Avoiding the dementor near Hogwarts, Link just flew a little over the Forbidden Forest and Black Lake before landing with the herd.

“Good job! Link!”

The crowd suddenly rang out with endless cheers.

And Hagrid is smiling from ear to ear.

He graciously helped Link to dismount, and then moved towards everyone and said:

“Who else would like to try?”

Hagrid’s words As soon as it came out, the crowd suddenly flew the pot.

Everyone rushed to raise their hands to the Hagrid and Hippogriff winged beasts, and the atmosphere was so enthusiastic that people could hardly control themselves.

Be aware that Hippogriff is scary and frightening with wings, but it is also awe-inspiring!

If yes, who wouldn’t want to ride a lap?

This is a completely different experience from broomstick!

When seeing this, Hagrid hurried forward and shouted:

“Students, please pay attention to order and politeness! This will scare Hippogriff into a winged beast. It is too dangerous! “

“Come on, Hagrid! Just now Link rode on without bowing? Don’t scare us!”

A Hufflepuff in the crowd said nonchalantly Then, he flocked to the herd with others again.

This shocked Hippogriff’s winged beasts, and they screamed uncomfortably.

Hagrid was more upset than the herd, his big dirty face was scared white.

What he said earlier is not all nonsense. Hippogriff is indeed a very proud and dangerous creature. Link can ignore this rule and make Hippogriff become a winged beast. Licking the dog is entirely due to Link extraordinary natural talent that’s all.

As for these ordinary students, Hagrid vowed that if they dare to use the same tricks of teasing dogs on Hippogriff’s winged beasts like Link, then they will probably win the prize.

Link, who had not been dismounted just now, was dissatisfied and had to stand up and roar.

“Forgot what I told you before? Keep me in order, one by one! If anyone is messy, get me back to Hogwarts! Don’t even think about riding Hippogriff anymore. There is a winged beast!”

Link stood in the front of the crowd and shouted, then pointed to a Hufflepuff and Gryffindor, “You, and you! You two did a good job just now, go ride first! Be polite and bow…”

Under Link’s command, the messy team finally restored order.

Even the Gryffindors lined up properly.

There is no way, people are strong and they are justified, and they just helped them heal their injuries.

Unless it’s pure NT, otherwise it’s absolutely impossible to fail to appreciate somebody’s kindness at this time.

While watching Link maintain order and explaining to everyone about Hippogriff’s winged beast, Hagrid’s face also showed a smile.

It’s just that his smile is somewhat bitter.

Because he found that Link did more like a professor than his professor.

Today’s class was actually taught by Link for him.

If this is a narrow-minded person, he must be angry with Link new student. Fortunately, although Hagrid has a rather strange brain circuit in the preferences of magical creatures, the overall character is still simple and kind.

So just after the class, Hagrid caught the Link who was about to leave, and said excitedly:

“Link, I am so grateful to you today! If it weren’t for you, mine The first class must be messed up! Hufflepuff adds 50 points!”

“Don’t say that, we are all old friends.”

Link laughs hehe As he said, he didn’t care about this thing about the house at all.

Hearing this Hagrid laughed a few awkwardly, but the conversation turned around:

“Link, I found that I was really not suitable to be a professor. You can come to me after class in the afternoon. Does this teach me how to be a good professor?”

Link thought for a while, considering that there is really nothing to do today, and then clicked nodded and said:

“No problem !”

“Thank you so much!”

Hagrid stepped forward excitedly and wanted to hug Link. As a result, he froze before he touched Link.

There is no other reason, Link’s “Arkham Snake Automatic Defense Mechanism” has been activated.


Link’s afternoon class is A History of Magic.

While Professor Binns was giving lectures on each minding their own business on stage, the students in the audience were all excitedly communicating about the magical creature protection class in the morning.

No way, Hagrid’s teaching method is too outrageous.

Usually, as Professor Kettleburn introduces some more dangerous magical creatures, it is often done by letting students take a look at the real thing.

What’s more, it is a pure theory class, which is explained by looking at the pictures.

Who does anyone like Hagrid directly let the students get started?

In particular, the target is Hippogriff, a dangerous animal like a winged beast!

Of course, everyone did not forget Link.

The Link sitting in the back row of the classroom can hear other people talking about themselves from time to time.

Link doesn’t care much about this, and now his attention is all focused on John on the side.

Because this guy was unprecedented and didn’t even sleep on A History of Magic, but was holding the textbook and reading carefully.

Although John has disguised the cover of the book, it still reads “Love Psychology”.

This makes Link more certain that John is already in love.

Grinning laughed, Link did not do stupid things that embarrassed John in the classroom, but silently took out “The Dark Forces: A Guide to Self-Protection” and “Defense Against the Dark “Fundamentals of Arts” see.

These two books are Lupin’s designated textbooks this year.

Although Link’s current strengths can’t learn much from these books, the descriptions of all kinds of strange things are quite interesting. Link has always regarded these two books as alternatives. Novel look.

After reading the “free book” for an afternoon, Link walked towards Hagrid’s small wood house as agreed with Hagrid.

Said it is a small wood house, but this small is actually for Hagrid.

For Link, this wood house is spacious enough for him to have fun in it.

Thanks to Professor Kettleburn, Link is no stranger to it.

Because the two of them often skip work during school hours and go there for barbecue. Of course, the division of labor here is mainly Hagrid roasting, and the two of them eat.

Link likes this place.

This is not only because of Hagrid’s good meat, but also because of the atmosphere of the traditional European hunter’s hut decorated by Hagrid.

This allows Link to briefly immerse himself in the illusion of the previous life.

After all, Link had longed for a life like Hagrid in his previous life. One person, one hut and one dog. Outside is a forest wrapped in silver and white, and inside is a warm fireplace. He just lay under a blanket. Reading the newspaper on the chair, the dog is lying at his feet…

After a long breath, the illusion in Link’s brain gradually dissipated.

In my previous life, I was involuntarily unable to realize those dreams like a heavenly steed, soaring across the skies, so in this life I have to work hard to achieve it.

Thinking so, Link smiled and pushed open the wood house door.

However, as soon as he entered, Link heard a hoarse and sad cry in his ears.

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