After listening to Fudge’s explanation, Link felt a little irritable.

To be honest, he really doesn’t want to do this kind of coaxing children to help others with psychological work.

Link shook the head said:

“I think, Minister Fudge, would it be better for people from Weasley Family to do this kind of thing?”

“I know this too well,” Fudge said. “Unfortunately, Arthur Weasley won the “Daily Prophet” award this year, so the whole family went to Egypt for a trip.”

Link frowned:


“Traveling? Didn’t I remember that his house was particularly difficult? Why did he take the bonus and went to travel instead of improving his life.”

“Obviously,” Fudge said sarcastically, ” Compared to new clothes and new houses, they think it is more worthwhile to spend the bonus on traveling and splurge.”

Link did not speak, although he also felt that the behavior of the Weasley Family was’wise’.

Even from this matter alone, the Weasley Family really deserves to be so poor.

Fudge continued to persuade him:

“Look at this Link, it’s very uneasy outside recently. I just need you to go and persuade Harry Potter not to run around. , Auror will take care of the rest of the security work.”

Fudge also handed Link a parchment.

A crazy and sloppy face is clearly engraved on it, and the title underneath is:

‘Shock! The famous Death Eater Sirius ·Black escaped from prison! The prisoner killed the hero Pettigrew Peter and 13 muggles, extreme danger! If you find it, please flee immediately and notify the Ministry of Magic! ‘

Looking at the thin man who was roaring above, Link took a deep breath.

Sirius ·Black.

A tragic, silly, but lovable hero.

Link liked this character very much in his previous life.

On the other side, Fudge saw Link’held breath cold air’ and explained with some embarrassment:

“This is an accident. There is absolutely no problem with Azkaban’s protection. I guess he must It came out using some very strange methods, such as training some mice to make holes for him.”

Fudge was suddenly silent here, and the expression on his face became even more embarrassing.

Because he knows very well, let alone whether ordinary mice can penetrate the walls completely made of magic black shining alloy, the living conditions of Azkaban are so bad that the mice can’t survive there.

“Well, I can do this for you, let’s go.”

After thinking for a moment, Link finally spoke.

This made Fudge overjoyed. While pulling Link towards the fireplace, he said:

“Very good! Don’t worry, Link, Merlin Second Class Order of Merlin. It’s already in operation. It is definitely good to support me!”

Watching Fudge hurriedly grabbed the floo powder, Link’s curl one’s lip disdainful.

“Pa craze!”

With a burst of noise, Link and Fudge successfully passed the Floo Network to Leaky Cauldron.

Coughing and slapping off the ashes on his body, Link walked out of the fireplace and began to look at this pub with many scenes in the original work.

To be honest, Link is a little disappointed here.

The impression shown here in the original work movie is mysterious, simple and warm.

But after being really immersed in the scene, Link found that it was totally different.

The so-called mysterious mysterious is just another way of saying that’s all.

The greasy greasy stains on the table and bar, the dusty fireplace, all kinds of ancient decorations and the muddy air are constantly proving to Link that this is just a tattered bar in the country.

If you ignore its own story and the attributes of the wizard bar, Link even thinks that the Shaxian Hotel in the previous life is more advanced than here.

“Link! And… Mr. Minister? Why are you here?”

As Link was looking all around, Harry who was sitting at the bar suddenly screamed.

“Good evening, Harry.”

Link sat beside Harry very casually, first threw away the milk in front of Harry, and then said to Boss Tom behind the bar. “Bring us two Butterbeer.”

“Sorry child, minors are not allowed to drink!”

Tom said blankly.

He doesn’t have the slightest impression of Link, a child who seems to be sluggish.

“I think it will be an exception today. What do you think, Minister Fudge?”

Listening to Link, Fudge, who had just walked over after taking the ashes, froze for a while, then Then I said:

“Give us three cups, there are too many things happening tonight, and I need a drink too.”

hearing this Link smiled and gave Tom one The look of “Look it” made the wrinkles on the latter’s face more obvious.

But in the end, the three cups of Butterbeer with a lot of bubbles floating on the surface were put in front of everyone.

“Ha! Hiccups!”

After drinking half of the beer in the glass, Link hiccups with satisfaction.

Fudge on the side was just boring.

The so-called Butterbeer is actually a butter-flavored non-alcoholic beer. The alcohol content in this beer is almost negligible.

But the taste is pretty good.

The difference between them and Link is that Harry didn’t move the glass of beer. He clenched his fist and hesitated for a while before clenching one’s teeth and said:

“Minister Sir, are you here to expel me from Hogwarts?”

“Hiccups!” Fudge hiccuped again, and then said in surprise, “Expelled? Why should I fire you?”


“Because I used magic outside of school and violated “Decree for the Reasonable Restriction of Underage Sorcery”!”

“Um, this…”

Fudge The hesitation was embarrassing again.

He really didn’t know how to explain to Harry.

After all, even if some things are already as everyone knows, it is still not easy to speak in his capacity.

And at this moment, Link said:

“Minister Fudge, you go back and rest first, leave it to me here.”

“Wow ! That’s really hard for you!”

Fudge is obviously relaxed, and can’t wait to leave.

After he left, Arkham, who had been wrapped around Link’s arm, also got out to breathe.

“sī sī sī sī! ~” (Hello! Harry is special!)

“Um, it’s Harry Potter. Okay, okay, good evening.”


Harry also said in a snake-like voice, trying to correct Arkham, but looking at Arkham’s indifferent expression, he finally gave up.

Looking at the actions of the two of them, Link grinned and said in a snake-like voice:

“Tell me about Harry, what happened tonight?”

“Aunt Maggie who came to visit her uncle’s house. She is a nasty guy. What she loves most is to promote my cousin Dudley by belittling me.

I can Shinobi, Link, really! I can bear it! But tonight, she insulted my father…so my magic power was out of control. Well, I think it should be like this, anyway, she inflated into a human balloon, I guess it might still be floating on the ceiling of my uncle’s house now.”

“Hiss!” (Cool!)

Arkham sighed sincerely.

“I also think it’s pretty cool,” Harry said with a wry smile, “but I regret it now, because of this I will be expelled from Hogwarts and kicked out of the magic circle!”

“Don’t worry, Harry, hiccup! You won’t be fired, I think you are overly worrying about this matter.”

The Link who took another gulp of Butterbeer said.

Hearing this Harry instantly stared wide-eyed and said:


“Because your identity is very special!”

Link explained, “Think about it, Savior, who defeated Voldemort, was expelled from the magic circle because he turned his aunt into a flying balloon during the holiday. People would not buy it for such a funny reason. They I just think that the Ministry of Magic is insulting the hero.”

“So I won’t be fired?”

Harry was a little uncertain.

“Not originally!” Link continued, “The bullshit restriction method only refers to the muggle wizard. You will understand the principle of the trace wire in our wand if you study it carefully.

As a means of tracking us, trace silk is actually not at all so powerful. It can only detect signs of enchantments around you, but it can’t be accurate to the individual. This means that if you have someone around you As an adult wizard or house elf, you can use the enchantment unscrupulously. Because it is not clear at all whether you put the enchantment or someone else put it. Just like this!”

Link just said it. The wand refilled the Butterbeer, which was almost at the bottom of the cup.

This makes the expression of the bar Boss Tom a bit distorted.

If he can, he really wants to fiercely grab Link’s ear, and then warn him that Leaky Cauldron is strictly forbidden to use the renewal curse.

But looking at the two people who were talking in the old snake accent, as if they were discussing how to blow up the entire Diagon Alley, Tom finally swallowed what he wanted to say.

And Harry at first is still a little nervous, afraid that Link will also receive a letter of punishment.

But after waiting for a long time, he finally murmured:

“So, the young wizard of pure blood and half-blood can use the spell at will, but only muggle The young wizard of the family can’t.”


“It’s not fair!”

Harry roared loudly.

Arkham turned into a snake cake on the bar counter:

“sī sī sī sī!” (Ha! In this world there has never been a fair this thing! )

Listening to Arkham’s words, Harry was silent.

Because past experience told him that this World is indeed like this.

Just like Dudley always has better toys and food but he doesn’t.

Closed his eyes in pain, and it took a long time for Harry to ease his emotions.

“Thank you, Link, I feel much better now.” Harry said sincerely, “But what should I do next? I can’t go back to my uncle’s house for the time being, but it’s still before Hogwarts school starts. For some time, maybe I should find a new place to live.”

After saying that, Harry lowered his head and only glanced at Link from time to time.

This is almost about to be said clearly.

But Link pretended to be stupid:

“Of course you will live in Leaky Cauldron next. Anyway, accommodation is provided here, and you also have money.”

hearing this Harry is stupid, startled:

“Huh? Don’t you invite me to live in your house?”

“Why do you think this way?”


“Because we are friends, I thought you…”

“Because we are friends, I want you to live in Leaky Cauldron!”

Link said seriously, “Harry, you have been watching other people’s faces in your life, even in Hogwarts and Weasley Family you have to take into account the feelings of your roommates and Weasley. This is a nightmare! Believe me, living alone Happiness is more than you can imagine! In the evening you can sleep as long as you want, and eat whatever you want! During the day, you can freely visit Diagon Alley, eat ice cream, and go to the thrift market. Go Taobao, go shopping in magic joke shop, go to Quiddich shop…”

Listening to Link’s description, Harry’s eyes gradually blurred.

At this moment, Link changed his words:

“And now it’s not very peaceful outside, you should be the best choice to stay here.”


“en? What does it mean to be uneasy?”

Link did not answer immediately, but first removed Boss Tom, and then cast the’Silencio Curse’ to isolate them from the outside world .

This handed Harry the parchment previously given to him by Fudge.

“Sirius ·Black?” Harry exclaimed after looking at the content on parchment, “I just saw his wanted warrant on TV!”

“This is normal. Wizard and muggle are not without any communication. In fact, many evil criminals in the magic circle, muggle world, will also help hunt down, because these people will affect the harmony of the two worlds.”

Link said solemnly,

“The point is Sirius Black. He is the only criminal who escaped from Azkaban in several decades. As for how cruel he is, this parchment It’s already written.”

Harry clicked nodded, let alone the big hero that Black killed Pettigrew Peter. It is enough for him to kill 13 innocent people in the muggle world. Sentenced to death!

Speaking of this, Link suddenly paused, and then continued:

“Harry, to be honest, I shouldn’t tell you something according to Minister Fudge. But I think , As a party, you have a reason to know everything.”

“en! Tell me!”

Harry was a little nervous.

“From what I have learned, this Sirius ·Black was once your father James · Potter’s best friend, and your father even made him your godfather.

But he finally betrayed your father. It was he who informed Voldemort of the location of your parents, and it was he who sent your parents’ lives to Voldemort’s hands, and it was he who killed a close friend who was also your parents and did it for you. Pettigrew Peter, whose parents fought for the last one.

And now, he has escaped. As a diehard Death Eater, we have every reason to believe that his primary goal this time out is to come to you , Harry Potter, this Savior takes revenge!”

At this time, Harry was completely sluggish. This was the first time he had received details about the death of his parents.

“Harry, did you know? There are still many Aurors hidden near us at this moment. They are both protecting you and using you as bait.”

Link squinted his eyes Say, “As soon as Sirius Black gets close to you, these Aurors will appear and arrest him. So Harry, you should stay in Diagon Alley temporarily. This is for your safety and to capture Black.”

“I, I know!”

Harry gritted his teeth and said, his heart was completely filled with anger at this moment, so that his cheeks were red.

“Take a rest early Harry, I wish you a good dream.”

“So do you, Link! And thank you!”

Harry solemnly Thanks for saying that, he drank Butterbeer, who had already retired, and went upstairs.

Looking at his back, Link grinned.

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