On the first day of school, Mrs. Foley got up early and personally prepared a breakfast for Link that was not rich but warm enough.

Then she drove on her red sports car again, and drove Link to the entrance of King’s Cross Station.

But unlike in the past, who would pretend to be smiling even no matter how reluctantly, this time Mrs. Foley looked worried all the way.

Looking at Link pushing the car door and walking towards the station, Mrs. Foley finally couldn’t help it.


She caught up and stopped Link, “This year, in order to catch the idiot Black Fudge, many dementors have been arranged to Hogwarts. You must be careful. , Don’t provoke those monsters!”

“Don’t worry, mother, I know what to do.”

Link smiled back, but Mrs. Foley was worried. shook the head said:

“Don’t be frivolous, you can’t imagine how terrible dementor is. If you can’t hold on, just tell me, I will arrange you and Emily to suspend school temporarily! Don’t There is a psychological burden, and you have proven yourself…”

Ms. Foley talked endlessly, and she felt like she wanted to go to school with Link directly.

This is the first time Mrs. Foley has shown this state.

Link didn’t feel impatient about this either, just listened quietly, nodded from time to time.

Finally, when the train was about to start, Mrs. Foley stopped talking and touched Link’s head and said:

“Go child, don’t forget what I said “

“Good mother! I’ll write to you when I arrive!”

Link responded quickly and ran into the station, crossed the magic pillar, and With the roar of the train whistle, I boarded the Hogwarts Express.

Next moment, the train starts.


Link who boarded the train took a long breath, and Cedric, with the Prefect badge hanging on his chest, greeted John and Emily.

“Link! Merlin! You were almost late!”

“Yeah…that’s because a black cat is standing in front of me…”

In the face of Cedric’s inquiry, Link made up the reasons indiscriminately. Mrs. Foley’s external image has always been high and strong. Link does not want to destroy this image.

And Cedric didn’t care about Link’s gibberish, shook the head and said:

“Well, you guys go back to the carriage first, I still need to continue to patrol, I hope those new Students can be quieter.”

After saying that, Cedric will each minding their own business and move towards a new student carriage to maintain order. As a Perfect, he not only has the super power to manage all students from Hufflepuff to Fifth Year. , But also need to be responsible for a lot of extra work.

“It’s really hard work.”

Link shook the head with some emotion, and Emily said with a laugh on the side:

“It will be next year’s turn Here we are.”

John also agreed with nodded.

They will also have Fifth Year next year. By then, Hufflepuff and Slytherin’s Fifth Year Prefect must belong to Link and Emily.

Link chuckled not at all to speak, but took Emily and John a carriage and a carriage tour.

At first, John thought Link wanted to take them to find an empty carriage to rest, but when he found out that they had left the area where the Hufflepuff carriage was located, he finally couldn’t help asking:

“Link, where are you taking us?”

“I’m looking for someone,” Link glanced around, suddenly eyes shined, “Oh, I found it!”

John and Emily followed Link’s gaze and saw that in a separate compartment, a strange man was asleep by the window.

This man is wearing a tattered wizard robe with many patches on it. Although he is not too old just to look at his face, his short light brown hair has turned white, which makes him look sick and lack energy at all.

“Who is this guy?”

John instinctively lowered his voice and asked, while hearing this Emily looked towards Link with an inquiring look. :

“This is our new Defense Against the Dark Arts professor?”

“Bingo! That’s right!”

Link smiled and played He snapped his fingers, and then each minding their own business sitting on the side of the person gently pushed him and said:

“Professor Lupin, wake up soon.”

“en ? Hmm! I’m very sorry!”

During half asleep and half awake, Lupin sat up straight in a reflexive manner, and apologized by the way.

“Professor Lupin, I didn’t expect to see you here. You are our Defense Against the Dark Arts professor of this year, right?”

Link continued to speak with a smile , And hearing this Lupin also narrowed his eyes and stared at Link for a while before he suddenly realized:

“Are you…Link? Link · Foley?”

” Wow! You even forgot about me. This is really disappointing.”

“no no no! You have changed so much in the past two years!” Lupin hurriedly defended, and at the same time reached for a stroke. After two clicks, “Know that you were so tall when I first met you.”

“Well, let me introduce you to my friends, this is ……”

Link slowly introduced that John was very polite, but Emily was rather cold.

To be honest, she doesn’t have a good impression of this Professor Lupin.

Be aware that Professor Generally speaking will not take the Hogwarts Express to school with the students.

This is not only because they need him to arrive at Hogwarts early, but also to maintain the seriousness of their professorship.

So they prefer to reach Hogsmeade village (a wizard village next to Hogwarts) through the Floo Network fireplace, and then take the carriage to Hogwarts.

If a professor chooses to take the Hogwarts Express, then he either wants to mingle with the students, or he is poor and can’t afford floo powder.

Looking at the other party’s shabby dress, Emily is obviously more inclined to the latter.

For such a person, it is really hard for Emily to believe how much teaching ability he has.

Everyone sat down and exchanged a few words, and then Professor Lupin relaxed, and regained his weak and weak appearance as at first, yawning by the window.

When Link saw this, he took a bottle of energy potion from the armed belt under his robe and handed it over:

“I think you may need this.”

“wu! The quality of this potion is very high!” Lupin sipped lightly, “Did you make this yourself?”


Link said with a slight smile, and John, who has not been able to intervene, said triumphantly, “Link, he is a genius in potion. Last year, he relied on a brand new potion to become the youngest Merlin Level 3 in history. Medal recipients!”

“Not so exaggerated, it is actually thanks to the help of Professor Snape.”

Link is humble, while the Lupin hearing this on the side is looking thoughtful Murmured:


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