Listening to Kettleborn’s clamor, Sam, who fell to the ground immediately got up, staring at the enemy fiercely on all fours.

Blood, mixed with heat, was dripping from her mouth, and within a short while, a small piece of snow was stained.

The punch by Keitelburn just now directly broke her three teeth.

Under the action of the pain, her pupils are already stained with scarlet red.

If it were an ordinary werewolf, I am afraid that it would have been rushed to desperately by this time.

But Sam is not one of those irrational wild beasts, she knows that the disabled elderly in front of her are not easy to provoke.

Putting out his tongue and licking the blood at the corner of his mouth, Sam lowered his center of gravity and started running quickly around Kettleburn.

Ketelburn did not rashly launch an attack upon seeing this, but watched Sam’s movements vigilantly.

After dealing with magical creatures for many years, he knows very well that the beasts are the most dangerous when they are injured and hungry.

For a time, the battle became deadlocked.

At the same time, the white-haired young girl also launched an offensive.

However, unlike Sam’s fierceness, the white-haired young girl danced on the spot.

This is a dance that Link has never seen before, but it is undeniable that it is really beautiful.

This kind of dance perfectly blends the oriental classical softness and the crude and direct enthusiasm of the West, which makes people unable to resist the new overwhelmed by emotions.

But what is different from the fiery heart of the dancers is that with the dance of the white-haired young girl, the surrounding wind and snow suddenly become bigger.

They whirl and whirl around the young girl, sending out a series of weird melodies, as if they are accompaniment for the young girl.

Next moment, the wind and snow suddenly raged.

Countless snow and ice soldiers rushed out of the snow after accepting summon, and rushed towards Link under the leadership of a blizzard with dense ice blades.

In the face of this menacing attack, Link’s eyebrows also wrinkled.

Through the super-sensing curse, he can clearly perceive these cold air and the energy in the ice soldiers are the same as the ice trapped in the tower.

This energy is fearless than flames and high temperatures, but it can be corroded.

Judging this, Link immediately raised wand.



The ripple-like distortion resurfaced and quickly diffused.

Under the action of this curse, the murderous-looking snow and ice soldiers instantly turned into nothingness, and the blizzard that was finally condense gradually stopped.

But at this moment Link’s brows are frowning deeper.

Because the white-haired young girl disappeared the moment it launched the attack.

Link’s blue glow suddenly appeared in his eyes, and the super-sensing curse began to feel fully.

It stands to reason that the super-sensing curse with a level of up to lv4 can almost perceive the change of the magic power of the overwhelming majority, but at this moment, Link still does not find any trace of the white-haired young girl.

This gave Link some bad feelings.

“Persist in your own wrong doings, I will grant you a long sleep.”

The young girl’s voice suddenly rang.

This sound is like a human whisper, and it is like the noise of cold wind whistling, which makes people unable to distinguish the source.

But unlike the simple Leng Lie before, this time there was a gentle killing intent in his voice.

Hearing this Link is a change of expression, and the invisible curse power rushes out, instantly forming a shield on his body.

And the hazy silhouette of the white-haired young girl finally emerged from Link’s side.

With a smile on her face in the wind and snow, she stretched out her right hand straight to Link.

Like the outer temperament of the white-haired young girl, the hand she stretched out is also crystal clear and near-transparent, soft as if boneless.

But it is such a hand that is comparable to an artwork, but with no difficulty, it pierced the shield woven by Link with the power of the curse, and then moved towards Link with a head stabbing.

Just as his fingertips were about to touch Link’s forehead, Arkham suddenly sprang out of Link’s neck and bit straight into the palm of his hand.

The expression of the white-haired young girl finally changed.

Basilisk’s venom can even be destroyed by Horcrux. Although the white-haired young girl doesn’t know this, she can also feel the great danger contained in the azure black snake. In an extremely unscientific way, he quickly withdrew his arm, and jumped away from Link.

“si si hiss!” (Be careful! Link!)

After finishing all this, Arkham quickly retracted into Link’s clothes. The cold weather here is extremely high. Restricting its ability to act, the action just now is already the greatest effort it can do.

Hearing this Link clicked nodded, and the expression became a bit ugly.

When he first saw the white-haired young girl summon ice soldier, he thought that the other party would be a mage class similar to the summon division, but he didn’t expect it to be an assassin who rushed in close proximity.

If it weren’t for Arkham’s’snake-type automatic defense mechanism’, he just estimated that he would definitely belch.

“Ha! You are really dangerous!”

After wiping the scared cold sweat, Link drank the magical potion and the blood of Borias, biting Ya said.

hearing this The white-haired young girl in the distance danced again.

Her dance is still so soft and passionate, but this dance has just begun, and she suddenly disappeared, approaching Link once again with a speed of instant movement and throwing a punch!

With the power provided by the blood of Borias, Link twisted his waist forcibly to escape the blow, but he was still scratched on his cheek by the chilly fist wind.

This makes him a little angry.

“You are really courting death!”

Link roared, and wand in his hand flipped abruptly.

next moment, a curse force that is a hundred times stronger than before spews out from its tip.

The white-haired young girl looked startled and teleported out immediately.

It’s a pity that it’s too late. Those curse powers have turned into countless blades and have penetrated into the body of the white-haired young girl.


A muffled hum from the white-haired young girl’s mouth, densely packed cut marks are emerging on her body, but what is exposed in the cut marks is not Link The expected flesh and blood, but pale blue ice crystals.

The most important thing is that the white-haired young girl seems to have a means of self-healing.

With the gradual thinning of the cold mist around it, those cut marks are healing at a speed visible to naked eye.

At the same time, under Link’s perception, he also found that countless ice blue energies were gathering in front of the young girl.

Link has a hunch that if he launches a spell chase at this time, he will definitely be blocked by these energy.

However, this does not mean that Link has no choice but to take young girl.

shook the head, Link immediately unhooked the carapace on his chest, fiercely threw it out!

“It’s up to you! Yo-yo!”

Under Link’s shout, the curled-up magic yo-yo stretched out instantly, turning into an afterimage and pierced it directly Through the ice blue energy layer, fiercely bit on the young girl’s forehead.


The sound of mournful scream resounded through the snowy field, and a touch of green was spreading from the face of the young girl. This is the peculiar poison of the curly-winged demon!

Under the effect of this venom, the young girl’s self-healing finally stopped, and her whole person collapsed in the snow.

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