There is a problem with my own body’s bloodline.

This is the only probability Link can think of.

After all, in the magic circle, there are indeed many wizards who like to combine with other intelligent creatures, and some even give birth to heirs desperately.

The most typical example is probably Hagrid.

According to the information collected on Link, this guy is the product of the combination of wizard (father) and giant (mother).

(It is said to be achieved through the expansion curse)

So it is not that absolutely does not have the possibility of mixing some dementor ingredients in the bloodline of the Foley family.

Ms. Foley also acted urgently in the face of Link’s inquiry letter.

She didn’t even go through the normal owl mailing process, but directly sent a small button to send the letter to Link’s bedside overnight.

In the letter, Mrs. Foley firmly stated that the entire Foley family and even her own family may have a record of intermarriage with a non-pure-blood wizard or muggle, but no one will choose. Combine with other intelligent creatures, let alone dementor.

This Link is dubious.

But compared to the truthfulness of Mrs. Foley’s words, Link is more concerned about the attitude of the other party.

Be aware that although Link’s words are concealed, the worries about his body’s abnormality in his words are very obvious. Link absolutely does not believe that Mrs. Foley can’t see this.

However, the other party’s reply did not mean to answer Link’s doubts at all, it was just to persuade Link to feel at ease.

This is obviously not willing to say it.

And even Mrs. Foley refused to say, Dumbledore and Snape and so on would be even more impossible!

Link sighed collected the letter, got up and walked towards the auditorium.

The only thing Hogwarts can make Link appetite is the breakfast, which is called a calorie bomb. He doesn’t want to miss it.

Unfortunately, when Link really came to the auditorium, he realized that his desire to eat breakfast was also a luxury.

Because there was already a mess in the auditorium at this time.

Countless owls are constantly hovering over the auditorium, and from time to time, they will drop letters or feathers, Ollie’s, etc., when they find the correct position.

The most exaggerated thing is that most of the letters sent are howlers from scarlet.

Not only will such dangerous letters explode, but there are also a large number of senders’ roars hidden in them.

Thanks to them, now only a few champions in the entire auditorium still dine under the long table, and the others are all gathered in the hall.

“What’s going on!?”

Link couldn’t help but say.

And hearing this, Emily happened to be surrounded by a few Slytherin girls and came over and said:

“This is all the parents’ complaint about yesterday’s dementor’s illegal search of the Hogwarts Express Letter. This is pretty good. I guess the Magic Department is almost overwhelmed by Howler.”

Speaking, Emily also handed Link a copy of today’s Daily Prophet.

Link took a closer look and found Fudge’s silhouette on it.

He is still obese on the screen, but the templated smile from the past is gone, and he is replaced by a nervous look.

The essay below is even more boring.

Fudge claimed that dispatching dementor to Hogwarts was an extraordinary method in an extraordinary period to ensure the safety of the students.

As for dementor’s illegal search of Hogwarts express, he didn’t mention a word.

“Fudge should be in big trouble.” Emily said with a cold laugh, “He is the direct orderer of the dementor stationed in Hogwarts, and he has to take full responsibility for this matter!”

Link clicked nodded.

Fudge’s mentally handicapped operation this time offended not only ordinary people, but also a lot of pure-blooded nobles.

As the actual controller of the magic circle, they won’t let Fudge fool it with no difficulty.

After a little chat about this matter, Emily led the silly dog ​​Doug out of the hall.

She was terribly scared yesterday. According to what she said, she is still busy mobilizing more Slytherin complaints against Ministry of Magic and Hogwarts to make them pay the price.

Link didn’t want to get involved in this matter. He looked around in the crowd, then approached Harry and the three of them, naturally grabbing them from the dinner plate they took out in advance. A sausage was put in his mouth.

“What are you talking about?”

“Link!” Seeing Link coming over, Hermione looked very excited, she almost piled up the food in front of Harry and Ron without much hesitation. Arrived in front of Link.

“Eat more!”

“Oh! Thank you!”

After saying his thanks, Link ignored the protests of Harry and Ron. Up.

While the protest was invalid, Harry also sighed and explained:

“We are talking about Divination. By the way, Link, do you know what Divination is like?”


“You are asking the right person. I was also planning to choose Divination, so I know it well.”

“Then Link, hurry up and talk about it!”


Hermione shouted excitedly.

Ron on the side of hearing this grumbled dissatisfiedly:

“Aren’t some people in a hurry? Why don’t Link leave as soon as they come!”


Hermione was anxious, blushing and reaching out to catch Ron, Link quickly stopped him when he saw it, and then said:

“Divination The professor of ah, she is completely a new wine madwoman. Her class content is nothing more than letting you bubble tea, watch the crystal ball, and then start talking nonsense stories about your sudden bad luck. She is I like to scare students with this kind of thing every year.

But because of this, Divination’s exam is easy to pass. You only need to make up a random prediction about your own misfortune to pass.


To sum up, your luck is pretty good. This is a mixed course, which is of no use except for providing you with a transcript. Unlike Arithmancy, the mathematical formula is annoying to memorize.”


“Why is there such a professor at Hogwarts!?”

Hermione said dissatisfiedly.

“Well, who knows, this kind of divination course is about metaphysics and innate talent. Maybe the professor is teaching seriously, but everyone can’t learn it.”

Link shrugged his shoulders perfunctorily.

He can understand Hermione’s study tyrant’s desire to learn. Although it’s a bit extreme, Hermione is always faster than the two smiling people on the side. Better.

After eating the last grilled sausage, Link burped, but his eyes fell on Harry’s class schedule.

“Oh! Did you also take the magical creature protection class? It’s a coincidence, I’m going to this class soon.”

“Really?” Harry was excited. Said, “Then this is Hagrid’s first class as a professor! Can you talk to us when you come back at noon?”

“Of course, but to be honest, I think you still don’t want Hagrid’s class Expect too much.”

Listening to Link’s answer, the smiles on Harry’s three faces became embarrassing.

After all, from the textbooks Hagrid chose, he is really not good at teaching.

Link didn’t talk deeply about this topic. He got up and stretched, his eyes turned to Ron naturally:

“By the way, Ron. Magical creature, you seem to have raised a mouse, right?”

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