I said I was going home, but it was still a trip for Link and Emily.

So under Link’s strong suggestion, everyone still diverted to Iceland halfway.

After playing there for a few days, after fulfilling the promise of taking Emily to see the black beach and geyser, everyone went to France and Ireland.

After this series of travel activities, Link and Emily returned to Foley Castle in the evening after seven days.

Holding Emily’s hand and walking like Foley Castle in the dark, Link can clearly feel Emily’s tension, her palms are now full of sweat.

The half-blood dog, which has been named Doug, ran and jumped behind the ass of the two of them, looking very excited.

Link gave it another birth before, and now it stands up almost as high as Link’s knees.

Link understands Emily very well. After all, Mr. Victoria had notified him to come back to pick up Emily’s armor. Soon it will be revealed whether their engagement will happen soon.

Squeezing Emily’s little hand for comfort, Link pushed open the gate of the castle.

“Young Lord! You are finally back!”

In the castle, there is still the warm scene of the brightly lit when Link left, and the small buttons guarding the door are also excitedly tapping call.

However, Link just wanted to respond, and Mr. Victoria’s short and chubby silhouette appeared in front of him.

“Emily, let’s go home.”

Mr. Victoria squeezed a smile that was uglier than crying at Link, and then grabbed Emily’s hand. Go outside the door.

“Ah this…”

Link reached out to stop him, but was stopped by Mrs. Foley.

The gate of the castle was closed again. Looking at Mrs. Foley wearing a Tibetan azure gown, Link was puzzled:

“Mother, what is going on? “

“Leave aside this, did you have a good time on this trip?” Mrs. Foley laughed at Hehe and stepped forward to help Link tidy up the neckline and said, “Do you have any gifts for me?”

hearing this Link took a deep breath, and then took out a bunch of gift boxes from Wuhen’s stretched pocket and pushed it over.

“Well, they are all here. Not only mine, but also from Emily.”



Ms. Foley screamed and plunged into the gift pile, while Link watched silently, waiting for Mrs. Foley’s answer.

On this point, Mrs. Foley is naturally also clear.

When she almost opened the gift, she turned her head moved towards Link said with a smile:

“Don’t worry, my dear, you and Emily’s I have done everything.”

“Mr. Victoria’s attitude just now doesn’t seem to have been done.”

“It’s just the weak who are unwilling to complain that’s all “

Mrs. Foley waved her hand, “In fact, he has agreed to the engagement of you two, but since you are still young, the formal engagement should be placed after you are 16 years old. Correspondingly, in Before the formal engagement, you and Emily absolutely believed in Ministry of Magic, and went to do some extreme sports, eh, you should understand what I mean? This is also for your own good.”

Link clicked nodded , Mrs. Foley said it was blunt enough.

He also supports this.

Young Muai is human nature, but premature exercise will have some bad effects on the teenager’s body.

Although these effects may be improved by the power of potion, they are not as good as the original ones.

Is it just that things will really go so smoothly?

Be aware that Mr. Victoria’s breach of contract is not one or two times.

Thinking about Link, I still asked:

“I have no problem with this, but Mr. Victoria won’t regret it then?”

“I regret it This is impossible!” Mrs. Foley laughed and pulled out a parchment and said, “We can sign a contract this time!”

Link took the parchment, and the content on it was the same as Mrs. Foley The words are exactly the same, and Link still perceives a strong breath of magic power on it.

“This is the magic contract of the Goblins. It is generally only used in Gringotts. If the signatory breaches the contract, he will be cursed for the rest of his life!” Mrs. Foley said with a smile, “So link , You must hold back before getting engaged! It’s also written in the contract that you can’t do aggressive sports!”

“Of course! Mother.”

Link grinned, about the engagement Although it was not held right away, it was still signed.

Link is quite satisfied with this.

At this moment, the little button appeared out of thin air beside the two of them, and said timidly:

“Master, Young Lord, a guest is here. “

“en?” Mrs. Foley was just about to have a good exchange of what he saw during the trip with Link, and the hearing this face was immediately pulled down, “Which one does not have eyes?”

“He, he calls himself Ministry of Magic Cornelius·Fudge.” Little Button stammered when he was so scared by Mrs. Foley, “He said he would ask Young Lord for help in an urgent matter.”

“Oh! It’s time for this idiot Fudge to come!”

Mrs. Foley said fiercely fiercely.

If it was someone else, she would just send it away, but the Ministry of Magic came.

Link saw it and smiled and went forward persuaded:

“Then you go to rest first, I will take care of it here.”

“Then leave it to You, Little Link.” Mrs. Foley hearing this stared at Link a few times, and then Yan Ran said with a smile, “Little buttons, help me carry all my gifts up, I have to take a closer look!”


Watching Mrs. Foley and the little button disappear at the end of the steps, Link waved wand and opened the protective charm outside Foley Castle.

In a short while, Fudge, who was fatter than before, led two Aurors into the castle.

“Link, I’m so sorry to interrupt you to rest.”

“It’s okay, Mr. Minister, I usually sleep late.”

and Fudge After shaking hands and saying hello, Link entered the topic.

“Is there anything going on, Mr. Minister coming this time?”

hearing this Fudge winked at the two Aurors on the side, and said after they all quit:

“It’s Harry Potter. The Ministry of Magic just received news that he violated the ban on minor wizards not to use magic at home and ran away from home. This is a very dangerous thing!”

Link clicked nodded, he understood what Fudge meant by danger.

The reason why Harry can grow up safely is entirely because the bloodline spell within the body protects him from dark magic and Death Eater.

But if he runs away from home for a long time away from his bloodline relatives, the bloodline curse will fail.

“Fortunately, my people have controlled him, but his mood is very unstable now. If I rashly negotiated in the past, it would be more irritating to him.” Fudge raised his eyebrows.” Link, you are his friend. So I thought maybe you could go with me and persuade him.”

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