Out of the car window, the monsters that had originally surrounded the Hogwarts Express in droves receded like a tide.

After another short while, the train that had lost the monster’s confinement started slowly.

Along with the shaking of the train, Lupin took the lead in reacting and took out a plate of chocolate wrapped in tin foil from his tattered pocket and distributed it to everyone.

Eating sweets can stimulate dopamine and make people feel a little happy, which can largely help everyone who has just been sucked out of positive emotions recover.

But the feedback given by this thing is still delayed after all, so everyone in the carriage chewed the chocolate in silence for a while, and the atmosphere was a little dull.

“Then, what is that?”

Hermione said tremblingly until she finished chewing the chocolate in her mouth. Give her the horror of those monsters just now. The soul has caused a great shadow.

“They are the guards of Azkaban, a monster called dementor! They feed on human positive emotions. Wherever they pass, everyone will be sucked into happiness and remind you of the most Terrible thing. The only thing that can expel them is Patronus Charm.” Emily explained with a frown, afraid, “Why do these monsters appear here? This is the Hogwarts Express!”

” Then Professor Lupin you just released Patronus Charm?”

Hermione asked uncertainly.

hearing this Lupin nodded and said:


“Thank you so much! If it weren’t for you, we really don’t know what to do What should I do!”

Hermione thanked her respectfully, and her name for Lupin changed from you to you.

She originally had the same idea as Emily, feeling that Lupin’s honor is really not of a level.

But now she doesn’t think so.

Lupin just used Patronus Charm to expel a large group of dementors and protect them!

For such professors, let’s not talk about the teaching level, at least people are not bad.

And Lupin hearing this shook the head with a wry smile, and looked towards Link not far away with complex eyes.

Lupin himself knows that what he just released is indeed the Patronus Charm that can expel dementor, but in fact his Patronus Charm does not have such a large formidable power to expel so many dementors.

So, those dementors just now were actually forced to retreat by Link.

If possible, he really wanted to ask Link directly about the reason, but in the end he held it back.

Everyone has their own secrets. Since Link didn’t mean to say anything, it’s not easy for him to ask.

Finally, he took a deep look at Link, and Lupin walked out of the carriage.

Thanks to the dementor, the students on the Hogwarts Express are now in chaos.

As the only professor in the car, he must stand up to help the Prefects maintain order at this time.

At the same time, Link didn’t care about Lupin looked towards his strange eyes, and now he is thinking seriously.

When the dementor struck just now, he was not at all affected. Not only that, but he had a feeling that the dementor on the opposite side was all scum, and he could tear it to pieces at will.

This feeling is not the crushing feeling brought by powerful strength in the conventional sense, but more like a bloodline suppression.

It’s as if those dementors are all lower-level creatures that he can live and kill at will!

The secrets hidden in his own body seem to be far more than he imagined.

Thinking so, Link frowned and stared at his palm.

I don’t know if it’s an illusion, Link always feels that this palm is so similar to the claws sticking out of the dementor cloak!

took a deep breath and threw all the thoughts out of his mind, and Link then hugged Doug, the shiver coldly sled dog, and Emily, who was still shivering between his legs. In his arms.

Doug whimpered and stuffed his head into Link’s creak nest again, while Emily hugged Link’s arm tightly, her body still fainting with fear and cold shake.

This makes Link a little distressed. If he can, he really wants to directly take out “Happy Potion” or give Emily a joy spell.

It’s a pity that he can’t do this.

The loss of positive emotions caused by dementor can only rely on self-recovery. Any existing mysterious recovery method can play a role in spoil things through excessive enthusiasm, which may improve the temporary situation. But it will cause permanent damage to the subject itself.

So Link can only gently stroke Emily’s back for comfort.

As for John, this guy pretends to be a man. Although his legs are shaking like sifting chaff, he still refuses Link’s comfort.

On the other side of the carriage, Harry fainted, and Ron was scared to look like Doug the sled dog, so the one who played the role of Link here was Hermione who barely recovered some.

She cautiously used the Levitation charm to put Harry flat on the table, and she saw the scene of Link’hugging left and right’.

This makes her a little sour.

It just so happened that Ron also shiver coldly leaned towards her at this time, with a kind of hug and comfort.

Hermione, who was angry, would get used to him, and kicked him out with a kick.

Along the way, the two groups of Link and Hermione remained silent, recovering the’injury’ caused by the dementors.

Shortly before the train entered the station, Harry finally woke up.

Link and the others briefly described to him about the dementor, and then followed the people out of the car.

At this time, Cedric, who had disappeared for a long time, finally appeared.

He has a short breath, brow beaded with sweat, and looks extremely tired.

But after confirming that Link and the others are not in serious trouble, he ran to the crowd quickly and managed the order of the station scene with Professor Lupin and Hagrid.

Looking at his busy appearance, Link and Emily looked at each other, both smiled bitterly.

From the perspective of Cedric, the identity of Prefect is far more difficult than they thought.

Now they don’t want to be a Prefect. You know, they will have a wizard level exam next year.

For a while, several people lined up and boarded the Thestral carriage, moved towards Hogwarts Castle and drove away.

At this time, the heavy rain has stopped, and there is still a lot of humidity in the air.

Emily and Doug, who were blowing in the evening breeze, got into Link’s arms again.

Link was lightly sighed, took out a blanket from the non-marking stretched pocket, and covered it with two people and one dog. By the way, he threw one to the side and was still playing tough guys, but actually even Snot John who all came out.

Thestral carriage is speeding in the night.

Link and the others soon saw the outline of Hogwarts Castle.

But unlike the excitement of previous years, Link and the others who saw the whole picture of Hogwarts Castle this time are stared wide-eyed.

Because at this moment they can clearly see that there are countless dementors floating above Hogwarts Castle!

They flutter and scream recklessly, disguising Hogwarts as a ghost town!

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