The three of Link stayed in the carriage and chatted with Lupin throughout the day.

Although the life of a worker for many years is difficult, it has also brought Lupin a very rich experience. The topics are thrown out one by one and it is not at all confusing.

This also makes the three of Link very happy.

Even Emily, who was a little bit unwelcome to Lupin, has also changed her mind about Lupin after this whole day of conversation.

She also released the sled dog Doug that Link gave her. At this moment, Doug has grown very big after being catalyzed by Link. It will sniff on Emily for a while. After a while, I rubbed on Link again, which seemed very active.

In the second half of the journey, it suddenly rained heavily outside the car window.

one after another The bean-sized drops of water slapped on the glass densely, making it very artistic against the dark sky outside.

Such scenes can always make people feel at ease.

The four people in the carriage also stopped talking at this moment and looked out the window together.

In this peaceful environment, a faint buzzer sounded abruptly.

Everyone didn’t care much at first, but after the buzzing became more and more harsh, John finally couldn’t help it.

“Damn it! Who the hell!”

John scolded and pushed open the carriage, but saw that the carriage door opposite them was open, and Harry and Hermione were sitting together. Inside, he looked at John with a surprised look.


Link stood up at the right time and said hello.

His appearance made the faces of the three opposite people smile. Among them, Hermione was about to jump up with excitement, but after seeing Emily sitting beside Link He sat down again with a sullen face.

But Harry and Ron can’t shut down so much, they walked out of the carriage quickly.

“Link! What a coincidence!” Harry said excitedly, “Ah! RJProfessor Lupin, you are awake!”

“en? Do you know me?”


“Of course, it’s written on your suitcase.”

Lupin instinctively glanced at his tattered leather suitcase, and his name was engraved on it.

For a while, several people laughed.

At this moment, John waved his hand impatiently:

“I said, where the strange sound is coming from, my head is about to explode. “

“Ah! I’m sorry!”

hearing this Ron frantically took out a pocket speculum from the box, and this thing turned quickly in the palm of his hand, still exuding The dazzling rays of light.

Obviously, this is the source of noise.

“This is an early warning sight glass, which is said to be able to predict danger.” Ron slapped the pocket sight glass angrily. “But I think this bargain must be broken. He has been there since he got in the car. I kept calling, but nothing happened!”

“Um, I think it might not be broken.”

“What are you saying…”

Ron turned his head and looked at John questioningly, but he stopped just halfway through the conversation.

Because I don’t know when it will start, the sky outside has been completely dark, and the Hogwarts Express has gradually slowed down, and a cold breath has also spread in the carriage.

Everyone froze in place, Ron and Harry shivered even more, and an ominous feeling lingered in the hearts of several people.

“Emily, stay by my side, and Doug, don’t move.”

Link took out the wand and protected Emily and the silly dog ​​Doug. Behind him, and Lupin on the other side also protected the others.

The two of them stood vigilantly one after the other.

Next moment, all the dim magic lights in the carriage are all turned off.

Hermione and Ron couldn’t help screaming, while Link and Lupin waved wand immediately.


The soft rays of light exploded from the two tips, illuminating the narrow carriage.

Doug cried uncomfortably, lying shiver coldly under Link’s feet, and Emily also raised wand.

In this weird silence, a tall silhouette wearing a cloak slowly emerged from the door of the carriage.

Its face is completely hidden under the hood, making it difficult to see.

It just floated quietly at the door, a gray-white claw like a corpse protruded from the tattered cloak, moved towards Link and the others clicked, It seems to be counting the number of people.

Immediately afterwards, it slowly retracted its paws and took a long and deep breath deeply.

“gē gē gē…”

A series of weird sounds came from his throat, and with its inhalation, the surrounding temperature dropped suddenly.

This is not the psychological effect of Link and the others, because a layer of frost visible from naked eye has emerged from the surrounding tables and chairs!


Harry fainted in an instant, and Emily also shivered coldly. She originally wanted to raise the wand to resist, but it was accompanied by the other’s sucking. Qi, all the positive emotions in her within the body were sucked in, which made her unable to use any strength at all.

“Expecto Patronum!”

Lupin struggling to roar, a large group of milk-white halo exploded from its wand, rippling towards the cloak monster. Drive.

The monster immediately retreated, but soon two more monsters floated over.

Lupin’s expression is extremely ugly, because through the halo just now, he can clearly see all this stuff floating outside the car window.

The entire Hogwarts Express is now surrounded by this monster!

Link’s face at the moment is also not very good-looking, but it is not because he has also absorbed the positive emotions, but because he has nothing to do!

Yes, this caused Harry to faint. Emily, John and the others lost their combat capability in an instant. The monster had no effect on Link.

Even after being breathed by those monsters, Link felt a little cool!

This makes Link very surprised!

He tried to lift the wand, and an invisible curse force spewed out from it, turning into one after another, and the blade slashed on the monsters.

Unfortunately, although the power of the curse can cause damage to them, the damage is very limited.

The monsters who were attacked by Lupin and Link, instead of retreating, became even more angry!

“gē gē gē!~”

The weird voice rang again, and three cloak monster finished fonts came after all.

“Link! Quickly take everyone back behind me, I will block them!”

The Lupin facial expression grave stood out, and the tip radiated the milk-white light again gosh.

Link didn’t follow the instructions. He just stood there quietly, looking directly at the cloak monster that was coming.

He has a feeling that what he should be afraid of now is not himself and the others, but these monsters!

Finally, those monsters floated in front of Link, tilted their heads, baring fangs and brandishing claws and looked at Link, seeming to want to scare them away.

But at the next moment, a roar sound like a friend from hell came out of Link’s mouth.

“get lost!”

The monsters froze.

They stared at Link blankly, and flew away from the train as if after a long time. They fled as silent as depicted in the work “The Scream” by the Norwegian painter Edvard Munch. Screamed.

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