. He swung his right hand wand and cast several spells directly.

The shooting angles of these spells are extremely tricky, and almost block all the movable trajectories of Sam.

And Sam relied on an inhuman twisted posture to directly dodge this wave of mortal attacks, and took this opportunity to come to Keitelburn.

The sharp wolf claws whizzed towards Keitelburn with a breaking wind, and at the same time a smirk bloomed from the corner of Sam’s mouth.

She is very confident in her claws. When this claw goes down, the old man in front of her don’t die also seriously injured!

However, at the next moment, Keitelburn’s left hand alchemy prosthesis hit Sam’s face with a faster speed.

“wu wu wu!~”

The blood mixed with houndstooth flew out.

Under the influence of this tremendous force, Sam was smashed into the air directly, and at the same time he whimpered as a canine biomarker.

And Keitelburn who finished this fist opened his mouth said with a big smile:

“You little wolf pup, I can pack too much !”

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