This scene shocked everyone. Everyone stared at Hogwarts in the distance. An uneasy mood lingered in everyone’s heart.

Slowly, the Hogwarts castle grew bigger and bigger, and the carriage group slowly slowed down and finally formed a long line in front of two impressive wrought iron gates.

A dementor floats on both sides of the gate. Whenever there is a carriage passing by them, they will quickly float past, sniffing around the carriage, sniffing and smelling the west, and there are bursts of’gē in the mouth. The voice of gē gē ‘seems to be checking the items in the carriage, which looks very serious.

All of these Links are also in sight, but from his perspective, those dementors are not checking at all, but are sneaking up on the happy emotions of the students in the carriage.

They only take a small sip for each carriage. Although the quantity is small, it can’t hold the carriage too much!

The joy and greed in their hearts can be clearly perceived through the super-sensing spell Link, and even Link seems to be able to’see’ their mouths under the cover of their hoods laughing silently.

This made Link very uncomfortable. Without any hesitation, he used the power of a curse to form a protective shield to protect Emily and John.

Previous experiments have proved that although the power of the curse cannot cause too much damage to the dementor, it is still possible to stop two dementors.

He can’t care about other people, but he will never allow the dementors to suck a little bit of happiness from Emily and John.

It’s just that strange things happened when the carriage they were riding in really passed through the gate.

The two dementors didn’t come up to suck the happiness as before, but stood still and bowed to Link deeply and gave a salute.

This caused Link’s brows to twitch again, and he lowered his head to see that Emily and John were both shrunk into a ball at the moment and did not dare to look outside. This was relaxed.

When the carriage arrived at the destination, everyone got out of the car and entered the auditorium to take their seats.

As in previous years, there are thousands of burning candles floating above the auditorium of Hogwarts.

The fire they emit warms every student present.

It’s a pity that the students below are not as excited and noisy as in previous years.

This is not surprising. First, the dementors forced the train to stop for a wave of search (search), and then the two dementors at the door secretly sucked in a wave, not to mention that there are still a bunch of dementors floating now. Above the auditorium, through the magic ceiling, everyone can clearly see that they are greedily watching the students inside, as if they would rush down to gorge oneself at any time.

This makes all the students frowned.

Everyone spent the entire separate house ceremony without saying a word, without even a little applause. The depressing atmosphere on the scene made this year’s new students dare not even show the atmosphere.

After the separate house was over, Dumbledore walked slowly onto the podium.

Looking at the frowning students all over the world, Dumbledore frowned, and then raised wand.

“Expecto Patronum!”


Large shares of milk-white brilliance rippled through the auditorium centered on Dumbledore’s wand.

Those dementors who originally gathered in the sky above the auditorium were knocked out by the light, and the students in the bath felt a warmth rising from their hearts. , Nourishing their hearts.

“Welcome everyone back to Hogwarts again!” Seeing the students relax a lot, Dumbledore said, “I have a few very important things to inform you. First of all, our school is currently Several dementors from Azkaban arrived. They were sent by the Ministry of Magic to perform their official duties. You must already know this, because they searched the Hogwarts express train.”

That’s it. There was a commotion in the next moment.

Many students cried out of grievances, and some from home backgrounds clamored to complain about the Ministry of Magic.

This is easy to understand.

Everyone was happily sitting on the train and singing, but suddenly they were robbed by the dementors halfway through!

Is there any reason for this?

Is there still a king’s law? !

Dumbledore didn’t stop him when he saw it, and when everyone was quiet, he said:

“They will be stationed at every entrance of the school. I must make it clear that when they are there , No one is allowed to leave school without authorization. No tricks, tricks, and disguise can deceive dementor! Even Invisibility Cloak and certain potions that can make people invisible.”

Dumbledore stared at Link and Harry continued in the direction where he was:

“The nature of the dementor does not understand excuses and begging for mercy. So I remind everyone here not to let them have a reason to hurt you.”

” Okay, let’s change to a more pleasant topic.” Dumbledore said, “I’m very happy that we have welcomed two new professors this year. The first is to protect the magical creature class. Since Professor Kettleburn has retired, we chose Hagrid to replace him. Position.”

After Dumbledore said, there was a burst of loud applause in the direction where Gryffindor was.

Hagrid stood up from the faculty seat and waved at Harry and them with cold eyes, very excited.

The other three houses are silent.

Those violent “Monster Book of Monsters” is really hard to believe that Hagrid will be a good professor.

“Next is Professor Lupin, who will fill the vacancy of Defense Against the Dark Arts course professor.”

The applause became weaker this time.

In the entire auditorium, there are basically only some kind-hearted students and students who have seen Lupin’s true skills on the train applaud.

Of course, Link is not included.

In fact, Link originally wanted to help Lupin cheer. This is the responsibility of being a friend.

It’s a pity that Snape in the faculty seat is patrolling the auditorium with a murderous look, seeming to want to write down every applauding student’s face.

After meeting Snape’s gaze, Link decisively put down his already raised hand.

He has a hunch that the consequences may be serious if he applauds.

Under Snape’s stare, the sparse applause instantly became even more deserted.

Everyone is actually used to this. Snape wants to be a Defense Against the Dark Arts professor. It’s not a day or two anymore. Every year when a new professor joins, he basically has to come here.

“Okay! Then let us have a banquet!”

Following Dumbledore’s order, the golden plate and goblet in front of everyone finally appeared full Food and drinks.

The appearance of food finally made everyone’s depressed mood a little better, and everyone became gorgeous oneself.

After the dinner, Link also not at all ran to Snape’s office as in previous years, but went back to the bedroom and took out the parchment and quill.

What happened to him today is too weird, which makes him feel that it is necessary to ask someone to ask about it.

Thinking so, Link raised quill and wrote:

‘mother, I have arrived at Hogwarts. Although there were some episodes on the road, everything was fine.

Also, do you know if there are some unique elders in our family who have a soft spot for dementor and have some exchanges beyond friendship with each other…’

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